Seagirt Council Minutes January 8, 2013
Present: Lachlan, Anna-Jane, Kate, Aria, Mathieu, Eideard, Janet, Tristan, Lenora, Alezzadra, Morgaine, Inga, Elsa, Finn, Wulfgar, Liam, Magnus, Sara
December minutes approved.
Reminder to all Officers that fourth quarter reports for 2012 are due at the end of the month.
Wording to allow the possibility of Same Sex Couples entering the Crown and Coronet lists has been approved by Corpora. Wording leaves the choice up to the Crown to approve on a Kingdom to Kingdom basis. An Tir updates to follow with law changes as needed.
Names of the Fourth Peerage Committee have been announced. No-one currently living in An Tir are on the Committee. People who currently live in or have formerly lived in each of the Kingdoms are on the Committee so all Kingdoms are represented. Please send your comments and concerns about the Fourth Peerage to the Committee Members.
Lachlan will be handing the Office of Seneschal to Morgaine in June unless there are any other applicants for the position.
Baroness will be attending 12th Night.
Plans are coming along for the Gentle Arts event taking place this month.
Monthly Report for December submitted and reviewed. Financial bottom line is looking better at the end of December.
Alezzadra’s term is up in March. Replacement officer is needed. Position will be posted on The Rocks. Applicants should email Alezzadra and Cc the Baron, Baroness and Seneschal.
Master of Stables:
Attendance has been low at practices recently which is typical this time of year. We are checking out a new free indoor site.
Master of Blades:
Wonderful new space for practices on Keating is available until further notice. Space is dry, well lit, spacious, and best of all – free of charge.
Arts & Sciences:
Attendance at Thursday A&S nights has been low. The first Thursday of the month will now be A&S at Aria’s. A&S will continue to be each Wednesday at Morgaine’s.
Bardic will be alternating Friday’s at Aria’s. The third Tuesday of the month will be Bardic/Music/Social/Games Night at the Ukrainian Hall.
Anne will be stepping down as Dance Mistress to focus on parenthood. Janet will run Dance until further notice. Position of Dance Mistress/Master is open.
Third Tuesday of each month will be a Social Night/Mini Fundraiser for the Barony each month. Garb is encouraged at all Dance & Social Nights, but not required. Aria and Janet will talk further on plans for Dance and Social Night.
Janet will ensure that the hall rental is paid at the Ukrainian Hall each month. Janet and Lachlan need to be added to the Hall contract.
No updates from Swanhaven. Key members were off Salt Spring for a while. Key Members will be encouraged to attend Council each month. We need to have reports forwarded even when they are unable to attend in person. Paperwork for Canton will be submitted once reports start coming in. Practice location in Swanhaven is being secured. Lachlan will forward insurance information to Swanhaven.
No updates this month: Chronicler, Herald, Scribal (Open), Minister of Family Affairs
Event Reports
Yule: Slightly lower attendance than expected: 59 Adults, 5 Comps, 8 Youth, 15 Children. Expenses were $48.80 under budget which means the event made a profit of $2.80 in spite of lower than target attendance. Potluck was very popular. Games were popular and should be encouraged at future events. Event Report accepted.
Event Updates:
GottaCon Demo:
Space has been secured inside for booth and demo. Demos listed in the program as follows: 6-7 pm Friday, 1-2 pm Saturday (outside) and 1-2 pm Sunday. Demos are scheduled to take place during the dinner/lunch breaks between the Gaming sessions to maximize the audience. There will be a Heavy, Rapier and Dance set in each Demo. Dance will consist of two dances which are performed and a third which is taught to potential newcomers. Ming, Mathieu and Anastasia will look after running the Demo.
Those who are attending the event to just take part in the Demo get into the event for free and will only be permitted to stay for the Demo. We have a limited number of discount tickets available for those who wish to see more of the Con. They are on a first come first serve basis and cost $30 each. Advance price for the Con is $40. Price at the door will be $50.
People will be needed to relieve those working the Barony Booth at the Con. There will be an AS&S Display table and a Merchant Table in the booth. Those with items for the Merchant Table will pay 10% of their sales back to the Barony to help off set the cost of the Merchant Table. Merchants do not need to be present for the event. Booth Staff will watch the wares.
Principality Lists Staff, Gate Coordinator and Day Food provider have been confirmed.
Schedule has been virtually approved. Will be posted to lists shortly once approved.
Saturday events include: Rapier Championship, Heavy Buy-a-life Tourney and an Archery Tournament is being planned. There will be Arts & Sciences displays and contests. There will be a Tavern after Court on Saturday. As much hall cleaning as possible will be done on Saturday night.
Sunday will be a half day with the event ending at noon. Financial, Curia and Chiv Meetings are taking place on Sunday.
The King and Queen will be at the event as well as the current and incoming Prince and Princess. Get your Kingdom, Principality and Barony award recommendations in now.
Marshall in Charge has been confirmed. Event copy has been sent in. Gate Coordinator is needed; they are required to have a current SCA Membership. Menu will be out shortly for the feast.
Post will go out for that we are looking for prizes for the Heavy and Rapier Tourneys. We have a budget of $75 for supplies for each prize. Archery prize has been lined up. We would like to know what the prizes are by Investiture so we can advertise the Daffodil prizes at Investiture. We should make posters for Daffodil which can be posted around the site at Investiture to encourage people to come back to the Island for Daffodil.
Gentle Arts:
Day Food Person needed if anyone is available. Schedule is a work in progress. Members of the Sergeantry will aid in the Scholars testing at the event. Arts & Sciences and Bardic tests will be conducted at the event. Silver Whale Competition is TBA at this point. We don’t currently have anyone to run Silver Whale at this event. Tavern needs event details for the Tavern license. Cheques need to be written for the hall and the float. Gate cheque can be made out his Excellency.
