Seagirt Council Minutes
January 3rd, 2012
Present: Hamish, Anne, Inga, Morgaine, HRH Lenora, Tristan, Mathieu, Eideard, Anna Jane, Anastasia, Sebastian, Amelia, Lachlan, Janet, James, Thorun, Caius, Magenta, Seth, Ysane.
December minutes Accepted by Eideard, Seconded by Morgaine All in Favour Minutes Accepted
Paperwork Issues Insurance/EIFs lost in mail system, They (Pas De Armes and Daffodil) have been resubmitted electronically and we are awaiting action.
EIF form is not the same form as an event Proposal Form both are to be filled out by the event steward.
Had lovely time at yule. the Baron has talked with his Scholar and would like to see a seperate event for Scholars trials as Yule is too busy and the current venue is to small to run proper trails. He would like to see an event in Nov/Dec for Scholars trails and combine this with a Silver Whale competition as a Silver Whale has not been granted since 1999.
Report was circulated at council. due to bank being closed when she was off work she was unable to make a deposit and will deposit cheques shortly. Mountainaire still has a cheque oweing to us for event deposit, We are granting 2 weeks to make contact regarding this or Lachlan will address this issue.
not present - nothing to report from Deputy
Nothing to report
Nothing to Report
Glaucous cut off is January 31st 2012 if you want anything in the glaucous please submit it to the chronicler by the cut off date.
Not Present A&S host states A&S commences at the usual location starting Jan 4th 2012
Nothing to Report
Not Present
Slightly below break even on hall rental.
Anastasia will be steping down at March Council after 14 years.
Minister of Family Affairs:
Not Present
Event Reports
FEAST OF ST. CRISPIN: Some instructor reimbursments have been requested. We have made a small Profit. still payment for 5 tickets outstanding. Motion to accept event report Morgaine Seconded Sarah Event report Accepted by Council
YULE:Interm Report 91 people made profit full report moved to next Council
Tickets are available event steward will attempt to make Fight POractices and Dance to sell tickets as well as hopes to pass ticketes on to A&S host to sell at A&S. website is up and running link on seagirt site. EIF is in transit Insurance has been ordered and event steward is seeking volenteers for help.
Insula Magna Pas D'Armes:
3 Up island knights have confirmed attendance The King has staed he is interested in the event but might have another confilicting event in lionsgate to attend.
Event Bids:
Aug 17-19 SST
Event Steward Lenora
same site as Daffodil
$20 for Adults
$10 Youth
Free Kids
Motioned by Inga Seconded by Morgaine All in favour Event Accepted.
SYG July 27-29
Event Steward Tristan
Motioned by Magenta Seconded Caius Event Accepted
Cowichan Issues No Bus Direct: There is a Transit Stop right infront of the site unsure of Bus Schedule on weekends however other sites used have not had transit available.
RV Hookups: Lenora will seek out info regarding power for RV's and bring info to council.
WE ARE NOT LIMITED TO CURRENT SITES IF YOU HAVE A SITE PLEASE LET US KNOW. we should be seeking sites for 2013 events now as more locations book 1 year in advance.
it is the event stewards job to find a suitable site this has not been done recently due to sites requiring booking so far in advance.
Caius: Dance needs a new stereo/MP# player the current CD player we have skips while we are dancing making demos embarassing while we fight with technology to present a good show.
Seth Starr is willing to donate his old ipod to the barony as he doesnt use it anymore. Caius is to seek out prices for a ipod docking station that is battery powered and bring info to next council. Inga has offered to help as she has connections at best buy.
Magenta: Use of Paypal?? PayPal is not authorized for payment by the SCA the SCA has a program for payment available however it has difficulties with Canadian funds until this is fixed we can not use it.
ANna Jane - Tavern During the process for our last tavern licence we were informed there are new steps required for the endorsment of the specail ocation licence this step depending on where the event is located can take several weeks. If you want a tavern at your event we need to know soonest so we can get the process started or else we will end up short on haveing a tavern available.
Seagirt Council Meeting,
February 7, 2012
Present: Sebastian, Anastasia, Cai, Finn, Alezzandra, Orianna, Magnus, Wulfgar, Thorun, Anna Jane, Derek, Mathieu, Reanne, James, Glynis, Magenta, Lenora, Eideard, Sarah, Dessamona, Janet, Mogg, Lachlan, Serena, Tristan, Connal, Latisha, Ysane, Morgaine
January minutes Accepted by Eideard, Seconded by Anna Jane All in Favour Minutes Accepted
Seneschal: Insurance has changed we can no longer get Blanket Coverage we must use Specific Dates and times. Archery has been ordered for Mondays from 5pm-Midnight. Site Insurance must be booked per event.
SCA INC. Settlement 1.35 Million one insurance company has come forward leaving SCA responsible for a remainder of $850,000 SCA INC has 45 days to pay this or else the settlement is turned back over to the courts. Antir's portion is $150,000. Tir Righ's Portion is $16,500 which has been paid. Baronies are waiting to find out from Tir Righ what each branch is required to pay Seagirt is expecting between $1000 and $1300.
B&B: Mogg went to 12th night other areas are jelous of our archery range.
Sealion war is coming soon Baron would like applications for warlord.
Daffodil March 10th - Award recommendations are needed. As well Applications for Scholars and Sergeants trials are due at this event.
Pas D'Armes went well good job Seth.
Exchequer: Not Present.
End of year report Balance $4752.55
US Funds $251.55
Outstanding $670
Available funds $4082
We have made contact with Mountainaire RV deposit cheques is in the mail.
Chatelaine: Demo opportunity Sunday 26 Feb for Boy Scouts and Girl Guides Hike for Hunger, They are wanting Fighters and Dancers Location: Langford Legion Noon-230 indoors
MOS: Rashid is stepping down at Branch Archery Marshal we are looking for a new one you must be a junior marshal see Tristan if you are interested.
MOB: 3 Fencers at the Pas D'Armes, Practice numbers are down.
