Daffodil Tournament

Originally held in February (Valentines Day), Daffodil was a premier tournament of the An Tir tourney season. Regularly, the winner went on to become the An Tir sovereign. The date was later moved to March to avoid conflict with Estrella War and to improve weather expectations. The advent of Ursulmas in January removed its 'premier' status.

This is the Barony of Seagirt's prime armoured and rapier tournament event, where the Defender of Seagirt and Captain of Her Excellency's Own Grenadiers are chosen. This is also the time when applicants for the Baroness' personal guards (Sergeant, Yeoman, or Gallant) present themselves.

Details for the upcoming Daffodil Tournament will be posted when available.
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Sealion War

Originally known as "Bitterwaters War" held on Salt Spring Island, Sealion is the annual war between the Barony of Lions Gate (Vancouver) and the Barony of Seagirt (Victoria). War points are discussed and agreed upon annually by both coronets prior to acceptance. This event alternates between Victoria and Vancouver, B.C.

Details for the upcoming Sealion War will be posted when available..
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Seagirt's Summer Tourney (SST)

Originally called the Seagirt Secret Tournament, the Seagirt Summer Tournament is held in early July at various locations. This event features the Baronial Archery Championship (Marksman of Seagirt) and Thrown Weapons Championship (Huntsman of Seagirt).

Details for the upcoming Seagirt Summer Tourney will be posted when available.
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Seagirt Trials (formerly Serjeants, Yeomans, & Gallants)

This event marks the annual trials to choose the new members of the Baroness' personal guard: Serjeants (armoured fighting), Yeomans (archery) and Gallants (rapier fighting). Applicants apply at Daffodil in the spring, and are tested on a myriad of knightly virtues and tasks during this August event. Baron Edward and Baroness Lucy have recently added additional trials for Foresters (target archery) and Courtiers (service), with more information to come.

Details for the upcoming Seagirt Trials will be posted when available.
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The Barony's annual Yuletide celebration often features the Feast of the Immaculate Confection, a dessert competition. It is host to the Baronial Arts & Sciences competition (Keeper of the Flame of Knowledge) and the Baronial Bardic Competition (Siren of Seagirt).

Details for the upcoming Seagirt Yule will be posted when available.
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