Seagirt Council Minutes January 5, 2016
Present:, Aroc, Seamus, James, Hlif, Joseph, Kathleen, Elinor, Edward, Ceridwen, Lenora, Caieya, Marguerite, Elina, Tatiana, Letitia, Connall, Elina, Isabel, Morgaine, Anne
December Minutes Approved
. B and B: Yule, new bardic champion, Edward. A & S champion Hlif. Hand out 2 rocks. We handed out some awards from their majesty’s. Still looking for banners for the completion, final submissions next week vote online on facebook page. Chatelaine: one newcomer’s night at the being of December. One family contact in December. More work on newcomers in New Year now that Christmas is over.
Exchequer: balance 6315.70
Scribe: nothing new to report
Chronicler: please send quarterly reports to Anne. Farspeaker is done final draft will be out by daffodil.
MOS: no practice due to crapy weather looking at site for 25$ per hour. When weather is nice may use park at all things site. Looking at way to recruit more people. Demo fight practice/parades/ armoring nights at all things on Tuesdays nights. $400.00 approved for new rental till April.
MOB: new rapier rules out will be avaliable on kingdom website. Still looking for a replacement or deputy.
Archery: James has been looking for at sites. Mctavish site 25$ hour covered area. Arrow making workshop this Sunday.
A and S: New space! Classes in the works
Dance: income $97.95
Bardic: has slowed a little. More variety of bards now coming out.
Herald: Nothing to report
Uvic: club days coming up on January 13-14th 10-4pm. Meetings now scheduled most Mondays. Ideafest demo requested March 12th at uvic
Yule-77 people attendance profit 468.49. A&S Champion is Hlif, Bardic Champion Edward. Subtlety Diamanté, best tasting Mael, Faux de Pas Hlif
Gentle Arts-6 classes are confirmed working on preregistration . Potluck later. Still have two rooms available for rent.
Heraldic symposium-Not present. Now An Tir/Tir Righ heraldic symposium.
Daffodil-Feast Menu has been posted. Working on getting pictures of prizes tickets on sale see Anne. Seamus will be providing dayfood.
SST-looking for Event stewards. Possible bids coming.
SYG-Bid Hawise. At same site as last year. Break even event at 45 people at 20$. Bid accepted.
Yule-seeking stewards.
Cowichan Exhibition site tentatively booked for Daffodil 2017
Facebook groups: all info posted on events and practice must be posted on Barony of Seagirt facebook group. Not the individual sub groups. Motion to change facebook to the official medium of communication rather than use the Rocks. Approved.
We have been asked to have the tapestry taken to 12th night. Approved Lenora will work out logistics of taking tapestry. community planning meeting looking at future plans February 16th.
Lenora will buy wagon for iron key if not used then will be donated as a prize
NO FURTHER BUSINESS, MEETING ADJOURNED. -----------------------------------------------------------------------
February Council Minutes, February 2, 2016
Present: Isabel, Anthony, Mael, Ronnon, Shae, Seamus, Hlif, Glynis, Caieya, Lenora, Ts’ai T’ien P’u Ulfrik, Sigurd, Margot, Edward, Elinor, Ceridwen, James, Morgaine, Elina, Aroc, Letitia, Anne
B and B updated: Did not make it to Ursulmas. Athelina won archery, Eroc received Goutte
Chatelaine: new people have been to fight to practice and Dance. Barony of Seagirt business cards have wrong website listed.
Exchequer 6197.99 in bank year to date (-117.71) paid for gentle arts have not received funds from gate nms check for gentle arts sent. Quarterly report sent.
Scribe: needing awards for daffodil.
Chronicler: facebook is now the official medium for sca comuncation. All events are being posted to Seagirt group. Info regarding Tuesdays fall under that specific event. Officers please email your monthly reports.
Branch Marshal: Practice is happening again. Got a new hall. Charging 7$ a head and starting next Sunday, 25$ a month. And having Soft Kit practices on Tuesdays @ the new horizon. Good feedback from fighters as it gives Heavies a place to work out technical stuff and we get to discuss things we usually wouldn't have the time to do at practice. And gives a place for cross overs to do rapier. Also accommodates people that cannot make it Sundays. We have two new guys coming.
MOB: Master of Stables has got us up and running again for practices. I've only been to one at the gym on Jutland due to my eye procedure. But they do seem to be going well. Thank you, Hlif and to Morgaine for the leg and paperwork. It is grand to have Baron Lachlan and Baroness Janet back in the Barony and ready to stab us. Welcome. I've just filed my quarterly with Dame Magdalena. Hlif will have a copy. And last thing, I haven't heard from the Daffodil Event Steward or team yet. It is probably time to ensure that we have a RMIC selected and that they (whomever they maybe) get the usual ducks lined up... To this end, I'd like to arrange a rapier marshals' meeting soon, to discuss this, draw straws (perhaps) and to review the new rapier rules.
Archery: building archery butts and doing seasonal shoots. Coordinating events to authorize new marshals. Report via email not received.
A & S: So far the move to the new hall appears to be going very well. The number of people hanging out working on A&S related things makes me happy to see the community come together like we were hoping for. Other than that its been a slow month. With the B&B's return I assume we will be continuing forth with the banner project. Question: would the two sewing machines that are the the property of the Barony be allowed to stay here in the hall's storage for easy access during Baronial projects?
Dance: 183.05 and .55 euro. Some hic ups with new site but things are still going well with multiple people teaching. Hall rental issue contract reads 530pm-11pm Girl Guide group states we do not have hall till 7pm note left by director stating that we don’t have hall until 7pm Morgaine will look into this.
Bardic: Jazzy working on getting more songs in mix. Bardic is happening info needs to be posted onto facebook group.
Herald: quarterly report sent.
Uvic club: guest came to teach martial arts. Remaking medieval group sign.
Gentle arts: profit 235.00.
Heraldic symposium: working with others to get classes may need to add extra day.