Chronicler: All issues of the Glaucous held in archives are available thru the webpage. Feb Issue of Glaucous is published more info is needed for newsletters.
A&S: Nothing to report
Herald: Nothing to report
Scribal: not present
Dance: Pass the hat is below what is needed to pay for the hall. Hall cost is $224 for January we only raised $110
YULE: 93 in attendance 74 adults 4 youth 11 children
Income 1520 Profit 307.58
DAFFODIL: Tickets are on sale Off board tickets will be available at the door until 5pm, Onboard tickets on sale until 25 Feb 2012
Pas D'Armes: Event Steward not Present.
SYG: EIF has been submitted a week ago no response back yet.
SST: No Update.
EVENT BIDS: Fall events must be in at next council
Anastasia Spring Ball 28 April 2012 Level 2 event no NMS Approved
Fall Ball 20 Oct 2012 Level 2 event no NMS Approved
Fall ball will not have any championships take place as we are going to have a champions event in Jan 2013
Stereo for dance- there are 2 different ones available one is $25.99 which requires 4 AA batteries. The Second one has built in rechargeable batteries with a 20 hour life span for $94.99
Purchase for the more expensive model has been approved providing that the head set mic will work with it.
Seagirt Council Meeting, March 6, 2011
Present: Sebastian, Anastasia, Cai, Anne, Inga, Amelia, Alessandra, Anna Jane, James, Iago, Lenora, Eideard, Seth, Isabella, Wulfgar, Morgaine, Leofwyn, Mogg, Hamish, Lachlan, Janet, Magenta, Erin, Mathieu, Sarah, Cal, Megan, Kerian
Minutes forgetten will be adapted at April Council.
Seneschal: Pas Concerns - List Ropes will be brought to next Pas, Next Pas Event Steward should look in to other day activites for non combatants.
B&B: Looking forward to Daffodil if you have business for Court contact Sir Liam or the B&B
Sealion War points have been decided Sealion will be Shakepearian themed
Heavy/Rapier point will be a street fight starting with 3 combatants from each side every 30 seconds following the start each team ill add more combatants to the field until there is a victory.
Bardic: Shakspearian style Sonnet
Arts: something inspired by a midsummer nights dream
Science: Something that would have been used as a stage prop in period
Archery: To Be Determined
Exchequer: Bank Account is decreasing we are now below $2000
Chatelaine: Heritage Day Festival June 23 noon - 5pm
Victoria Day parade - linked to heritage festival more info at next council
MOS: Not Present
MOB: Numbers are lower then normal at practice
Chronicler: nothing to report.
Looking into beginers chain mail class details to come.
2 Year term is over and will be stepping down in April.
New Dance Mistresses are Anne Grey and Cai
Herald: Daffodil setup time is 7am licence has been confirmed
Principality would like to borrow our solid penants for the list fields while Anna Jane is holding the her Principality Postion Anna Jane will take full responsibility for these penants while on loan. Motion to before council APPROVED
Scribal: Not Present
Dance: pass the hat is up $140.75 passed in from last month.
Minister of Family Affairs: Membership is now confirmed, she will be compiling a list of adults willing to help out at events so we are following the 2 person rule.
Event Reports
Pas De Armes: 32 present $395 total $75 NMS $100 Seth for hall rental. No major injuries and the hall was pleased with how we left the site.
DAFFODIL: Sold Out Feast $2520 submitted to exchequor from ticket sales.
Day food has been confirmed
SST: is Happening A&S championship will not be held at this event.
SYG: Not Present
Masked Balls: are happening April Demo not confirmed rumour is Jaques is interested Lachlan will discuss this with Jaques.
Event Bids:
Seeking event steward for fall event
Stereo: The original one we were looking at is not going to be powerful enough for what we need it will be $299 we will wait until after daffodil and reassess the bank balance.
Royal Travel Fund- Propose $50 per royal to be increased to $75 per royal to aid tir righ or Antir Travel funds for visiting royals to our barony. Motion Accepted by council
Pamphlets and Cards: we are running low on these important items and need more printed- Lenora will investigate the Cost
Kitchen stuff: need to purchase water jugs for daffodil less the $5 per jug motion for up to $100 to be spent on these jugs Motion Approved by Council
Seagirt Council Minutes for April 3, 2012
Present: Anna Jane, Anne, Inga, Morgaine, Hucbald, Hamish, Wulfgar, Alezzandra, Mogg, Lenora, Connall, Laetitia, James, Janet, Lachlan, Aria, Jaques, Cai, Derrick, Reanne, Mathieu, Magnus, Orianna, Richard, Genevieve, Magenta, Tristan, Serena, Ysane.
Feb Minutes Accepted
March Minutes Accepted
Seneschal: Archery has ended at eagle ridge for the season we are seeking an outdoor site for the spirng/summer
Ammount owed to Tir Righ for law suit settlement $1752
B&B: are seeking award recommendations. they are also looking for Largess
is up to date on everything Mountainaire check is back and deposited
Dancefest waiting on more info
Victoria day Parade portion of dancefest is cancelled
Moving Sunday Practices to Rudd Park Wednesday practice will be moving when there is more daylight.
Don Richard has been coming out to teach and we are hoping he will come teach more often
Nothing to Report
Nothing to Report
Not Present
Morgaine has charters for painting if you would like to paint some please contact her
pass the hat 41.12 from council
146.25 from dance
187.37 Total
224 Needed
We have attempted an intro session at the begining of each night it has not worked as planned we are looking at possibly trying to restructure the nights schedule to dancing first and teaching last and see if that allows better instruction.
Family Affairs:
Not Present
Election of officers
A&S 2 applicants
Both applicants spoke to what they would like to do in this position it was determind by vote that the position would be held by Aria de Lyons
Event updates
Pas D'Armes
Steward not present final report has been recieved
held on March 10th. Gates opened at 9am and the site closed to event
attendees at 11:00pm.