We will have no general access to Stores for the next little while. Reann and Forrest need to be given advance notice if anything is needed from Stores. Anything needed for Gentle Arts or GottaCon needs to be picked up tonight after Council. Anna-Jane will do a Stores run after Council and pick up what is needed for the next two events.
No update on Sealion at this time.
What events coming up need insurance? Investiture and Daffodil both need Also Named insurance. Insurance will cost $50 for each event.
Other Business:
Archery Closeout:
Archery practices at Eagle Ridge are done. There were 27 different people in attendance with an average weekly attendance of 11 people. Loss for the term was almost $800. Site was popular with those who attended.
We are looking at various possible sites to hold regular Archery practices at. We are checking with two outdoor clubs in the area and Baron James is looking at a possible indoor site which would cost $25/hour. Hamish needs to update the Website which still lists Archery at Eagle Ridge on Mondays.
Water Point:
Anna-Jane is currently planning Water Point for upcoming events starting with Investiture. G2 low sugar Gatorade will be replaced with Sustain Sport mix which does not contain aspartame. Anna-Jane is planning on holding a series of personal fundraisers such as an ongoing Bottle Drive to cover the costs of Water Point so the receipts do not need to be redeemed by the Barony.
New Banking Fees:
As mentioned at Council in December, Coast Capital will begin applying increased fees to the Barony account starting January 1, 2013. We will be charged $5 a month plus 95 cents for each cheque. Fees could easily be $25 per month. Inga will be sitting down with Coast Capital to discuss the fees. Inga is also looking into options with other banks. Toronto-Dominion/Canada Trust may be able to offer us an account with fees of only $5 a month according to the Assistant Manager Inga spoke to. The situation will be monitored and followed up on.
Seagirt Council Minutes February 5, 2013
Present: Lachlan, Anna-Jane, Aria, Mathieu, Eideard, Janet, Tristan, Lenora, Morgaine, Inga, Finn, Sarra, Derek, Herdis, Brigid, Mogg, Amelia, Isabel, Letitia, Nathan
January minutes approved.
No new major rule changes for upcoming events. Please encourage people to come out to upcoming events.
NMS wording change lists NMS as a ‘Donation’ when in fact it is a required fee for non-members. Lachlan has sent his concerns about the new wording through the Seneschal chain.
Because Seaside Tourney was listed in the July Crier, NMS should have been charged. It was not. Planning Committee had requested that the event not be listed in the Crier so that NMS would not be required. Email chain requesting it not being published has been forwarded. Principality Seneschal is expected to look further into the matter.
Applicants are needed for Branch Seneschal as soon as possible. Lachlan would like the incoming Seneschal to be his Deputy until the switchover in June. Please contact Lachlan if you are interested.
Baroness attended 12th Night. It was a really good event.
Award recommendations wanted for Daffodil. Principality and Kingdom award recommendations are also needed for Investiture. Highnesses will be at Daffodil as well.
Scribe needed. Lachlan has a potential person for the office.
Duchess Meagan is stepping down as Head of Retinue. New Head of Retinue will be confirmed shortly.
Monthly Report for January submitted and reviewed. Bills are up to date. Overdue invoice needed for UTR session held in 2011. Lachlan is working on getting the invoice. Financial report for Seaside Tourney is TBA pending the outcome of the NMS query.
Good news, we will not be getting charged new fees at the bank so looking for a new bank is no longer needed.
2012 saw the Barony take a loss of $2532: $1700 was the lawsuit; $800 events.
GottaCon: GottaCon went really well. We got lots of exposure. We made the local news. Chatelaine was getting email inquires as of Monday. All three demos went really well. There were two injuries during the Heavy demos. One was an aggravation of an old injury. The other was a poor block which resulted in a torqued elbow. Both are expected to recover shortly. Barony received $8 from the Merchanting. Con organizers were very happy with what we brought to the event and they would like to have us back in future years.
Thank you to all the Volunteers who came out for the demos, manned the booth and answered questions for 29 hours over the course of the three days Congratulations to Her Ladyship Morgaine who won the Best Craftsmanship Prize in the Costume Contest.
Master of Stables:
Attendance is up at practices. There are a number of Members of House Sigis coming out to practice. There are also a number of new people coming out. We have loaner gear on hand for new fighters.
Master of Blades:
Practice site is now full of stuff. Amount of space available for practice varies. Derek is looking for new sites. If practice moves updates will be posted.
Arts & Sciences:
Arts & Sciences are happening. We will be holding our traditional Daffodil in Any Medium Contest at Daffodil. We will have Principality-wide A&S displays at Investiture. Items are needed for display on the Seagirt table. Defender Cloak will be on display.
Wednesday night attendance varies. Social Night in January saw 40 people come out. Successful pass the hat. We could use a Greeter and round table for info on Social night. Bardic is happening on alternating Fridays. We may need to find a new venue for Bardic. Things are getting a little loud for Aria’s apartment. There have been new faces out.
Dance attendance numbers are up. Pass the hat raised $200.50 in January so we almost broke even on the hall rental. Speaker unit from Elsa works well for events.
Populace will be encouraged to register their names and devices throughout the year. We have a number of people who have their submissions almost ready to go, but they need to be checked before being sent in. Maister Iago will be asked if he is available to do a consulting table at Social night. There is open Wi-Fi in the hall. Janet is happy to collect submissions that are ready to be sent in.
Report has been received from Swanhaven. Weekly practices will become a formal practice once they move indoors. Lachlan will forward insurance information tonight. Practice is moving from Tuesday to Thursday night. There is a monthly A&S session. Practice information will be posted on the Rocks. Swanhaven will cover the $10 fee for practices.
Submission package to be completed and sent in once we receive a minimum of three months of regular reporting. Incipient status is designed to be a monitoring status. Swanhaven will receive the same reporting prompts that all of the officers receive. We will be looking for reporting to happen regularly without special prompting.