Daffodil: Daffodil is going well, I am in the final stages of locking down bodies in needed volunteer positions. Now that I have the login I will ensure all info is duplicated onto the Kingdom Calendar. I am currently gathering items both donated and purchased for the door prize treasure chest, and so far have a little something for many disciplines including embroidery, calligraphy, illumination, costuming, feast ware, books and more. If you are interested in adding to the bounty, please let me know! Tickets are on sale, both here and in Hartwood. I will see about trying to get a rep to sell tickets to our mainland friends as well.
SST: Bid Ts’ai on Demand island breakeven is 20 person. Anthony motion to approve bid Athelina seconds. Approved.
SYG: event steward not present. Hawise agreed to changes to bid (no site tokens) report via email: Not much to report. EIF sent. Hoping we can hold a YMCA practice or perhaps a couple archery workshops (I'm not saying "TUTR"!) to attract non-Seagirtians. I plan to address this next month at Council.
Yule: Seeking steward.
Daffodil: seeking steward. Isabel and Anne may work together on bid
Masked ball: Anastasia needs to bring event bid for balls. Morgaine will contact her to ask her to come to council next month.
Old Business:
No update on pavilion
New business:
Stores: New chamberlain needed and need a place to hold Barony stores. Ts’ai has space we can use. Anthony will on Chamberlain after heraldic symposium.
Looking for people will to billet for heraldic symposium
NO FURTHER BUSINESS, MEETING ADJOURNED. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- -----------------------------------------------------------------------
March Council March 1, 2016
Present: James Llewellyn ap Gruffydd, Ceridewen del Ravensfeld, Juliana de Bedel, Marguerite Sainte Claire, Iaroslava Borisova, Zarah Harley, Elinor Holgrove, Edward Holgrove, Sigurd Peterson, Ts’ai T’ien P’u, Lenora Truble, Anthony Hawke, Dan Brandsma, Ulfric Gudormusson, Tatiana, Duchess Meagan, Hawise, Anastasia Deyssha, Letitia Talbott, Conall MacLaymayn, Morgaine Essex, Aroc ingen Cormac, Elina Karsdottir, Seamus, Hlif, Wulfgar, Tristan, Athelina.
Seneschal: As of tonight Morgaine will be stepping down as Seneschal Aroc will be stepping up.
February Minutes accepted with two spelling corrections:
B&B: February was a quiet month. There were quite a few people from the Barony that attended Tir Righ investiture, and it sounds like a very good time was had by all.
We are looking into the cost of a new baronial pavilion; there is $1900 from house B.Y.O.B. The estimate from Pete's tent and awning for a Tir Righ style pavilion 24' x 30' is $2576.00. The labour costs are $800. This means that the cost won’t necessarily drop if we get it slightly smaller. The fabric is mold and mildew proof as its actually acrylic. This is not the cost with poles as Baron Conall would be making them himself. Pete's Tent and awning supplies an 8 year guarantee.
Chatelaine: February was a slow month. However, I have been in the process of starting up some different groups that may be of interest to the populace, such as the Baron Seagirt's Players. Anyone who is interested in the Bardic Arts will have a chance to learn something new. From doing scenes from plays, to singing to oratory. Also this will give people in the Barony who do not want to be up on stage something to do as well. The making of props, costumes and set design will hopefully all be encompassed at some point. I have also talked to some of the new people in the branch about different guilds within the society that we don't normally hear about, such as the guild of the hunt. And have been in conversation with HL Eleanor about the Apothecary guild which she is part of and having this available to the members of Seagirt. I have also been in discussion with our deputy Seneschal, the seneschal of and Castellan of Hartwood, and the Seneschal and Chatelaine of False Isle about a large event/demo for in the fall. We are still currently deciding on which site to use, we are thinking the Cobble Hill hall currently, but we will be looking at the Duncan Forestry Museum site as all. The hopes is this will be an Insula Magna event in the style of a Fall Faire, and will be a day of fun. Inspiration Tourney's and Pas D'armes style tournaments. As well it will have a fall faire type aspect, with people bringing out their gardening, baking, brewing, crafting and there will be a blue ribbon style competition. We want to see Bardic happening all throughout the fair, and also just having people setting up tables on what they are working on, as well as guild tables such as the Embroiderers Guild, with information on how to join available to the public. So far the date for both Hartwood and Seagirt that works is Oct. 15th. We are just waiting to see if False Isle would like to be included. I am hoping to have the event bid in by next Council. Luxton has asked if we can do a demo at the end of June. This conflicts with Ducal War and Hartwood combat retreat, but we can still look to doing a small demo.
Exchequer: $5904.95 in account. YTD approx. (-600.00)
Scribe: Looking for more people comfortable with doing original scrolls, I have charters for painting. Still looking for award recommendations. Scroll class at Tir Righ heraldic symposium.
Chronicler: Officers, deputies and event stewards please send your reports before council next month.
MOS: Practice is good. We made 160$. On Sundays we have a lot of people dropping by to watch and ask questions. I've asked many times for the iron key to be returned. I'm still asking for it. And still waiting for it. Inventory for rapier Iron Key was done last year, so we're good, but I want the heavy. I know that some was loaned out prior of me taking office. I want to know where they are and in what shape and if they are still legal. I will start a list and every loaned piece will be signed off. We have a class next Tuesday. Percy will teach an anaerobic class, we can decide when the time comes in what room it will happen.
MOB: Seamus has stepped up as Mathieu’s deputy will be taking over after April council
Archery: Archery has slowed down, Archery will be at daffodil John MacAndrew will running it. Possibly thrown weapons as well.
A & S: Not much to report. Glynis has graciously agreed to lead the new Gold Key project on behalf of the Chatelaine and A&S.
Dance: Income from Althing’s: 153.40 due do medical reasons Anne will be stepping back from dance Athelina and Iaroslava have agreed to help run dance for the next several weeks. Spring masked ball is coming up.