Site : MELLOR HALL , Cowichan Exhibition Grounds 7380 Trans Canada Hwy, Duncan, BC V9L
6B1 Contact person : Shari Paterson 250-748-0822 cowex@shaw.ca
You will find Exhibition Park 5 km north of the City of Duncan, nestled on the side of
Mt. Prevost, situated on 62 acres of pristine land. From Nanaimo travel south 43Km
and turn right on Mays Rd
Mellor Hall is a Multi-purpose room 200’ x 80’ which has the capacity to hold up to
1500 people. It has a well equipped Commercial Kitchen, an excellent Sound System,
fabulous natural lighting as well as excellent lighting for both day and evening events. It
is wheelchair accessible and has roomy multi-bay washrooms. It has temperature
controlled heating and air conditioning, and can provide tables and chairs for 450. The
Hall has a 14’ roll up door at one end, should it be needed to bring in props or equipment.
The site allows serving of alcohol with required licenses in place.
The site allows dogs on site, but requires dogs are picked up after.
The site has a drop-box INSIDE the building for keys at event end, but the gate to the
grounds also needs to be secured, so make sure to bring the site gate lock INTO
MELLOR HALL WITH YOU when you open the site, so as to secure the gate at event
and site closure
The Cowichan Exhibition Grounds required “Also Named” insurance, so time must be
allowed for to acquire this. The site is popular, so I recommend booking it as far in
advance as possible.
Financial Considerations
Estimated costs and incomes come from budget proposal when
bid was submitted
SITE COST $1200.00 $1200.00
FEAST FOOD COST $1000.00 $2200.00
COMPETITION PRIZES $200.00 $2400.00
MISCELLANEOUS $200.00 $2600.00
EVENT FEES $2940 $2940
MERCHANTS $100 $3040
Total ESTIMATED Income $3040 - Total ESTIMATED Expenses $2600 = ESTIMATED Profit $440
SITE COST $1288.00 $1288.00
FEAST FOOD COST $1907.00 $3195.00
COMPETITION PRIZES $200.00 $3395.00
BBQ $263.20 $3658.2
EVENT FEES $3588.10 3588.10
MERCHANTS $90.00 3678.10
TRAVEL FUND-RAISER $60.00 3738.10
GROCERY RETURNS $89.25 3827.35
Total ACTUAL Income $3827.35 - Total ACTUAL Expenses $3658.20 = ACTUAL Profit $169.15
Turned in to Exchequer $2560.00
Received advances
SITE DOWN PAYMENT 500.00 500.00
SITE DAMAGE DEPOSIT 500.00 1000.00
FEAST 1620.00 2620.00
$2560.00 (ticket sales) - $2620.00 (advances) = (-60.00) owing on advances $60.00
$60 + $60 (TRAVEL FUND) + $169.15 (PROFIT) = $289.15 needs to be turned in to balance
Money envelopes
FEAST PROFIT 169.15 289.15
What would you have done differently?
This was a SERVED FEAST. Were I to organize a served feast again I would make
the greatest effort to get the serving staff out to more meetings and to the site at
least once, so that the actual choreography could have been better executed in the
the delivery of the food to the tables, FOR EFFICIENCY AND FOR ENTERTAINMENT
I would also clear the hall for the time necessary to set up the tables. This was not
done and people set up their own tables. We had planned to put Baronial
Tablecloths on all the prepaid Feast tables, and have a maximum of 8 at each of the
those tables for serving purposes. This was not possible and caused considerable
confusion for servers, with some tables getting more food than allotted and some
not getting enough.
Keeping the ONBOARD and OFFBOARD separated was more of a challenge also,
because event goers set up their own tables. Were I todo this again, I would ask
that event staff be allowed time to properly set up the tables. It would have been
more traditional.
The BBQ which was delivered was not the one ordered. In future I would not be as
trusting, but would actually visit the rental place and have them TAG the BBQ I
What aspects worked?
The hall was well equipped and especially suited to the event. The floor was a bit
slippery, but not so much so that any accidents occurred. It was well worth the
$1288 it cost to rent Mellor Hall at the Cowichan Fair Grounds.The volunteers in
charge of different aspects of the event did their jobs exceptionally well.
Sarah Miles/Sara Venatrix - Deputy Feastocrat
Cai Burley - Merchant Row Organizer
Erin Mills - TUTR
Tristan - Gate
MIC Overall - Master James Llewellyn
They chose people to work with whose capabilities and expertise made this event
run exceptionally smoothly.We ideally would have had 1 server per table (16) and 2
for the head table (in total 18) but made it work with less.
ATM MACHINE : Tony Price (w) 1-250-999-8103 (C) 1-250-882-8669 EJAKE ATM
SERVICES will provide portable ATM Machines for all events.
EXPENSES : 3658.20
INCOME : 3827.35
BALANCE (profit) : 169.15
approval tabled for may council
no news
no applicants trying to figure out what to do
MASKED BALL AND DEMO: Steward not present Jaques will host the demo site pending more info to be put out on the ROCKS as its available
Event Bids
Seaside Tourney 13-15 July on saltspring island event steward Genevieve Approved by council
Yule demo 8 Dec on Saltspring more info is required and this event will be tabled for next council.
Other Business
Incipent Canton:
Saltspring Island there are 5 members on the island which is the required amount for a canton as of this meeting there are 12 people who regularly attend functions.
proposed name Swanhaven
device has been drafted.
Seagirt accepts the canton and has given full support to continue forward to the new branches deputy.
last 2 months $980 in cost approx $1300 loss of $352 over 2 months seeking outdoor site
Reanne would like to borrow some stores for personal use as she has been storing these items for several years it was agreed by council she can use the items.
Morgaine would like to borrow the walkie talkies from stores this was approved.
No Further Business, Meeting Adjourned.