New Chatelaine:
Letitia Talbott has stepped forward as the new Chatelaine. Letitia has been active in the SCA for ten years and enjoys talking to people. Would like to see us get more Media exposure. Looking to put together a Demo Team. Will give the Branch more advanced warning for demos. Asking for input for Demo Team and other suggestions. Deputy is Sarra Venetrix. New Chatelaine understands the importance of reporting on time. Congratulations to the new Chatelaine and Deputy.
No updates this month: Chronicler, Scribal (Open), Minister of Family Affairs
Event Reports
Gentle Arts:
Scholar applicant testing went well. Event made $100 profit. Only expense was the hall. Bardic Championship has been rescheduled for a later event. Morgaine is the new A&S Champion. Members of the Sergeantry noted that Scholars are tested at a harder level than the Sergeantry in the same areas. There were issues with members of the Germania group who brought their own stuff to work on at the event. They are young and enthusiastic. Germania had an issue at gate with the fees and NMS.
This was the first time that we held this event and it was a learning experience. The event may benefit from a Post Mortem. While there is a lot for the Applicants to do, there could be activities scheduled for the Supporters to do. Send feedback on the event electronically to the Event Steward. We could have a feedback form on the Website which people could fill in and submit. Information would then go to the Council Members. Flaming feedback would be ignored. Event report form on the website needs to be updated. Thank you Brigid for taking on Gentle Arts. There were 32 adults and 1 child in attendance. Fourteen NMS. Event Report accepted.
Post Mortems will be encouraged, but not required. Event Stewards will have the option to hold in person/gather information electronically. Event Stewards should ask their event staff if they have any information for the event report. Lachlan will post an email to the Rocks.
Event Updates:
Posts have gone out about A&S displays. Menu for Day Food has gone out. Archery and Buy-a-Life info is out. Set up and tear down teams being arranged. Prizes for Heavy and Archery are in place. Tavern will supply Day Food with pop.
Lenora will be looking for donations of food for the Royal Ready Room. Lenora will manage the Royal Ready Room food requests for this event.
Largesse requests will be posted to the Rocks. This is a good opportunity for people to get their handicrafts seen throughout the Kingdom and Principality.
Tournament formats for the three tourneys are in discussion. MIC, Lists, Water Point, Family Activities, have all been confirmed. Prizes have been collected for the tourneys. Heavy Prize will be a buckler. Rapier prize will be a lantern with stand. Anyone available for set up or tear down crew, please see Morgaine. Merchants see Morgaine to reserve tables. Gate person is TBA. All set up will be done Saturday morning.
Janet is Event Steward. War Points information is needed for the event as soon as possible. War Lord is needed. Need to confirm plans with the current War Lord. Event will be at Mountainaire Campground.
Other Business:
Social Media Policy:
Extensive new Social Media Policy has been posted on SCA Main Page. We are responsible as a Branch to manage our online presence. Need to be compliant by the end of February. Open lists need to be moderated by two Officers/Deputies. Lists need to be posted as moderated. Social Media does not require the same release forms as the printed newsletter and website. We will continue to comply with Facebook policy. All Moderators need to read the new policy. All officers should take a look at it. We need to look at which lists are open at present. The Rocks remains the official information source for the Barony.
Other Business:
Recent Dance Mistress and Bardic Mistress did not feel that they got enough training and support from the outgoing Deputy Officers prior to taking over their respective duties. Whenever possible, there should be a month or two training period where the outgoing Officer/Deputy can train the incoming one. Branch policy does suggest that training take place prior to the switchover.
Seagirt Council Meeting, March 5, 2013
Present: Tristan, Janet, Hamish, Inga, Lachlan, Reanne, Lenora, Mathieu, James, Elina, Sara, Anna Jane, Eideard, Morgaine. Hucbald, Athelina
February Minutes Accepted by Council
Seneschal: 2 Updates NMS Issue from last summer’s Swanhaven Tourney is still unresolved this issue has been sent to Kingdom Seneschal to be resolved.
New customary and Financial Policy will be resent to the new Principality Seneschals
There are 2 Volunteers for Deputy Seneschal Discussion has been tabled to April Meeting
B&B: Looking forward to Daffodil the Prince and Princess are coming please send in award recommendations for Principality awards.
Exchequer: Bank Account is sitting well; New Exchequer will be Lenora starting at end of this Quarter.
Chatelaine: Reported from deputy, the Chatelaine team has had a meeting and would like to see
More School Demos
Every other Thursday a newcomer’s night at Connells
Would like to form a Demo group
Sara is responsible for Gold Key
MOS: We have lost the rapier Site Jaime has given us his bay on Wednesdays and we will start at Rudd park as soon as the weather get nicer
MOB: Investiture Tourney report has been received
Vincent cannot marshal the tourney at daffodil as his membership has lapsed Mathieu will be the MIC for the tourney
Chronicler: nothing to report.
From Principality Chronicler- Model releases are no longer required for us to post your photos in our publications if you do not want your photo published please contact your chronicler and ask to have it removed.
Gottacon went great things are starting to pick up at social nights.
Wants approval for $75 for daffodil prizes- APPROVED
Herald: Iago did a heraldry consult at the social night this was well received and utilized
Scribal: New Scribe is Elina
Daffodil Scrolls are being worked on and interest to help with scrolls please contact the Scribe
Who has the scribal stuff- Morgaine- arrangements will be made for turnover of supplies
Dance: pass the hat 176.78 passed in from last month.
Minister of Family Affairs: Not Present
Swanhaven: Nothing to report, Seneschal is now receiving reports from Swanhaven
Require site info from Richarde before insurance is valid this needs to be posted to the rocks.
Event Reports
Investiture: 155 people in attendance, profit of $575.40 75% of this will be handed to Tir Righ
DAFFODIL: Need a Cheque, Insurance has been received tones of merchants are expected.
approx. 100 people are expected to be in attendance, feast advance has been requested.