Bardic: average turnout 10 people.
Herald: Nothing to report
Event Reports:
Heraldic symposium: have team working. Needing checks for float and hall. Have prize for tourney 100.00 USD gift certificate dark wood armory.
Daffodil: Everything is going smoothly so far. I have posted the list of merchants that will be present at the event, and right now am just tying up loose ends. I have posted a welcome to the event on the FB pages of the Barony of Wyewood, Dragons Laire, Lionsgate and the Shires of Thornwood, Hartwood and Lionsdale. Looking for volunteers for set up starting at 8 am and tear down starting at 10 pm. Anne/Seamus can update you on ticket sales so far. We have a home school group (about 5-7 kids) that is learning about medieval studies and plans to attend the event and are super excited to see and experience everything. Could we possibly make sure there is loner archery gear as several are interested to try it. I will be running the schedule by their Highnesses Tir Righ and the B & B and once approved it will be posted to the site. Morgaine as cook requested 800.00 advance for food. Approx. 40 tickets sold Seamus is assisting with ticket sales while Anne is sick. Anne has float Cheque. From their highnesses: requesting more principality award recommendations. Looking for attendants/guards for Daffodil. Elina will help organized it.
B & B: would like a newcomers class scheduled in the morning. Prize for rapier is cut and thrust/ rapier sword worth $450 USD Donated.
Spring Ball: Tristan doing gate Anna Jane running tavern doors open at 4pm
SST: would like increase the budget to get extra porta pottys should the interest dictate this need. Motion to approve in principle budget in principle by Conall second by Lenora approved.
SYG: Porta pottys arranged. Event at same location as last year. Sara will be doing gate. Property owner requires proof of insurance.
Fall Ball: Still waiting for link for calendar.
Yule: seeking steward.
Daffodil: seeking steward and other location
Old Business:
Pavilion colour vote: dark blue: 12 light blue 6. Going with dark blue:
Wagon: We have wagon now.
Cheque: New cheques need to be ordered $150.00 motion by Conall second by Athelina approved.
UVic hosting idea fest March 12 630pm at looking for more experienced dancers for demo. We missed the deadline for the also named insurance for daffodil, Financial committee approved $318 to cover the late fees, Motion to approve by Juliana, Seconded by Seamus, Motion approved.
No further business motion to adjourn. Morgaine second by Meagan ----------------------------------------------------------------------- -----------------------------------------------------------------------
Seagirt April 2016
Officers & Deputies Reports
Seagirt Chatelaine Report
SCA Name: Letitia Talbott
Mundane Name: Bobbi Baker
Newcomers at events: 10+ Event Walk By: 2 Email Contacts: 3 Phone Contacts: 0 Demos: 0
Newcomers This month we had our largest indoor event of the year. There were many newcomers at the event, min 10+. We had a newcomers table set up with different print outs and a survey to ask what the newcomers interests were and how they had heard of us. Two of them had contacted me prior to the event by email, others were brought with friends. We have seen 3 newcomers out at different weekly practices including heavy fighting, the Althing (weekly multi-discipline get together) and Bardic. Promotion I have asked the populace to send me any photos that have been taken by themselves that they feel would be poster worthy. Once they have sent me those photos myself or the populace will help decide which photos they feel define the SCA best and they will be made into posters to be put up around our area to promote our group. Gold Key Mistress Janet has been kind enough to take on the creation of more gold key tunics. She will be making them at home, and also with people who are interested in helping at the weekly Althing’s. The current gold key is still in good condition and not in need of any repairs. YIS, Baroness Letitia Talbott Seagirt Chatelaine
Exchequer: Baroness Elina Karsdottir
Barony of Seagirt
Income Statement
For the 1QTR 2016 Income Fundraising
Non-Medieval Activities Internal $ 0.00
Non-Medieval Activities External 0.00
Direct Contributions/Donations 216.08
Activity Related
Income from Demos and Activity Fees 686.63
Adjusted Gross Event Income 5,739.83
Funds Transferred In From SCA Account
Within Kingdom 0.00
Outside Kingdom 0.00
\Interest Earned 10.39
Inventory Income
Gross $ 0.00 Cost 0.00
Net Inventory Sales Income 0.00
Other Sales Income 0.00
Adjusted Gross Newsletter Income 0.00
Advertising Income Gross $ 0.00 Cost 0.00
Net Advertising Income 0.00
Other Income 0.00
Total Gross Income $ 6,652.93
Advertising (non-SCA) $ 0.00
Bad Debts 0.00
Bank Service Charges 0.00
Depreciation 0.00
Equipment Rental & Maintenance 0.00
Fees & Honoraria 0.00
Food 821.99
General Supplies
O&A General Supplies $ 267.50
ER General Supplies 594.03
Total General Supplies 861.53
Insurance (Non-SCA) 0.00
Occupancy & Site Charges
O&A Occupancy & Site Charges $ 2,065.00
ER Occupancy & Site Charges 1867.54
Total Occupancy & Site Charges 3,932.54
Postage & Shipping, PO Box Rental 13.44
Printing & Publications 0.00
Released Equipment 0.00
Telephone 0.00
Travel 0.00
Subtotal Expenses $ 5,629.50
Other Expenses 0.00
Donations to Other 501(c)(3) Organizations 0.00
Funds Transferred Out to Another SCA Account
Within Kingdom 275.00
Outside Kingdom 0.00
Total Expenses $ 5,904.50
Net Income $ 748.43
Scribe: Baroness Elina Karsdottir
This quarter was fairly quiet. Six original scrolls created for Daffodil. Three by me and three by James Llewellyn. I handed out some Principality charters to be painted. In the next couple of weeks I will be working on awards for the Masked Ball. Elina
Chronicler: Anne Greystoke
Thank you to everyone who sent in their officer reports. The website has been updated with the new defender and captain of the Grenadiers. Some minor issues with Facebook posts which I believe will be discussed later in council.