Seagirt Council Meeting, May 1st, 2012
Present: Kerry, Richarde, Genevieve, Kate, Hucbald, Morgaine, Herdis, Anne, Hamish, Eideard, Makala, Allan, Tristan, Lenora, Erin, Gwenafel, Ulf, Iago, Leofwyn, Anna Jane, James, Inga, Finn, Lachlan, Janet, Connal, Laetitia, Aria, Jacques, Anastaisa, Sebastian, Orianna, Magnus, Mathieu
April Minutes Accepted by council.
Seneschal: Eventful month we have 2 new events on the calendar still attempting to get daffodil 2013 on calendar however having some email issues.
B&B: Award Reccomendations are needed the B&B cannot give out awards with out them
Exchequer: Account is good.
Chatelaine: Report given by Morgaine: Demo Request for 21 June at Prospect lake school we have done this demo before. More info to come in future. SWANHAVEN has been loaned some gold key and loaner garb until SYG.
MOS: Nothing to report
MOB: Nothing to report
May Newsletter will be published shortly just waiting for photos of demo and ball.
Award page has been updated with links to the Antir OP for each award please check the OP and ensure you are on it appropreatly if you are not please contact the dexter hearald his email is on the OP site.
Rocks: the Chronicler would like to have admin rights to the rocks as a secondary to Cal so if anything was to happen to Cal Seagirt would not loose its mailing list. Council agrees and Chronicler has been directed to discuss this with Cal.
FACEBOOK VS ROCKS: All info for officail SCA events must be posted to the Rocks you may post to other mediums as well however if it is not on the ROCKS it is not official.
A n S: Thursday Arts and Science has started and running every Thursday except on Hearldic Commentary night. AnS misstress encourages anyone who wishes to host a satillite AnS to contact her.
Bardic is now happening every Friday night 2 Fridays at Yasminas and the others will be a roving bardic if you would like to hosst a bardic please contact Yasmina.
Dance: Pass the hat was a little lower then normal, Dance attendance is dropping suspected due to the recent change of dance mistresses.
Herdis has decided to drop from Co Dance mistress to Dance Deputy.
DANCE STARTS AT 7 dance will now start with 15 min of dancing followed by the teaching section then ending with another 15 min of dancing hopefully this will encourage people to show up on time.
Dance mistress went to Swanhaven to teach had a small turn out however hopes to do this again when it can be afforded.
Friday night Dance will be held same nights as bardic at Yasmina's
Herald: Commentary night 2nd Thursday of each month. Herald is encouraging people to register there devices and names so we can create Heraldic trading cards.
Scribal: wants to continue with Scribal nights once a month dates and times TBA
Family Affairs: had good time at Daffodil
Swanhaven: Been very Busy Dance on monday nights. Device name and Badge has been submitted to TirRigh thanks to Alezandra for the loan of Gold Key and to Magnus for loaning an Archery Backdrop.
Event Reports: Pas D'Armes still in progress
Daffodil moved to end of meeting with officers.
Ball: 42 people 188.12 profit Event Report Approved by council
Archery fund $102 from bar profits 212.89 from Bake Sale
Demo: fun time by all very low mundane attendance has ideas for next year cost was $30 media releases were given out however they wouldnt publish with out $$.
Event Updates:
SST: Nothing
SYG: Talked to Seargentry about event there will be games and contests related to the trails due to no applicants
Seaside Tourney: is on the calander 13-15 July 3 full nights $520 has been paid to reserve site MIC will be Tristan Ship Battles AnS classes Bardic Fire 5 RV spots non reservable first come first serve cost will be posted on site. there will be 2 sleeping Pavilions available Pre Reg for event is now open.
Event Bids: SWANHAVEN YULE: Billiting for 20-25 people confirmed Fulford hall is booked no deposit required cost for hall is $450 inculding cleaning 8 Dec 2012
Tabled to June Council
Sealion 2013: Farmers institute 250 per day outside 100 per day inside.
Baron will discuss the idea of having this event on Saltspring with Lionsgate. Tabled until June council.
Other Business:
Stereo: Anastasia has found one for $150 at Costco after explaining it Orianna has one for sale at $100 Baron Says SOLD
Business cards Alezandra had 1000 printed cost of $140.56 Coiuncil approves this expence
Customary: Needs a Revision to inculde, Financial Commitee, Law Changes, Event Reporting please read your offices discription and email proposed changes to Lachlan.
Oak Bay Tea Party: Kerry is seeking volenteers for Traffic Contorl and security June 2nd looking for 20 people SCA has been offered a demo table in exchange for payment. Advised that SCA will not provide security for the event however post this to the rocks and see if you can find volenteers from withing the group who are willing to do this on there own.
Daffodil Site: 2 reserved Saanich and Cowichan Sites tabled to June Council Lachlan will pull for event bids for this Daffodil 2013
Demo Marshals: No MIC at events. Event Stweards MUST find an MIC before an event. A Marshals meeting needs to be Scheduled NO MARSHAL NO FIGHTING the BOD has pulled Fighter cards for 6 months due to this before.
Fundraiser for Guard Weapons: Mathieu is starting some fundraising to get proper weapons for Guard Duties. His though is Tridents Magnus will make 2.
Daffodil 35: Loss of 445.35 No further to be paid out finacial report accepted by council.
Seagirt Council June 5, 2012
Present: Magnus, Tristan, Alezzandra, Wulfgar, Lenora, Janet, Lochlan, Eideird, Mogg, Morgaine, Inga, Kate, Anna Jane, Anne, Hamish
May Minutes forgotten aproval defered to July council
Seneschal: Good to see Seagirt at off Island events, we have 3 local events coming up
Fighters Poly Pro swords are not currently permitted in AnTir
Avacal is looking to invest as a kingdom in summer of 2013, they are trying to move Tir righ around the same time frame. tir righ is lacking the grassroots movement an open discussion list will be opening soon to start this movement. See the B&B, Lachlan, or Lenora if you have questions about the kingdom.