Tir Righ and Summits Prince and Princess will be in attendance.
Event Schedule has been approved
Scholars applicant will be being tested at this event talk or email the baron with comments about the applicant.
SEALION: we have war points they will be posted to the website shortly.
Camp layout to be planned.
Event Bids:
Seeking event stewards for SST and SYG or other summer event for April Council- Lachlan will post to the rocks.
Anyone holding an event at the Cowichan fair grounds please confirm booking with the site approx. 2 months in advance
Seagirt Council Minutes for April 2, 2013
Present: Anna Jane, Inga, Morgaine, Hucbald, Hamish, Mogg, Eideard, Lenora, Connell, Letitia, Janet, Lachlan, Mathieu, Aria, Tristan, Elina, Anastasia.
March Minutes Accepted
Seneschal: NMS issue from Seaside Tourney is being looked into
Deputy seneschal- Connell is willing to step up in June when Lachlan Leaves.
Connell (Nathan Brown) needs to be added to the bank account
All Officers need to submit to the Seneschal the following: Membership Number, Expiry Date, and the date your term is up.
Money from the Lawsuit is at Principality and we are awaiting its return.
B&B: Had Quiet month and attended Daffodil
From the BOD: there is to be no consumption of any form of marijuana at SCA events including medical use, the baron is working on discussions regarding Canadian law and prescription use.
Bank account is looking good at $3835.03
Cost for posters island blueprints 11x17 46 posters $41.94 may need more pamphlets for demos if there are less than 50 order more if there is greater than 50 do not order.
Motion for $400 for both pamphlets and posters was approved by council
UVic Radio: for us to get on the UVic radio we must be able to be trained and present info not available on other radio stations we are checking with media relations on this.
April Ball demo: we will have a mini demo/ Picnic prior to the ball at Rudd Park starting at noon.
June 15th demo email to Anastasia (Heritage Dance Festival) we will look into this more.
Practices are happening Sundays at Rudd Park Wed at Jamie's bay on Oak St.
Morgaine has been contacted about youth combat we will begin this on the 2nd Sunday of each month starting April 14th from 1pm-3pm
MIC report from Daffodil has been received. Rapier fighters please watch the rapier list for updates on Wed practice location.
Nothing to Report
Wed at morgaines
First Thursday of the month at Aria's please email or message her beforehand if you plan on attending
Revisit to Social night Bardic is not happening at social night as Aria has other commitments on Tuesday nights.
Post to Rocks seeking new/interim dance mistress until September
Daffodil A&S Competitions went well
30.05 council
118.41 dance and social
148.46 total
224 needed
Social night has been a success Iago will be putting his consult nights on hold however will continue the consult table at social nights.
Scrolls for Daffodil have been handed out
Sealion Scrolls are being started
Family Affairs:
Not Present
Swanhaven: nothing to report
Where should Seagirt go from here?
We received 2 reports in a row missed one month with no nudge should we give them an extra month to make a report.
We have only received 4-5 reports in the past year
We are not required to do anything and can leave them in incipient status.
We have only received a partial application package.
The Name and Device were paid for by Seagirt look into who it is registered to.
Mathieu is to contact Swanhaven MIC for Fight practice reports
Inga to Contact Swanhaven Exchequer for financial information
Chatelaine to contact Richarde regarding Demos
Event Reports
DAFFODIL 106 Eaters not all adults 1 NMS refund Eldon from Swanhaven needs $8 refund as he was charged adult rate.
$18.22 Profit
Royals Stipend Typically paid stipend to royals to encourage attendance: in past $100 to the royal travel fund there was also 2 fundraisers for the travel fund at the event.
Should we make our usual stipend to the travel fund?
Motion against due to low profit at event. Motion approved
We will donate to the royal travel fund whenever financially possible following an event that royals are in attendance.
Attendance at events tabled to future council
Event Updates
MASKED BALL AND DEMO: needs 6 people to play roles in the murder mystery
Doors open at 3pm dancing starts at 6pm
Sealion Announcements are in, steward team will go to the site on the weekend to view site we are running UTR classes and an Auction for the lost and found
SST(Social Services Tax) HST is now gone, the tavern mistress has an agreement with council that License fees will be refunded with HST gone we now pay Social Services tax on licenses tavern costs will increase and need to be included in event bids.
Future events:
We need to decide if we want to keep Cowichan fair grounds for the following events
SYG- Cancel
November Coronet-Keep for now
Daffodil 2014- Keep for now
Other Business
SST is in conflict with Lionsgate SYGC, Council will allow this conflict
No Further Business, Meeting Adjourned.
Seagirt Council Meeting, May 1st, 2012
Present: Hamish, Eideard, Tristan, Lenora, Anna Jane, Inga, Amelia, Sirt, Morgaine, Janet, Connell, Letitia, Anastasia, Sebastian, Sarah, Elina, Athelina
April Minutes Accepted by council.
Seneschal: Lachlan is away Connell will run this meeting as his deputy.
Swanhaven has made there report to council.
B&B: Are looking forward to Sealion
Exchequer: on last report it was reported there was a March Dance Deposit this is an error it should have read February Dance deposit. This is Inga’s last night at Exchequer; Lenora will step up in her place.
Many Thanks to Inga for her service as Exchequer.
Chatelaine: Had a mini demo prior to the masked ball about 20 people showed up, there was a lot of interest in youth combat.
We have put out a call on the rocks for members interested in helping build a demo team.
MOS: Attendance is low- Archery is starting up more info to come after talking to Magnus
MOB: Wed night practices have started at Rudd Park
Chronicler: Nothing to report
A n S: New Dance Master, Sirt, Giselle will step up as his deputy and key holder as Sirt cannot guarantee to make it to the hall for 7pm
Dance: 15-20 people social attendance was low this month. Council: $19.25 Dance $135.35 total $154.60 hall cost $280
Herald: Herald has a new deputy "Mel" she has town crier experience.