Branch Marshal: Hlif Askelsdottir
Practice is going good! One practice was cancelled due to Daffodil. We made 167.25$ we have regular fighters coming and one new rapier fighter trying out heavy. Started to get some iron key back. We had two events! I will let the autocrat report on the fighting event, but will mention that we had no incident reports and Duke Ewian Gower won for heavy and Guido won Rapier. We had a rapier tournament at the symposium. His Excellency Don Conall won and donated the price to the stables; we will buy iron key rapiers. We'll start Tuesday heavy practices at Horizon next week.
Rapier: Mathieu Chadeau Nothing new to report. Numbers same as heavy as the practice time is shared.
Archery: Athelina Grey Events • Daffodil Archery! Master John was archery MIC and ran a very interesting tournament. There was also some training for Jr. Marshals working towards becoming Sr TAMs. Arcos Elora came over and did thrown weapons – Drew made targets. Not technically archery stuff, but wanted to make sure it got reported. Practices • Gearing up due to better weather. Still happen when I have time off work on a weekend, but also when other Sr TAMs are willing to run practice if I’m busy. I ran two back to back on Easter Sunday and Monday. About 6 -8 attendees at those, including some new archers. Big practice this last Sunday with many Hartwood guests, run by Masters John and James. Once it gets light out later, we can have weekday evening practices, though it gets windy in the evenings. Probably Thursday evenings, but not for a while yet. Equipment • Butts need repair – I’ve been working on two new rolled cardboard ones with help from Emily and others. James is working on making a compressed cardboard one. I have the parts for a burlap and plastic bags butt, but need to assemble. Need to measure stands so we can manufacture more (although the stands aren’t so bad: one cross bar should solve any issues for at least the first half of the season. They’re pretty solid. It’s the target butts themselves that need replacing.) • Bows: there are 3 loaner bows (2 we donated sometime in the past by Don Mathieu, the other is the PSE Snake). I also bring a selection of bows for people to use, including children’s bows. • Arrows: we still have the set of arrows we bought from Don Mathieu for $20, and the rest of the bin. Unfortunately, we have very few arrows long enough for tall people with long arms to use. Looking at Canadian sources since the exchange rate is terrible. • Outhouse: Joan is looking into outhouse options for the chicken-sheep-farm. • Alternate targets: definitely interest in moving targets. Will ponder. • Looking at another bulk order of white fletching and nocks and points, sometime in the next month or so, hopefully. Marshalate • Working to give existing Jr TAMs opportunities to train to become Sr TAMs. Working with YMCA Sr TAMs to facilitate this. • Jr. Marshal workshop, coming up on the weekend of April 9-10 (I’ll know which day before Council meeting – probably the morning of Sunday the 10th) • Again, not archery, but I’m excited about Thrown Weapons getting active here!
A&S: Isabel Velazquez de la Vega
For the 2nd year in a row we tried splitting the two A&S contests held at Daffodil into Novice and Advanced categories to encourage more to compete. Last year we have a total of 3-4 entrants and this year we had a total of 8. I think having the two options is definitely giving people who may have otherwise been too intimidated a chance to try out being in a competition. I want to try expanding A&S further at Daffodil to have different options like an Armoring contest to encourage the many metal workers and leather workers out there who don’t feel that Any Medium or Costume really fits their craft. I would also like to try adding in other smaller contests during Seagirt A&S as another opportunity for people to try their hand and competing without the stress of going for the full deal or having to try to compete against those who've been at it a while. With me no longer in the middle of planning a large event, I will continue to build the knowledge data base in hopes to have it posted to the Baronial site. I’m also looking into trying to plan out having major A&S happenings such as large Baronial projects like the silk banners or holding classes once a month, perhaps on the 3rd Althing per month so it’s not too close to council.
Dance: Anne Greystoke
Althing income 217.20
Dance is happening I haven't been there every week but from what I have heard things are going well with Emily, and Athelina doing a large majority of the teaching. Next week we will be focusing on dances for the Masked Ball. I am looking to step down possibly in September if a suitable replacement can be found. I would like spend at least 3 months mentoring in order to have a smooth transition. The Dance stereo is not playing any CD's we have been using Emily's iPod for the time being. The sound from the stereo is good quality so the question is do we want to replace the stereo or invest in an iPod or compatible mp3 player. Used iPods on Used Victoria run between 40-100$ For an older model. Mp3 players brand new are about 20-50$. In the mean time I do have an old iPhone 4 that I can allow the barony use of. Sarah has a Stereo she would like to donate to the Barony
Bardic: Jazzy McIntyre Sonnet Bardic! Edward posted his sonnet online: Tangled-leaf On summers eve 'neath star-filled sky did walk,?A peer of service and her noble friends.?With wine and mead in cups and bawdy talk,?They wandered about twixt canvas tents. Dear Tangled-leaf was full of mead so sweet, As though a nymph she floated round the camp. A woodland queen with grass beneath her feet. Her court of wine with her did gayly tramp. Til darkness won and sleep o'ercame them all, And so to bed the merry band dispers'd. Each head upon soft pillows did they fall. But Tangled-leaf whose stomach seemed cursed. Her husband in the morning found her spent. Said he, "she slept inside the wrong damn'd tent." [Any resemblance to persons living is purely intentional.] Ceridwen wrote a sonnet about Diamante called “The Swan”, Yarro wrote a sonnet about Athelina called “Athelina of the Bow”, and I wrote a sonnet about Viscountess Bernadette's spinach dip and pita. The night was fun and filled with sonnet/poems! March 21st Bardic, Aline of York, Elizabeth, Ceridwen, Molly, Hazel, Bethany, Margo, Edward, Letitia, Zarah, Saito, Juliana, Simon, Amber. A round of laughter and music. Margo sang an aria and the cow song (I love that song), Simon told a story about getting lost that made everyone laugh. Saito sang “Come Again” - stunning and beautiful, with the perfect tone and soft lilt. Edward is practicing a new song from the English Broadside Ballad collection. Letitia sang 'Ban the Fencers', and Elizabeth sang “Down at the Inn”. Ceridwen is the only one who knows the tune to 'Old Dun Cow' so when she sings it everyone gets excited and yells “McIntyre”. Bardic Competition will be filks to period dance music.