B&B: Thanks for a great Sealion, First time in 4 years Seagirt has taken the Heavy Point. We are going to coronet. the Baron has been on the Calendar discussion for redoing the Tir Righ event calendar some event dates might be shuffled.
Exchequer: Lots got cashed we need to come up with ideas to get some income balance currently at $2864.89
Chatelaine: 2 Demos this month 1 has been cancelled due to lack of dancers for dancefest, we need to promote this demo more next year as it is excellent support for the ukrainian hall where we hold dance practices. 2nd demo is at prospect lake school 7pm 21 June they normally feed us well. looking for fighters and dancers Jacques will make an announcement on the rocks shortly.
MOS: Lots happening this month Seagirt has been going to hartwood to support there upcoming fighters and aide in getting practices going. Question was raised regarding potential of War Practices this is something that has been thought about and we are consdering doing monthly
MOB: not present
Chronicler: Nothing to report
A&S: Nothing meetings are taking place as planned
Dance: pass the hat $224 needed for hall $204.96 raised
Herald: off to coronet this weekend is seeking Voice heralds
Scribal: Not Present
Misiter of Family Affairs: Not Present
Swanhaven: Not Present
Event Reports: Pas D'armes report has been reviewed by council and has been accepted
SYG update: Seargentry is on board and keen to run displays for the populace to show all of the skills required for the trials Trivia games, dance, bardic, life size chess.
SST: arranging for toilets to be brought into the event, weekend of 17 Aug 2012, Deputy Event steward is Connal, MIC is Tristan, event is at Cowichan Exibition grounds.
Seaside: all is on track trying to solve issues regarding shuttle from ferry to site for walkons, event is the weekend of July 13th this is a campoing event.
Swanhaven Yule: Potential for this event to be the offical seagirt yule giving our canton one baronial level event. It was decided at council that this event would be the best event for the canton to hold. the intent is for a late meal to allow everyone to return to seagirt on the last ferry. Ti'en has offered his industrial bay for a post revel once we are back in seagirt.
Event Bids:
Daffodil: Morgaine has a bid at cowichan hall on reserved date.
Est expence :3200
Est income:3480
Approved by council
we will cancel Saanich fair Grounds
Sealion: Bid has been withdrawn, will call for bids in September
Seagirt Council
July 3, 2012
Present: Lenora, Eideard, Matheiu, Hamish, Janet, Morgaine, Tristan, Anne, Anna Jane, Inga, Herdis, Aria, Jacques.
Minutes: May: Accepted
June: Accepted
Seneschal: Nothing to Report
B&B: Have decided to officially drop Championships from SST this event will now be just a prize tourney we will have one set of marshal champions decided at daffodil.
Exchequer: Account below $2000. The US account will be closed balance will be transferred to the CDN account.
Chatelaine: Not Present- Report from Morgaine- Prospect Lake Demo was good Check for $150 received no issues at demo happy to have us back.
email received by Morgaine reads:
"And the council needs to approve the possibility of us participating in the
Gottacon Gaming Convention in Victoria next year. This will have a fee, but
we might be able to work that out with Tristan as he is approaching us on
this idea. Also as a "perk" to this, there will be two weekend passes for
Vendors and then Tristan is willing to get a few more passes to persons
committed to helping out and volunteer shifts in the the booth. This will be
an extremely high profile PR for us...lots of static and lots of people able
to walk around in garb passing out business cards and flyers. Possible
chance of fighting in the parking lot..weather permitting, but that will
have to be decided later."
Possible demo at Gottacon Feb 1-3 2013 we must buy a table for $150, event comes with a few free day passes council has decided to try this demo. Approved by council
Gold Key will be at SYG via Meraude..she is able to pick it up at the Swan
Haven (they already have Gold Key) event and deliver it to SYG...event
stewart is aware of this and then, it turn will bring Gold Key to SST as I
will not make SST either."
MOS: Not Present
MOB: Attendance has dropped off, Armor experiment is in process we will be joining the experiment in Aug each white scarf can bring on 6 others from branch.
Chronicler: Nothing to report
A&S: Attendance is low please come out, Aria is working on running UTR credit nights for those wishing to gain a UTR degree, Bardic is now happening weekly Herdis has a baronial song book and would like to put the baronial device on front cover Baron says yes.
Herald: nothing to report
Scribe: not Present
Dance: $139.69 from pass the hat hall rental $224 Attendance is low. It was brought to the dance mistress that dance cost was mandatory $5 per person this is false the cost for dance is by donation with a suggested donation of $2 per person to aide in hall rental fee.
Swanhaven: not present email received by Morgaine reads:
“Greetings Lady Morgaine I have prepared a Seneschal’s report for this Tuesday.......Swanhaven's Seneschal Report First Tuesday of the Month June 30 2012
It has been a very busy month preparing for Seaside Tourney. Emails have been sent far and wide to people to help out in any way they can. From a food merchant (yet to acknowledge), to teachers for demos and classes. Classes will be Viscountess Erin Gunner teaching SCA Structure and Chivalry and Etiquette. Master Iago is teaching Intro to Heraldry, and James the Celt is teaching Celtic Life and Lore. There will be demos on chain maille constructing by Gryfyyd and a demo of silk banner making by Baroness Janet. Local Merchants have been contacted and hope to come out. We have repaired our pavilions, one as a Swan Inn for visitors without a pavilion to our Seaside Tourney, built 8 list field stantions, constructed a IKCAC target for Combat arrows, built a new rapier tavern style game of skill called Don Quioxte, of course which I am anxious to try out. We also put together thank you necklaces of beads and pewter castings for thank yous and Championship tokens. I have also constructed a thrown weapons target round for a competition. Popinjays have also been built for combat arrow fun or RBG's! I have also built 2 plywood "ships" comprised of 6 pieces each. They are carried much like shields and would be part of a Ship battle scenario. They come with a slingshot cannon that can launch tennis balls (approval still pending from the Earl Marshal) or water balloons! (splash) . Posters are being scripted to post around Salt Spring to inform the public of our event.