Anna Jane cannot make events due to new job, she will forward water/herald points to anyone who wishes to transport it to events.
Will be starting to track name and device submissions.
Swanhaven name owner is still unknown the device was returned.
Scribal: getting awards ready for Sealion if anyone would like to help please contact the scribe.
Family Affairs: Not present
Swanhaven: report has been received via email
Thank you for your update regarding finances and reporting.
Richarde had one rapier practice on the Thursday before spring break, however only one of his five students, Eldon, was able to attend. A youth waiver was signed. $4 was collected and the cost of the room was $10. We have just received the invoice from the School Board and will mail it before next Council. (With Easter visitors etc. Richarde missed reporting for last month, sorry).
The room was not available during spring break and will not be available for the summer. Between that time we may wish to hold a combined A&S, Dance and Rapier practice, however Thursday night does not suit some of the most active members so we are in the process of determining what other night will work. Once determined the details will be posted to the Rocks.
In the interim I continue to help anyone interested in A&S as needed, in my home or theirs.
Also we have someone who may be willing to take on the Seneschal duties so that Richarde can be the officer for Stables/Rapier.
I must say that some of our potential members who were excited about attending the Yule demo (and having their friends attend) are put off by the seemingly heavy-handed beaurocracy of the SCA, which was responsible for changing Yule from the original level 2/demo event to an unfeasible Level 1 event. Demos are necessary for Swanhaven (or any new group) to thrive. Is Seagirt still opposed to a demo event? Thank you!
Council is open to any bids for a demo from Swanhaven providing it does not conflict with baronial events.
Ball: $380 in approx. $246 out Profit of 133.35
Event Updates:
Sealion: Schedule is coming soon there will be no camping in the bowl this year.
The baron needs sheep we will be having a sheep making night at baronial social. Cost of sheep will be approx. $50 council approves $50 for sheep
Event Bids:
SST: Nothing
SYG: No applicants *event will be run as a newcomers event* we will release the Cowichan site
Yule: nothing
Daffodil: nothing
If you have a new/potentially new site please bring information to council
Cobble hill hall large hall $60/hr. max $175 per day
Kitchen $100
Fair grounds $100 hall grounds $50
Connell will look into this site for SYG/SST and yule.
NOV Coronet: Tristan is interested in putting forward a bid council has tentatively approved this
Question about lawsuit funds: from Principality Exchequer no update as of yet
Seagirt Council June 4, 2013
Present: Cert, Hawise, Inga, Isabelle, Anna Jane, Finn, Athelina, Tatiana, Lettice, Janet, B&B, Tristan, Morgaine, Lenora, Connal, Mathieu, Anne
May Minutes Approved
Seneschal update
NMS issue ongoing
Lachlan to write letter before Connal takes over
98 registered members in Seagirt
Marshal issue (reported to principality marshal kingdom) Cards not approved prior to fighting
Some unauthorized fighters on field
Card check required
Conduct Issue Noise afterhours, cars driving onto field, next time cars not be at campsites/ must be in lot
Still willing to have us back
From Connal
New seneschal handbook (Lettice text message) Waivers only required at marshal(fighting) practice
Crier copy must be in 2 months advance
Seneschal required to make reports when officer positions vacant
Events must have MIC (must be listed on paperwork)
Fire activity cannot happen as s.c.a event (ei. fireworks, fire displays)
Change of level event wording
NMS to become a member discount
No marijuana at any events in the states. In Canada persons must have card
Family active program (kids earn badges) Parents must be member
Family coordinator must report
Administrative retreat- Branch can pay for Seneschal and exchequer
B and B
We won the war!
Good event good feedback
Looking for award recommendations as always
Going to cornet (attendance challenge with Lionsgate) possible auction to shave proceeds to the travel fund
New retinue Head: Isabella
Exchequer: Got money back from kingdom 1752.49? Baron will be looking into new pavilion
Bank Balance of $6813.17
Ledger Balance of $6773.73
Have not passed budget for will do with next few months (Revisit July council)
More people needed for Tim Horton’s demo (call will be put on Rocks)
MOS: still looking into archery sites
Lack of archery marshals
Heavy practice going back and forth between Industrial bay and Rudd park due to weather
Practice will now be at Rudd Park
MOB: practice happening at park
Chronicler: not present no report
A and S: not present email: nothing to report
Dance: # steady
social this month great due to sheep stuffing
Transfer of keys form will be done tonight
$ 172
Herald: nothing to report
Scribal: not present email report: three scrolls done and handed out more to come (request for $ for supplies coming)
Family affairs: Not present no report
Swanhaven: got report
2 a and S
no rapier (marshal unable due to injury)
Event reports:
Sealion: Good event with some minor issues
183 through gate
Gate total $3275.40 Site Cost $1918.69
Profit: $911.71
Recommend rent port a potties next time
Ask if we can have supplies and restock bathrooms (or bring extra)
Event report accepted
Event bids: (Connal)
Connal: found site in Cobble Hill
Newcomers event instead of SYG July 26-28
Do not have specific cost (big field, small hall) estimate $300-$450 site cost + porties
Approved in principle as long as Breakeven at 50 and camping cost not to exceed 20$ and with approval from seneschal and exchequer
Event tam: Athelina Connal ,Tatiana
Approve in principle breakeven 75 event and camping cost not to exceed 20$
Connal will book Cobble Hill site for Yule
Seagirt Council July 2, 2013
Present: Lenora, Eideard, Hamish, Janet, Morgaine, Tristan, Anne, Anna Jane, Herdis, Lachlan, Connel, Elina, Leticia, Sarra, Athelina, Sutr.
Minutes: June: Accepted One Change Administer Retreat to Administrative Retreat
Seneschal: No New Rule Changes
Item as resurged Swanhaven NMS Issue has expanded and was dealt with incorrectly and we are currently working on correcting this issue.