Herald: Máel Brigte ingen Aimirgin The heralds who came for Symposium were impressed with the heraldic displays. I am looking for a replacement because I am stepping down as herald in 2 months. -Mel
Chamberlain: Some stuff has been moved to the new stores location, currently seeking volunteers to help with moving the remainder of stores. I will be working on a stores database once the stores have all been moved. Daffodil: We will be having an event debrief next week at Althing’s
Daffodil 39: went very well. We had a total attendance of 171: 98 feast adults, 52 day adults, 7 feast youth, 0 day youth, 7 feast children and 5 day children. We had 11 merchants, 8 A&S entrants, 21 archers, 18 heavy and 19 rapier. The victors were Duke Ieuan Gower for Defender, Master Guidobaldo for Captain of the Grenadiers, Howard Bevan of Hartwood for archery, Baroness Janet Kempe for Advanced Costume, Baroness Tiernaz for Novice Costume, Lady Elinor for Advanced Any Medium and Lady Freydis for Novice Any Medium. Don Mathieu was the lucky duck to win the Treasure Chest door prize. There was one non-member day adult refund of $25. Thanks to all the generosity of everyone who donated, we only spent $397.82 of the $500 prize budget. For future event stewards I will be doing up a list of everything that was bought as well as the estimated value for everything that was donated to help the next group plan and better understand just how we managed to have so much stuff for so little cost. Full event report is attached. Gross income was $4770, total expenses were $3619.84. Net profit before NMS was $1150.16, net profit after NMS was $890.16
Heraldic Symposium: Tir Righ and Antir Heralds were very impressed with the event, 66 people thru gate, giving us a profit of 504.87
Masked Ball, Site opens at 4PM: Dances are up on the event site; Anna Jane will be running the tavern. 2 Cheques are needed $200 each for Float and Hall Rental A games night will be taking place in the tavern with competitions
SYG: The event proposal is based on breaking even at 45 paying adults. We have the other side of the road this time, which includes an approx. five acre field, the small clubhouse building (1 toilet; close to field) and the new 4H building (70 x100 feet; 2 toilets). Dancing or other indoor projects can happen in the small building. The larger building could have a 20-yard archery range or dancing. We will have to leave these buildings open overnight, so we can't consider them a place to keep valuables. We will be limited to 20 yards for archery, unless we can re-evaluate the field. Hawse’s Bid is accepted for cobble hill site
SST: Report not received Gate is taken care of and we will need an extra Porta Potty So far expecting 50 people thru gate.
Sealion: Heavy, Archery, Rapier and Bardic will be best of 3 Scenarios, A&S will be Siege cooking, Games Point and Children’s Point.
Fall Ball: Just received link for kingdom calendar possible murder mystery event
Yule, Daffodil 2017, A&S, Masked Ball are all seeking event stewards.
Event Bid Letitia and Cunagunda (hartwood) have a bid for a fall fair event, Report is Received and accepted. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Council Minutes 3 May 20, 2016
Present: Sarra, Hawise, Edward, Elinor, Letitia, Connall, Isabell, Mael, Athelina, Anastasia, Juliana, Matilda, Iaroslava, Hlif, Sigurd, Ts’ai, Lenora, Elina, Aróc
April Minutes Approved.
Branch Marshall Report
War practice has begun. Attendance is on the low side but event season as just started. We had a couple of practices where we had a lot of guys on the floor and that was great. We had one minor and unfortunate incident. Nothing that could have been prevented and no serious injury. We have been doing heavy practices outside but we still use the gym to change and warm up and when it's very windy or raining. We have new people in armor. Both appreciated that they could be taught the basics inside the gym while the others were outside fighting. Being inside also makes paperwork that much easier. Running after flying paper while in armor is not fun. Having washrooms to change and access to water is nice. I will put it clearly; I am against loosing access to the gym and in my opinion is final. It would be very unfortunate to have to find another indoor space when fall comes. I am still looking for a replacement. Unless the newly filled position here in Esquimalt becomes vacant, we will be moving. We will know where on May 12th and when probably around the same time. A safe guess would be that we're flying out in June. I would like to train my replacement before I go. On the rapier side of things practice has been happening on Sunday's alongside the heavy practice. Don Mathieu went to Anastasias garage sale and picked up a xsm fencing mask a gorget 2 hoods and 2 punch tested tunics to add to rapier iron key. He paid a total of $50 which will use up the mob budget for this year. We made 130$
If we have to cancel a Practice at the Site do we have an option not to pay for that session without notice? Look into giving them a schedule of our events in advance. Connall is willing to step up as Deputy Branch Marshal and will take over when Hlif needs to depart, If anyone else would like to step up he is willing to train you for as long as you need. Hlif Askelsdottir
Rapier Report:
Practice has been happening on Sunday's alongside the heavy practice. Don Mathieu went to Anastasia’s garage sale and picked up a xsm fencing mask, a gorget, 2 hoods, and 2 punch tested tunics to add to rapier iron key. He paid a total of $50 which will use up the mob budget for this year.