I have found two students through our local E Exchange list and have had 2 practises. We have also been holding dance practises at various homes in preparation for a Sunday afternoon demo at a nearby Lavender farm Festival.
We hope to see everyone at our Seaside Tourney at Ruckle Park.
Monseigneur Richarde, Seneschal Canton of Swanhaven”
SYG: Not present
SST: Is in The Crier Connell is the deputy event steward for night time
Elina is head gate person
Tristan is MIC this event will only be a prize tourney
Daffodil: Nothing
November Coronet: is a possibility, bid should be coming soon, Lenora has info for hall but hall is willing to rent us for a half day on Sunday for $275
Principality Calendar: will stay as written until Avacal is a Kingdom
Seagirt Council
August 7, 2012
Present: Anastasia, Sebastian, Lenora, Eideard, Hamish, Anne, Janet, Lachlan, Morgaine, Tristan, Anna Jane, Inga, Yasmina, John, Connell, Magnus, Orianna, Kate, Liam, Makayla.
Minutes: July: Accepted
Seneschal: No major changes
Lenora is the new Event Reservation Deputy if you want to hold an event give the dates to her so she can reserve your dates on the calendar we can book up to 2 years in advance.
B&B: SYG was lovely there was a small turn out but was still a good event. Have decided to officially drop Championships from SST this event will now be just a prize tourney we will have one set of marshal champions decided at daffodil.
Baronial Pavilion needs replacing soon we will discuss this more in the fall.
B&B will be absent from Sept Council.
Exchequer: Account is low 1661.29 + GICs we need money ASAP.
Q: from Lenora as to who the deputy Exchequer is
A: we do not have one currently
Lenora is now the Deputy Exchequer.
Chatelaine: Not Present
MOS: Rapier is going great, Heavy combat not so much. Principality list mistress is stepping down soon if you would like to take on this job please contact the list mistress directly.
We have officially lost Naden as a practice location we are thinking of joining archery at their indoor location Orianna does not see an issue with fighting at this location motion to book site was approved by council 1st ¼ will be $1178
MOB: Not Present
Chronicler: Nothing to report
A&S: Not Present. Bardic needs to be posted to the Rocks to make it official for insurance purposes
Practices are not to be held on weekends where we have events.
Dance: 114.58 from dance 13.32 from Council attendance is fluctuating we need to watch this in the fall. See if hall will hold our place over the summer months and do dance outdoors in the summer and keep an eye on income.
Herald: Kudos to Janet for banners we are being noticed
Scribe: Nothing to report
Family Affairs: Not Present
Swanhaven: not present
Seaside: $745 at gate
$26 in classes
679.33 Expenses
91.67 Profit
Issues: Archery, Signage, Grass
Event report accepted by council
SYG: Attendance was low not quite at the breakeven point. Loss of $338.80
SST: Happening Updates are continually being posted
Daffodil: no updates
Sealion: seeking bids at Sept or Oct council. 1 bid in progress sites are either Cowichan exhibition grounds or mountainaire
Customary rewrite: will be done over fall hoping to have new finished copy in November
Calendar dates: Sealion 2013 24-26 May
Sealion 2014 30 May-1 June
Daffodil 2013 9 March
Daffodil 2014 8 March
SYG weekend before BC day long weekend
SST weekend before investiture
November Coronet: given to Danescombe we can resubmit same bid to Feb investiture council approved
Archery Champion: as mentioned last council the champions are to be removed from SST however we will be moving the Marksman tourney to SST and remove it from daffodil.
SST will have the Seagirt Marksman Tourney and a prize tourney for Rapier and Heavy combat.
Daffodil will have Captain of the Grenadiers and Seagirt defenders tourney and a Prize tourney for Archery.
Seagirt Council
September 4, 2012
Present: Lenora, Hamish, Janet, Lachlan, Morgaine, Tristan, Anna Jane, Yasmina, Connell, Kate, Tom, Carolyn, Wulfgar, Alezzandra, Ulf, Gwenafel, Athelina, Aria, Mathieu, Jacques, Thorun, Tracy, James.
Minutes: August: Accepted
Seneschal: No major changes
Commentary is open for the inspirational wording on SCA.Org please view and make comments as you feel fit.
Rapier Peerage is being worked on by Grand Council commentary will be announced when open.
Seneschal’s meeting: Do not go directly to corporate level with things, Start local, If you do bypass any step in the process you will be directed to your branch first.
Policy of minor waiver and minor medical Authorization. Gate needs to see both but only keeps the Waiver.
B&B: Not Present
Exchequer: not present report given by Morgaine. Account is low 553.28 + GICs we need money ASAP.
Chatelaine: Nothing new
Aria brought to council thee idea of doing a demo for the Hobbit opening she will seek out more info.
Athelina Brought to council the UVic medieval club would like help with a demo, there will be follow up on the rocks.
MOS: is reaching his 2 year term and is seeking anyone interested in becoming his deputy.
Practice is moving indoors starting next Monday. $10 each fighter we are committed to eagle ridge for quarter one however if a cheaper site comes available we can look into it for quarter 2.
Sunday practice will continue until the weather goes bad at Rudd Park starting at noon
Wednesday Practice will continue until it is too dark for practice.
Q: do we allow fighters at eagle ridge for $5 to try out new site for one month. Approved by Council
Q: being that marshals are required to be at the practice can we allow for one marshal of each discipline to come at no charge as this is required? Approved by Council
MOB: Has 2 new fighting manuals if you would like to read them contact Mathieu.
Saltspring paperwork is now being submitted for practices.
Chronicler: Seeking input for newcomers page please send info to chronicler
A&S: Nothing to report
Dance: 111.11 from dance 86.10 from Council. Hall cost 224. Total loss of 26.79
Herald: Nothing to report
Scribe: not present
Family Affairs: Not Present
Calendar: Daffodil 2014 in conflict with Kingdom A&S we will need to book a new date.