As of July 3rd Connell’s Seneschal paperwork will be forwarded making him the new Seneschal
B&B: Nothing to report event wise
Baron has been looking into new pavilion. Lionsgate also needs a new one, it has been mentioned to Lionsgate about us both buying pavilions that can be attached to each other’s to make one large one at combined events.
Exchequer: 6112.46 in bank + 5000 in GIC
NMS Issue - Kingdom Exchequer says to write an email up the Exchequer chain with all the info to resolve this issue.
Gate Sheets when reports are handed in gate sheets must go to the Exchequer, as we need
to keep these as part of the Baronial Financial Records.
Chatelaine: Demo at Eagle Ridge will be from 2-6 with dance between 4 and 430
MOS: Sunday Practices are Slow Youth Combat last month had 3 kids between 11 and 14.
MOB: Not Present
Chronicler: Needs a newsletter deputy we are supposed to publish a newsletter every Quarter however due to family expansion I haven’t had time to produce this.
Until a deputy comes forward we will submit the minimum requirements for a newsletter.
A&S: Not Present A&S is still happening at Morgaines
Herald: nothing to report
Scribe: nothing to report
Dance: Not bad for numbers over 12 at each practice $131.22 + 15 US from pass the hat
Family Affairs: Not Present
Swanhaven: not present no report received
New Comers Event: Contract is done $750 for 2 fields and hall, $250 for prizes total $1000
60-person break even at $20 per person will give us an Estimate of $200 Profit. Seeking $100 deposit and $250 for prizes so we can start shopping
If you are interested in teaching at the event contact Halima
Seeking MIC Sutr will do rapier.
SST: Needs $100 Deposit Cheque. Same Financial info as the Newcomers event. Event Approved.
Masked Ball: Kingdom Bardic Champion will be in attendance. There will be a Bardic TUTR in the day followed by the ball at night more info to come soon.
Nov Coronet: We have won this event bid, 2 Nov 2013 at Cowichan Exhibition Park seeking Volunteers if interested see Tristan. We need $500+$200 Deposit for the site.
Yule: Cobble hill hall is booked we need an event steward. Tabled to Aug Council
Daffodil: Need Steward
Connel will help in coaching new stewards.
Sarra - Face book-I have tried to take the sub groups and link them to the barony group in the files section by adding the Link to the other groups. We need to start using the events tabs for events instead of a post.
We will create a baronial Social media policy for next council.
Athelina- Archery Practice 6 July before Demo. We are low on archery marshals in the barony we need training for this so we can continue to hold practices.
UVIC Athelina is not a student now we need 3 students to keep club at uvic we have 1 Athelina will post to Rocks and Face book to find more active Students.
Morgaine - Duchess Megan has a huge stash of beads for sale and is willing to cut the barony a deal on beads.
Seagirt Council August 6, 2013
Present: Lenora, Hamish, Morgaine, Tristan, Anna Jane, Connell, Elina, Sutr, Glynis, Hucbald, Sarra, Lettice, Athelina, Tatiana, Finn, Mathieu.
Minutes: July: Accepted
Seneschal: Seneshals meeting at Cornation, Clarify EIF goes in for insurance, Crier Copy goes in to allow court/awards
Gatesheets and Waivers after an event need to go to Lenora
Officers need to sign Morgaines sheet for Deputy
B&B: Not Present
Exchequer: Balance $5230.31 + $5000 GIC
Chatelaine: Had newcomers event 23 New People Almost all classes were full.
MOS: Newcomers went well good demo Practices are quiet as we lost 2 regulars
MOB: Practices are going alright Youth Practice next Sunday
Chronicler: Still seeking newsletter Deputy
A&S: Position is vacant Glyness Has offered to take over. info on A&S will be posted in near future.
Dance: Going ok approx 170 for pass the hat
Herald: Aria has now registered her name and device
Scribe: Nothing to report
Family Affairs: Not Present
Swanhaven: not present no report recieved
New Comers: 52 adults 2 comps 20 Children $1000 at gate site cost $750 other expenses $61.05 $188 profit profit will be shared with Hartwood.
SST: Athelina and Tatiana will be onsite stewards. Celebration of all things archery, there will be a bardic Competition, Heavy and rapier Tourney schedule to be posted to rocks shortly.
Archery royal rounds both days
fun shoots with fun prizes both days
marksman shoot will be a viking valhalla shoot
amendment to budget $50 for cake and $50 for site tokens
Masked Ball: Oct 19th Anastasia is the steward. Need to check minutes for event proposal
Class list to come shortly for UTR sessions
Nov Coronet: EIF is in, Speaking with Tanist/Ban Tanist about schedule
1.5 day event Food laurel is coming to teach a UTR session
Yule:Tristan will be subbmiting a bid but is trying to source a local site first.
Prince and Princess are coming. There is also a dirty dozen A&S cometition for largess
Daffodil: No Bid seeking Steward
Kitchen Supplies: Morgaine
Will be doing food for Yule and Nov Coronet, We bought new pots last year we need frying pans/baking sheets. Morgaine will create a price list Approx $150 needed
Morgaine wants to borrow the kitchen supplies for Nov Coronet for Private Merchanting : APPROVED
Motion for $200 advance to morgaine for purchase of kitchen supplies : APPROVED
Seneshals Retreat: Branch to pay for Connal and Lenora to travel in one car they will pay gas we will cover ferry and other costs approx $330 US
Motion to Approve up to $400 US : APPROVED
UVic Club: may need help come September
Baronial Travel Fund needs to be discussed - Tabled to Sept Council
Known World Handbooks
10 books $23 Ea
20 books $22 ea
1 book $25ea
Lettice will ask about preorders and bring info to Sept Council.