Archery Report:
$10 of donations in the archery fund. • Yay better weather! Practices happening most weekends. We get different people on Saturday vs Sunday practices: many people have existing commitments on one of these days. Having some practices on each of the weekend days allows many people to get out shooting at least once or twice a month. • James has repaired several butts. I measured a stand but need to draw up schematics. Need some with stronger centers for crossbow. Does anyone know where to get cheap/free carpet underlay? • Bows: there are 3 loaner bows (2 we donated sometime in the past by Don Mathieu, the other is the PSE Snake). I also bring a selection of bows for people to use, including children’s bows. • Arrows: we still have the set of arrows we bought from Don Mathieu for $20, and the rest of the bin. Unfortunately, we have very few arrows long enough for tall people with long arms to use. Looking at Canadian sources since the exchange rate is terrible. • Outhouse: Joan is still looking into outhouse options for the chicken-sheep- farm. • Alternate targets: definitely interest in moving targets. Will ponder. James is also enthused. • Looking at another bulk order of white fletching and nocks and points, sometime in the next month or so, hopefully. Watch FB. This order should go out mid-May. I found a place that sells ~very~ large quantities of basic white fletching (1000 packs) for very cheap. Need to figure out shipping and exchange. • Working to give existing Jr TAMs opportunities to train to become Sr TAMs. Working with YMCA Sr TAMs to facilitate this. • Jr. Marshal Workshop April 10. 5 new Jr TAMs. One Sr TAM (returning, paperwork got lost before he moved away, back when we were at Eagle Ridge. Re-submitting paperwork.) • Again, not archery, but I’m excited about Thrown Weapons getting active here! Two new Jr TWM’s? We need new target faces 10 faces $4 each 1000 faces $2 each Athelina Grey
Chatelaine's Report
Newcomers Total Contacts: 2 Email: 1 Phone: 0 Demo/Event Walk-By: 1 Returning Newcomers from Previous Demo/Event: 1 Newcomer Participation We have had a small increase in newcomers this past month. There have been 2 newcomers come out who are very interested in Bardic. I hope they have enjoyed their first experience in the SCA! Demos The barony has just picked up one new demo for the fall. The demo is a made for fun event to be based on a fall fair. The idea of it is to give people a chance to see and do things that we don't typically see at our events, such as the apothecary guild, guild of the hunt, or give people a chance to see what people are working on without it being a competition. There will be pas d'armes and inspirations tournaments and wandering bards. This is for both the barony and the public to try something they don't normally see at our regular and busy events.
Gold Key
Mistress Janet is working on making different square construction and other styles of gold key outfits and teaching classes on garb construction to help teach the interested members of the barony. This concludes the April 3016 Chatelaine's report, Baroness Letitia Talbott Chatelaine of Seagirt
Edward Holgrove has stepped forward as a Drop Dead Deputy.
Barony of Seagirt Income Statement for the 2QTR 2016 Income
Non-Medieval Activities Internal $ 0.00
Non-Medieval Activities External 0.00
Direct Contributions/Donations 21.60
Activity Related
Income from Demos and Activity Fees 384.45
Adjusted Gross Event Income 1,235.00
Funds Transferred In From SCA Account
Within Kingdom 0.00
Outside Kingdom 0.00
Interest Earned 0.11
Inventory Income
Gross $ 0.00
Cost 0.00
Net Inventory Sales Income 0.00
Other Sales Income 0.00
Adjusted Gross Newsletter Income 0.00
Advertising Income
Gross $ 0.00
Cost 0.00
Net Advertising Income 0.00
Other Income 0.00
Total Gross Income $ 1,641.16
Advertising (non-SCA) $ 0.00
Bad Debts 0.00
Bank Service Charges 0.00
Depreciation 0.00
Equipment Rental & Maintenance 0.00
Fees & Honoraria 0.00
Food 92.31
General Supplies
O&A General Supplies $ 229.16
ER General Supplies 721.30
Total General Supplies 950.46
Insurance (Non-SCA) 0.00
Occupancy & Site Charges
O&A Occupancy & Site Charges $ 500.00
ER Occupancy & Site Charges 200.00
Total Occupancy & Site Charges 700.00
Postage & Shipping, PO Box Rental 0.00
Printing & Publications 0.00
Released Equipment 0.00
Telephone 0.00
Travel 0.00
Subtotal Expenses $ 1,742.77
Other Expenses 0.00
Donations to Other 501(c) (3) Organizations 0.00
Funds Transferred Out to another SCA Account
Within Kingdom 473.64
Outside Kingdom 0.00
Total Expenses $ 2,216.41
Net Income $ -575.25
Scribal Report
This quarter 6 awards original scrolls were created for Daffodil. Three were done by me and three were done by James Llewellyn. I am hoping to find a couple more people who are willing to do original scrolls. I gave out some Principality scrolls for painting to a couple of people. Our next event where awards will go out will be Sealion War. Baroness Elina Karsdottir
Seneschal: Drop Dead is Sarra Venatrix
Chronicler: looking for a replacement for September and drop dead ASAP, Juliana has stepped forward.
A & S Report:
I have been speaking with people to find teachers for the classes I had suggested having on the 3rd Althing of each month. I have also found an editable PDF calendar that I think would be useful for having on our website and FB page that people could download to see what's going on in advance, similar to JDF's schedules. The plan would be to post it filled out up to 6 months in advance so people would have the chance to look ahead and plan to attend. Still a work in progress. Currently looking into finding a drop dead deputy that I can train to take over when my term is over or if for some reason I must step down sooner. Nothing more to report. Drop-dead has stepped up Elinor Holgrove. Planning banner making.
8 people dancing Athelina is helping call dance with Matilda as Anne has been away due to pregnancy. New CD has been burned for music and new dance books have been made, with sheet music, we are trying to get bardic and dance together. Athelina would like to borrow the Stereo for the weekend Council approved. Bardic: we have new people willing to join bardic we have been working on a new songbook
YIS Isabel
Herald’s Report:
Only thing to report is that I am stepping down at Seagirt Council Tuesday night and Tristan has expressed interest in taking on the position. Máel Brigte ingen Aimirgin Tristan has stepped up as branch herald.
Chamberlain: Not much to report – looking at making a new inventory list.
SST: is moving along Calendar stuff has been submitted, Site walk about will happen soon. Still working on Biffy posters, Have not yet received access to the kingdom calendar site, update access has been received.