Tier 1: we have 4 Tier one events on the calendar we are only allowed 3 we will ask for a variance for Sealion as it flip flops whose event it is.
GOLDSTREAM: working on getting archery allowance at goldstream site Lenora will do the paperwork for this to happen.
Swanhaven: not present an example of the last approved package has been viewed and we will build up the submission to that level and resubmit the paperwork for incipient canton status.
SST: emailed final report to Lachlan basic info is
65 Adults
2 Youth
11 Children
$142.49 profit
Masked Ball: received by email from Anastasia
“Have a gate Keeper - Tristan
Have posted the dance list to the web site and the basics of whats happening
Will be posting in the next few weeks, that we are having a silent auction to support the hall and to get your stuff ready.
Will need a check for 200 to cover hall costs for October council in case I forget to ask.
Not sure if the Baron and Baroness are doing any sort of court there yet.
Will be working on Afternoon/ Simple Dinner food ( in other words, need to confirm if Morgaine is still interested )
Nuts and bread will be on the table as usual.
Will be getting in contact with Eringuiner to see if she wants to do some sort of classes from 3 - 6
Daffodil: nothing really to report. Seeking volunteers please see Morgaine. We also need to discuss prizes/
Guy Fawkes Tavern: Hamish has found a free site for a tavern night. The intent is to run a potluck feast and run games for the evening.
Financial basics
Chair rental 62.50 for 50 chairs
Insurance $50
Expenses: 112.50
Gate $10
12 person break even.
Council discussed giving a $5 discount coupon for the tavern night at the UVic demo to encourage people to their first time event.
Council approved the tavern; Hamish is to seek info on maximum building occupancy.
Sealion: still seeking event steward
Gentle Arts: Tabled to October Council
Lenora is the royal Liaison person for Ulf and Caoimhe
Seagirt Council
October 2, 2012
Present: Lenora, Hamish, Janet, Lachlan, Morgaine, Tristan, Kate, Tom, Athelina, Aria, Mathieu, Anne, Inga, Anastasia, Sebastian, Eideard, Mogg, Magnus, Else, Finn, Jacques, Ysane.
Minutes: September: Accepted
Seneschal: We have won the bid for Feb Investiture, Calendar Cutoff is the 15th of each month Crier Cutoff is the 28th of Each month, If you wish for items to be in either ensure these dates are met.
B&B: Nothing much to report there will be Court at Yule and we need Award Recommendations, His Highness will be present at yule.
Exchequer: Account is still tight Account is sitting at approx., $900 after Checks Clear.
Chatelaine: Not Present
MOS: Nothing to report Sunday Practices are going well and will continue, Wed Practices are starting to die off for the winter.
MOB: With only 2 Fencers coming to eagle ridge for practice we are seeking a different venue for indoor practice.
Chronicler: After one year in office I am seeking a deputy, who I can train over the next year and who would be able to fill in as required in the New Year once our baby arrives.
Glaucous cut off is 1 Nov 2012 needs content.
Newcomers page is up and running only issue thus far is membership cost this was clarified at council that in Canada we require the international membership.
A&S: Has been slow on Thursdays Wednesdays are up and down in attendance, Working on a needle felting workshop.
There will be a mask workshop at Magentas,
Tutr credits are available for A&S workshops for info on how to run a Tutr workshop for A&S please talk to Aria.
Kate is a new A&S Deputy
Feedback forms for Dance and Bardic will be going out shortly.
Dance: Attendance varies 75.27 from dance 23.70 from Council. Total loss of 125.03
Herald: Not Present
Scribe: not present
Family Affairs: Not Present
Swanhaven: Not Present
Masked Ball: Is Happening 20 Oct 2012, 3pm Doors open,
Essex Eatery will be open,
Looking for Auction Items
Tristan is Head Gate Merchants confirmed 2.5 (one working until 6pm mundanely)
Daffodil: nothing really to report
Guy Fawkes Tavern: 17 Nov 2012, Event is on the Antir calendar, Change to Budget, in calculating cost for event Hamish forgot to include taxes causing a change greater then 10% from the initial bid would like approval from council to increase the proposed budget by 12% to cover taxes. Approved.
Tables are confirmed from house of Sigis and Hamish; I have 5 other tables that I am following up on.
Chairs are booked at Galavan rentals a Deposit is required either Cash or Credit Card, Hamish does not have a Credit card for this, Lachlan will use his credit card for the deposit but will not pay for chairs, Checks for chairs will be requested at Nov Council once final total for rentals has been received.
Hamish has been to hall with Anna Jane and Morgaine we met with Jamie things look good just need to move some things around a bit in the bay, Setup will take place the morning of the 17th.
Gate Tristan
Event Steward Hamish
Tavern Anna Jane
Gentle Arts: Ysane has a bid- This is an event for Scholars as well as A&S and Bardic Championships, 1 Day event at the Eastern star hall 9AM-11PM 19 Jan 2013
Estimate of 40 People 5 Youth =$425 hall cost $200
Judges are needed for the championships will have a tavern,
Bid Approved
Sealion: Janet has a bid- 24-26 May 2013 at Mountainaire Campground and RV park, est. cost $1425, Est. income based on (Weekend) 100 Adults x$20 8 Youth X 10 + (day fee) 20 Adults X $10 2 youth X 5= $2290
Bid Approved
Customary Update: Amendments Officers check your office description and send in recommendations for changes to Lachlan
Financial policy changes must be done by 10 Jan 2013 there will be an email meeting to address things starting.
Other Business
Mathieu- Thanksgiving day practice is cancelled
Turkey shoot at Archery on The Thanksgiving Monday
Archery- Last month Archery was short $96.20
Lenora- 50/50 can now span over time we are not required to draw a ticket same night as tickets are sold.