Seagirt Council September 3, 2013
Present: Lenora, Hamish, Morgaine, Tristan, Anna Jane, James, Glynis, Elina, Edread, Serena, Finn, Hucbald, Sutr, Anne, Tatiana, Gweneth.
Minutes: August: Tabled to Oct council
Seneschal: Not Present no report forwarded to Deputy
B&B: Yule is coming soon and is our next level 1 event please send in award reccomendations
Exchequer: Account is at 3858.58 + GICs
Chatelaine: Not Present.
MOS: Having Practices numbers Not much to report.
MOB: Not Present approx 3 fencers per practice.
Chronicler: Nothing to Report
A&S: Dirty Dozen Competition for yule. A&S is moving to Thursday nights with once a month being bardic.
Dance: 146 in for dance 9-10 people per week.
Thought to remove social night and run solid dance.
Suggestion was made to make social night more structured by running workshops, bardic etc.
Herald: Nothing to report
Scribe: nothing to report
Family Affairs: Not Present
Swanhaven: not present
Seagirt is not happy with the lack of reporting from swanhaven, resulting in lack of insurance.
Tabled for Connel to follow up on when he returns
SST: 48 Adults
14 Youth/Children
$57.97 Loss
Athelina won the Marksman tourney the other prize tourneys were cancelled.
Halima won the bardic competition and Yasmina placed Second.
Steward would like to thank Letice for her efforts with the childrens activities
Masked Ball: is coming along
gate Keeper - Tristan
UTR person - Audette
Tavern- Anna Jane
Gate opens at 10am dancing starts at 630pm
Coronet: Havent done much EIF/Crier copy has been submitted
All Major things have been Deputised 1.5 Day event.
Yule: Tristan has a bid for yule
James Bay Community Centre deposit has been paid we have the kitchen and a room Est Profit is $125 based on 80 Adults
Daffodil: 2 Bids
Bid 1: Tatiana
James Bay Community Centre
Day food by merchant
Tavern by Merchant
$15 day fee
$10 for feast
Expenses 2800
Income 3200
Profit 500
No Archery at this time
Chef Letice
Road to Eldorado Theme
3 Removes
Bid 2: Inga
Cowichan Ex Grounds
Day fee $15 Adults $25 onboard
Dayfee $7 Youth $10 onboard
Day Fee $0 Kids $5 onboard
Expences 3238
Income 4230
Profit 992
Pilgrimage Theme
4 removes
Inga has won the EVent bid
Known World Books tabled to Oct Council as the Chatelaine is not present
Baronial Travel Fund
Proposal for 2 off island events per year to be covered at the amount not exceeding $400 per year
Look into Principality wording for their travel fund
See where baronial accounts sit for annual loss/Gain
all Seagirt events should have B&B Comp'd
This will be tabled for Oct Council
Seagirt Council October 7, 2014
Present: Lenora, Seamus, Morgaine, Tristan, James, Elina, Sutr, Tatiana, Athelina, Anastasia, Letitia, Connell, Glynis, Anne, Serena, Mathieu, Hlif, Karos, Ulfric.
Minutes: September: Approved
Seneschal: Date Reservation for SYG and SST there is a new person in charge of bookings and our dates have been taken we will double check the dates however we may need a new site for SST and SYG.
B&B: Tame month for events we attended Tir Righ A&S. We would like daffodil pamphlets/tickets to take to 12th night.
Exchequer: Account is at 3308.95 + GICs
We will be doing a budget in November please send a draft budget to Elina.
Chatelaine: Had no Emails however at A&S there were wallaby’s. A lot of Baronial Cards were handed out.
MOS: Tristan has stepped down and Hlif has taken over. Quarterly report has been submitted we had 5 marshal activities in the past quarter. Numbers are up at practice and the new site is working well.
MOB: Practice had a guest last weekend from Lionsgate. Quarterly report is ready to go. There is a new Principality Rapier Marshal.
Archery: Is happening and will continue as long as weather remains nice.
James is making Banners for the Archery Champions
Pauline is making new butts over the winter. Many people are scoring especially the Children and Youth Shooters.
Request for a Tube to store archery targets and a tote. $20 approved.
Chronicler: Term is up in November. Seamus will be stepping down however is willing to remain as a web minister.
A&S: Focusing on Banners - spent $40 Currently Glynis has the tapestry from Morgaine wanting to run a session on the tapestry stitch to get momentum back up on completing the tapestry
Dance: 156.75 in from dance practice is going strong.
Herald: Sick
Scribe: No requests for scrolls
Done a lot of painting of Kingdom and Principality Charters
SYG: $20.25 Profit.
SST: Table to November steward is sick.
Tir Righ A&S: report not final due to US funds. 134 people thru gate.
Before exchange $1795.32 Profit (Seagirt Portion $446)
Tir Righ thanks Seagirt for hosting this event.
Masked Ball: Hall has changed its insurance policy now site requires also named insurance. Due to lack of time hall has agreed that we can sign a specific waiver for this site (James will create)
We require a cheque for $200 for the hall.
Yule: Starting work on the event and requires helpers for
Children’s Activities
Dessert Competition
Tristan has volunteered for Gate
James will be conducting Tapestry Tours.
Daffodil: Budget Revision requests a change from $200 to $600 for prizes. Steward has been advised to contact house BYOB with a request for aid.
Helmet is almost at a photo stage.
Some prizes have been donated; Wulfgar is donating a slat bed as a door prize. Rapier prize is hoping to be a formal dress rapier. Archery prize is being worked on.
Sealion - No Bids Tabled to November Council.
Pavilion- Table to November going to go in on this together with Lionsgate awaiting quotes from one location
Lenora has been working on the daffodil defenders cloak. We ran out of fabric for patches and has purchased more. All charts have been done and working on finishing patches.
She has also ordered a garment bag for storage. The old storage tote will be given to archery for dry storage.