SYG: Advertise on Facebook and all SCA publications. Will be happening at the Cobble hill site. Looking for a MIC for Archery and someone to run classes. Still working on posters and something to announce in court.
Fall Ball: Hall has been booked.
Yule: Juliana is interested.
Daffodil: 1 proposal from Tristan and Lenora 40th year of the event, Council accepts the bid. Aróc handed out event steward resource package.
Gentle Arts: Isabell has shown interest
Spring Ball: Anastasia has presented a proposal, Council Accepts
Sealion: Accepting bids now
Pavilion $3000-$3500, half deposit needed for Pete’s tent and Awning to start work. We have $1900 from house BOB, have not yet asked for quote for device on top how much is too much? Connall requests $1300 for the Pavilion 24X30 $2576 Lumber for poles and ropes $300 Approx.
New Business cards have been handed out.
Can Tatiana borrow the gate box for AT war?
Coloring books Principality is good but Kingdom was small and some pages didn’t come through, Lenora would suggest against ordering again as being in Canada we had challenges receiving the books.
Seagirt Council Meeting, June 7th 2016
Present: Aróc, Sarah, Seamus, Matilda, Letitia, Edward, Elinor, Hawise, Iaroslava, Athelina, Connall, Juliana, Serena, Elina, Lenora, Tristan
Seneschal: Approval of May Minutes
Tatiana would like to borrow Seagirt’s gate box for AT War Council Approves however the contents will need to be itemized, Aróc will ask Anthony to do this.
Baronial Report June 2016
we were unable to attend May Crown last month due to work reasons, but it marked the second anniversary of our stepping up as Baron and Baroness. By this time next year, we will be conducting an Affirmation poll to offer our service to the Barony for a second three-year term.
Also this month, the Seagirt forces were victorious at Sealion War. So many citizens and friends of the Barony put forth a great deal of effort this year. This effort is doubly respectable given the torrential rain and muddy field. A victory without the home team advantage is a difficult feat to achieve, and everyone should be proud of this show of unity and strength.
Also at Sealion, the new Seagirt Pavilion was unveiled. Pete's Tent and Awning made the canvas, and Conall made the poles and ropes with assistance from Seamus. Of a matching 20x30 size to the Tir Righ pavilion, its waterproof shelter was greatly appreciated at the muddy, wet war. Thank you everyone that helped set up and take down the new tent!
We also displayed our new silk banners at Sealion however they were not set correctly and the rain melted the gouda staining them.
Conall, Baron of Seagirt
Letitia, Baroness of Seagirt
Total Contacts: 2
Email: 1
Phone: 0
Demo/Event Walk-By: 0
Returning Newcomers from Previous Demo/Event: 3
Newcomer Participation
There are currently 4 return newcomers coming out to bardic and fight practice, and a gentleman who was lately of a barony from the east come out to fencing practice.
There has been mention of two different demos. One for the Monty Python drive in movie, and one for an old folk’s home.
Gold Key
Mistress Janet is still working on making more gold key tunes/dresses for the barony.
An ad was placed in the James Bay Coffee News for our Althing.
End of Tenure
At this Council I will be stepping down as Chatelaine and passing on the position to HL Edward Holgrove. I will be staying on as his drop dead deputy until such a time as he has found a new person to take that place. I have enjoyed my time as Chatelaine and look forward to working with Edward as he continues in the position of Castellan of Seagirt.
Baroness Letitia Talbott
Chatelaine of Seagirt
Income Statement
For the 4QTR 2016
Non-Medieval Activities Internal $ 0.00
Non-Medieval Activities External 0.00
Direct Contributions/Donations 237.68
Activity Related
Income from Demos and Activity Fees 1,211.08
Adjusted Gross Event Income 7,434.83
Funds Transferred In From SCA Account
Within Kingdom 0.00
Outside Kingdom 0.00
Interest Earned 10.63
Inventory Income
Gross $ 0.00
Cost 0.00
Net Inventory Sales Income 0.00
Other Sales Income 0.00
Adjusted Gross Newsletter Income 0.00
Advertising Income
Gross $ 0.00
Cost 0.00
Net Advertising Income 0.00
Other Income 0.00
Total Gross Income $ 8,894.22
Advertising (non-SCA) $ 0.00
Bad Debts 0.00
Bank Service Charges 0.00
Depreciation 0.00
Equipment Rental & Maintenance 0.00
Fees & Honoraria 0.00
Food 914.30
General Supplies
O&A General Supplies $ 712.00
ER General Supplies 3891.33
Total General Supplies 4,603.33
Insurance (Non-SCA) 0.00
Occupancy & Site Charges
O&A Occupancy & Site Charges $ 3,140.00
ER Occupancy & Site Charges 2167.54
Total Occupancy & Site Charges 5,307.54
Postage & Shipping, PO Box Rental 13.44
Printing & Publications 0.00
Released Equipment 0.00
Telephone 0.00
Travel 0.00
Subtotal Expenses $ 10,838.61
Other Expenses 0.00
Donations to Other 501(c)(3) Organizations 0.00
Funds Transferred Out to Another SCA Account
Within Kingdom 748.64
Outside Kingdom 0.00
Total Expenses $ 11,587.25
Net Income $ -2,693.03
Nothing new to report
Juliana has stepped up as the Deputy
Branch Marshall
Had issues with the hall but it got fixed. Quarterly report sent. Very few practices due to events. 2 fighters showed up. No interest in war practice in May aside from the one Connall organized.
Rapier has been happening in Seagirt all month; we fought well at Sealion and were met by Lionsgate in 3 fun scenarios. No combat injuries this month in rapier and last Sunday (today) Connall arranged for Master Godfrey from Lionsgate to come out to practice.
Practices: happen! James has helped run some, and several Jr TAMs plus Lachlan have been helping run the line.
Marshals: paperwork hand delivered to Althea (spelling?) this weekend. I also still have digital copies. Active participants: 20+ at practices.
