As much time as members spend experiencing the past, in the modern world the SCA is registered as a non-profit organization and must be run accordingly. As such, it must be run by volunteer officers in numerous roles. Most offices require periodic reporting to regional or kingdom superiors. Kingdom officers in turn report to their Society-level equivalents.
What is the Curia?
The Seagirt Council meets once a month at a meeting called a "curia." At this meeting, officers present their reports, usually an accounting of the previous month's activities. Announcements and other matters of business are also discussed at this meeting.
Who is allowed to attend the Curia?
Everyone in the barony! The Council manages the business of the barony, and all barony members are welcome to attend and add their voices to discussions about how the barony is run.
There is one exception, though: in camera meetings. "In camera" is Latin for "in a chamber" or "in private". These meetings are for officers only and provide the board with the opportunity to discuss sensitive or confidential matters, such as potential conflicts, legal issues, or financial information.
Where do I find the link to the Curia?
On the afternoon of the meeting, the Seneschal will post the Zoom link to the meeting on both The Barony of Seagirt (SCA) Forum Facebook group and the Seagirt Discord server.
Archived Minutes
- January 2022
- February 2022
- March 2022 (erroneously labelled as February)
- April 2022
- May 2022
- June 2022
- July 2022