Seagirt Council Minutes November 5, 2013
Present: Morgaine, Eideard, Anna Jane, Hamish, Lenora, Anastasia, Mathieu, James, Elina, Athelina, Sutr, Lettice, Gunnr Tristan
October minutes Approved.
Seneschal: Not Present No Updates Provided
Coronet was good, the Baroness is going to Baronesses Birthday and both are going to attend 12th night.
Account sitting at 2549.82 before deposits we have gained $60 interest on our GIC’s
October Hall Rental was discounted due to the HST overpayment.
Prospect Lake Demo is coming on 12 Dec 2013 there will be dance and fighting more info will be posted to the rocks.
Proposal to have social 2 nights per month.
Practice is happening (sometimes) we had one event with combat activities at coronet.
Practices are happening at UVic on some wed nights. we are looking to rent an indoor space to hold regular practices for the winter.
Nothing to report
Not alot of luck on thursdays thinking of running A&S at social nights with classes.
Jazz wants to start holding bardic again.
3 new field Heralds at coronet
Tavern update: Licence now has sales tax cost update $150 for outside Victoria City, $200 for inside Victoria City.
Water Point: Recipts are being handed to barony approx $50 for each event. We will look into ways to lower water point costs.
Had a painting table at Coronet had 2 people working hard on painting. We are working on yule awards
Attendance is good finances are falling a bit short each month.
Minister of Family Affairs:
Not Present
Event Reports
MASKED BALL: 55 people attended 50 Adults, 2 Youth, and 3 Children. 180.46 Profit. UTR Sessions made $12 which instructors donated back to the Barony
Coronet: 148 people attended 124 Adults, 4 Youth, and 17 Children 13 Compensations. 537.07 Profit. $134.27 to Barony remaining Balance to Principality
Yule- Is going to happen, The Princess has confirmed attendance and will run a treasure necklace class if there is interest.
Menu is available online
Tickets are available and will be onsale starting this week.
event schedule will be posted soon.
DAFFODIL: We have a prize Tristan has donated a buckler and lenora has donated lanterns
Event Bids:
Gentle Arts: Morgaine has a bid.
19 Jan 2014 at the Eastern Star hall Potluck dinner
$12 per person x 40 people $550 oncome $440 costs Profit of $110
A&S competition
1 complete art with documentation
1 complete science with documentation
1 incomplete art or science with out documentation
all 3 must be persona based
Lenora: Tir Righ admin retreat if someone is interested will seagirt pay for gate/ferry for person to attend? Approved
Lettice: Kitchen Stuff: $200 approved $60 remaining from last advance to morgaine we will provide an $140 advance to morgaine to bring balance to $200. Approved
Far Speaker: It is time for a new one Lettice will compile a new farspeaker
Gunnr: Principality Island regalia?
Pair of Throwns, Large Banner, and Kneeler so visiting royals do not need to bring it all with them.
Museum Norse Demo
The Museum has givin gunnr the responsibilty to vet all participants
weekend demo 2 days in aug??
estimate of mid 10 century time period
Museum wants rules and insurance for fighting
anyone wishing to provide assistance with organizing the demo please contact Gunner
Seagirt Council Minutes December 3, 2013
Present: Morgaine, Eideard, Anna Jane, Hamish, Lenora, Mathieu, James, Elina, Athelina, Sutr, Tristan, Connell, Glynis, Hawise, Finn, Tatiana
November minutes Approved.
Seneschal: No Updates
B&B: Looking forward to yule (only Baron going)
B&B going to 12th night
Award Recommendations for Royals
Exchequer: Account sitting at 4983.54 +5000 on GICs
Chatelaine: Prospect Lake Demo is coming on 12 Dec 2013 there will be dance and fighting fighters are needed
MOS: Practice is happening at Jaimie’s bay wed nights and Sundays.
Still seeking a replacement MOS
MOB: Nothing to report found a gym for 200-250 per month
Rapier marked funds unknown approx. 250 motion to accept 250 for rapier marked funds approved by council
Archery: Branch Archery Marshal is now Athelina
Eagle ridge is willing to host 2 practices per month at 85 per hour.
Sundays before 11 am in early evening on Saturdays Monday evenings starting in January
Approved to book 1 practice in January not to exceed $200
James has an appointment at James Bay indoor sports field approx. $90 per hour
Chronicler: Nothing to report
A&S: Cancelled Thursdays, A&S will now take place on Tuesdays at the dance hall
Last Thursday of month bardic one person showed
A&S Facebook group has been closed and all A&S info will be posted to the main Seagirt group and the ROCKS
Hoping that the barony will bid on one regalia piece for the principality.
Herald: No updates
Tavern update: yule licence in progress
Scribal: We are working on yule awards
Dance: Doing well numbers are up approx. 172 for November
Dance will end on 10 Dec and recommence in January
Minister of Family Affairs: Not Present
Yule- going well sold 64 tickets to date
James and Glynis will be taking tickets to Hartwood yule
Fin committee approved $100 for royals’ ready room
Site would like a copy of the liquor licence before the event Morgaine will deliver
Doors open at 3 pm
Lots of court starting at 430
Ticket cut-off is 11 Dec
Morgaine need an advance of 800 for food
Gentle Arts: bad news is eastern star hall has not been reachable
Good news is we have found a new hall for no cost
No tavern allowed at new site (glentana village rec centre)
Drop in site fee to $10 adults and $5 youth 12 and under still free
Site opens at 2 pm closes at 11 pm
DAFFODIL: Steward not present no changes reported
Summer events: Seeking bids on all summer events cobble hill site will be booked for SYG and SST
Lionsgate wants to move their SYGC to conflict with our SYG Council approves
Old Business:
Morgaine and Lettice spent money our kitchen wish list is almost complete however they went slightly over budget
How to deal with Facebook groups
All subgroups are to pin a comment to the top of the group directing people to the main Seagirt facebook group for event posts and the ROCKS for official information
James will compose Seagirt social media guidelines