Seagirt Council Minutes
November 6, 2012
Present: Morgaine, Mogg, Eideard, Anna Jane, Inga, Hamish, Anne, Lenora, Anastasia, Janet, Lachlan, Mathieu, Sebastian, Elsa, Magnus, Finndabhair, Amelia, James, Elina, Leofwen, Athelina, Conn, Ulf, Gwenafel, Kate, Aria, Ysane, Makayla, Reanne, Tristan, Thorun, Yasmina
October minutes Approved.
Wording change to NSM is at the BOD nonmember surcharge will be changing to Members Discount please provide comments at SCA.org
Same sex inspiration commentary is still open.
Are wanting to adapt an online communications policy, Misinformation is being posted about events please do not post info on events that are not yours.
Looking forward to the Tavern night and Yule we are traveling to white court in Hartwood and possibly 12th night.
Account sitting at 829.19 we have gained some interest on our GIC’s
Not much happening Hobbit demo and Gottacon are coming up Gold key is with Hamish until Daffodil.
Feb 1-3 2013 Gottacon Demo Volunteers for sitting at a booth please contact Tristan there is possible discount tickets for volunteers we hope to have static displays and a prize tourney on Saturday.
Not Much to report Practice numbers are down 1 new youth for youth combat youth practices are the 3rd Sunday of the month at Rudd park please contact Morgaine for info.
Athelina is trying to get us an indoor location at UVIC
Found a rapier space at an MMA Gym at Bay and Government $25 per hour. Council decided to wait until January to seek this space.
B&B@shaw.ca email account is not connected to the baron and baroness so not use this address to contact them.
We have been offered the use of @tirrigh.org email addresses we will wait on this for a bit while the chronicler seeks more info.
Have some feedback for dance and Bardic overall people are satisfied with activities provided however are just too busy to attend, Aria is taking over Bardic for a while as Yasmina has taken on a new job and cannot commit to Bardic at this time.
Would we consider a Trial Bardic on the 3rd Tuesday of each month for January and February and see how hall costs are going in March Council approved this Bardic will commence on January 22nd at the dance hall.
Quick note, one thing not included in her reports are names and devices that have been registered please let the herald know when you have submitted items for registering and inform her when things have come back registered.
Nothing to report
Dance 69.08 Council 14.60 total loss 140.32
Anne is stepping back from dance for a few months as she is having a baby Kate is taking the Keys for the hall in November January and February Janet and Sirt have offered to teach.
Dance may not happen in December. Reanne asked what would happen if we didn’t use the hall for December at this point this is unknown however in past years this has not been an issue.
Minister of Family Affairs:
Games box is at the tavern site Yule would like activates which are being planned Leofwen has the games box regularly if you want it for an event contact her.
Event Reports
MASKED BALL: 65 people attended 54 Adults, 5 Youth, and 9 Children. 318.05 Profit. 374.50 raised at auction, Total profit 742.55
Guy Fawkes Tavern- No updates
Investiture – No Updates
Gentle Arts – Thinking about the competitions need judges etc. there will be a planning meeting following council
Yule- now being held in Victoria Elsa is the event Steward new bid for Oaklands community center
Hall $665 Meat $200 All food potluck $20 prizes $995 total expenses
65 Adults 4 Youth $1007 Total $12 profit
Bid Approved
DAFFODIL: No update
Event Bids:
Archery site has contacted Elsa someone else wants our time slot so archery is complete in January Council would like to recognize Elsa and Magnus for finding this site.
Customary changes will be posted to the website for comments please read proposed changes and send comments to Lachlan
Financial Policy changes will be posted to the website for comments please read proposed changes and send comments to Lachlan
Seagirt Council Minutes
December 4, 2012
Present: Morgaine, Eideard, Anna Jane, Inga, Hamish, Lenora, Janet, Lachlan, Mathieu, Anne, Tristan, Aria, Brigid
Gentle Arts Budget/Event Steward Change Budget change hall kitchen cost is $200. Elsa is running day food and is willing to pay half of cost for kitchen. Council approved the budget change of $100 and the new event steward is Brigid.
November minutes Accepted
There is alot of items open for commentary at SCA.org please comment as you feel fit.
The Scribe is stepping down and there is currently no voulenteers this office will remain vacant until someone comes forward for the position.
Attended White Court in Hartwood had a great time and was happy to see such a large Seagirt turnout.
Seeking award recommendations for the Gentle Arts event and looking forward to yule.
account is at 3331.05
Coast Capital will be starting to charge non profit oganizations for transactions $5 per withdrawl starting Jan 1 we will seek other banks charges.
Hobbit demo cancelled due to numbers.
No practices this month
New space for practice not sure how long we will have it available. new space is on keating cross rd easy to access, open to heavy fighters, wed and sun at usual times/
Might need someone to take minutes at Jan council.
this is the last week of A&S until the second week of January.
No Updates If you are holding a tavern event in Victoria Proper there is an extra charge of $50 for your licence
5 weeks in the hall cost $280 pass the hat $157.93 total loss of $122.07
Janet and Kate will be running dance for a while until anne returns from baby leave.
Minister of Family Affairs:
Not Present
Event Reports
Guy Fawkes Tavern: 41 Adults, 2 Youth, 2 children, 2 Uvic Members, 1 Adult Comp
Total income $430 Total Expenses $120 total profit $310
YULE: coming up on Saturday, the tavern needs someone to move coolers to the site Lachlan will help
Investiture: 2 day or 1.5 day event 16-17 Feb 2013 no Schedule as of yet. Tristan will discuss financial issues with there Excellencies regarding the length of the event seeking volenteers for day food at the event.
Nothing new test feast was awesome tickets will be made available in the new year.
Customary: no recommendations for substantial changes to the posted version. New customary has been approved by seagirt and will be forwarded to Principality and kingdom for approval
Financial Policy: Subtantive changes to the following sections:
Sec 8 para H: Gas Expenses
Sec 9 Event expense adjustments
Sec 8 Para L B&B travel expenses
Sec 10 Para C Royal Travel Fund
New Financial Policy has been approved by seagirt and will be forwarded to Principality and kingdom for approval