Events: Sealion (though not our event and therefore no Archery MIC form): Very nifty shoots. Miranda won Archery.
-We have several good butts. James has been diligent in repairing the cardboard ones. We have carpet underlay for new butts, but I need help (work party?) cutting and framing it.
-Iaroslava got the Barony a present. I'll let her tell you about it.
Cool related stuff: Master John MacAndrew received the Staff of the Honoured Marshal.
Other cool stuff: throwing things? Throwing things! Flinging things? Maybe flinging things? I hear people being enthused about the flinging of things!
A & S
In the month of May we had many A&S projects going on. Baroness Janet has been leading the Gold Key project, teaching people the basics of rectangular construction and helping replenish the Gold Key stores. There was also the Seagirt silk banner project which went beautifully and we now have lots of awesome heraldic decor for events. Master James held our first A&S class, which was on how to be an SCA Officer. I have lined up several more teachers for classes starting Jun 21st with Lady Athelina teaching a TBA Dance related class. I hope to make FB events to invite the populace so that the teachers can get an idea of the number of people who plan to attend. Not much else to report at the moment.
Thanks Isabel, A&S Officer of Seagirt
Matilda has been running dance and agreed to take over early; Matlida is now the Dance Deputy.
April 4th (Sad Song Bardic) 2016
Margo, Amber, Diamante, Saito, Zarah, Meli, Juliana, Ceridwen
Margo : Mormond Braes, Cow Song, Raglin Road, She moved through the fair.
Amber: Eldemar,
Saito: Lute lute lute lute, Hush Hush, Pastime with Good Company.
Diamante: Poem of a Horse, Mull of Kintyre, Honey, Daddy's Hands, And miles to go before I sleep
Meli: True Love of Mine
Juliana: Drink me a Drink, Other Daughter, We will Stand, Long Ago (poem),
Zarah: Story of Wolves
April 17th Fall Mask Ball and Tavern
HL Edward sings a filk to Sellengers Round while we are dancing it! It was awesome.
Juliana sings Oh Bloody Hell, Silent Knight, Young Smith, for some travelers from Avacal who have no bards. There were drinking songs, merriment, and a lesson for new comers when we taught “Down at the Inn”.
April 18th
Justin and Sarah, Zarah, Evan/Saito, Amber, Caroline/Madilda, Bryntach McQuarrie, Brownie, Meli, Juliana, Daniel, Drew
Justin and Sarah/Flute and Ukelele: Fairies song, Pastime with Good Company, Shune Aroon with everyone and music, Blow the man Down, Three Ravens with everyone,
Saito: Fine Knacks for Ladies,
Amber: The Heather,
Matilda: Naughty Young Maids, Down at Inn, Johnny Be Fair,
Bryntach: The Garden (5 part harmony), McQuarries' Bard Brigade,
Drew/ Some wood instrument: the Tuatha-de-denann, Wood Instrument music, random cool poetry.
Juliana: The Veil, The Sealskin Jacket, White Rose, On Ocarina: Sweet Young Anders Widow, Irish Washerwoman,
Bronwie: The Willow Maid, Cucumber Song
Meli: Shune aroon
This Bardic was amazing. There were so many people, and even though Saito and Brownie didn't sing solo's very often, they provided beautiful harmonies for all the other songs! Matilda is spent half the night in the corner writing her new filk – to Female Sailor – which I am looking forward to hearing next week (Or tomorrow if she finishes soon). We had a flute, a ukelele, a harp, a wooden pipe, (Saito didn't bring his lute and bemoaned the fact, so next week we'll have all the things!), and an ocarina. We did so many awesome songs. And the theme suddenly became 'Fey' at the start of the evening. I'd challenged Amber a number of times to sing us pretty fey music, and she stepped forward right away. Sarah and Justin had just heard about us on facebook and decided to drop in! OUT OF NO WHERE! It was awesome – and they were awesome. I'm looking forward to bringing them out to events with some period music. They are learning Pastime with Good Company – so I will have a lute, flute, uke, and harp to play it! Muahahahaha.
April 25th
We had Amber, Juliana, Justin, Evan and Zarah, Justin and Sarah, Diamante, Lauren.
Amber sang “Annachie Gordon”, I cried. It was beautiful and she was amazing.
Justin sang “Red as Blood” and “The Captive” and a filk comedy.
Juliana sang “One for the Leaving”
Justin and Sarah performed “Dell” and “Boiling Oil”
Evan sang “Come Again” with Juliana providing the counter madrigal.
Lauren sang “The Veil” - she sang it soooo good. It's the first time people were so enraptured they just listened and didn't sing along as well.
Diamante sang “The Veil Repost” and “He's Married a Mermaid”.
The Bardic numbers were smaller because of Hlif’s Going Away Party happening that night. There was mention of cancelling bardic because many of us wished to attend, but Juliana (I) decided that there was not enough time to contact uvic medieval club members, Sigis members, Lions Gate members, Rocks members, and other members whose numbers were unknown. Luckily, Bardic was still big and we had a great time with crackers and cheese and tea.
May 2nd
Sarah and Justin, HL Edward, Matilda, Molly, Juliana, Jen, Amber, Saito and Zarah
Everyone (with instrument), mostly for lessons: Three Raven, Come Again, Gypsy Rover, The Reeper, Fruit of the Yew, Come by the Hills
Sarah and Justin: Fergus is Running away Again, No Balls at All, Fruit of the Yew (learned how to play it on the uke and flute.
Edward: Lord Willoughby Came Home, Edmund Fitzgerald. Eyeball story.
Juliana: Virgins Taste Better, Fruit of the Yew, Come by the Hills (on harp)
Caroline: Fruit of the Yew lesson/teaching,
May 9th
Sarah and Fergus, Matilda, Zarah and Saito, Justin, Jen, Amber, Juliana, Lauren, Meli, Daniel, Bonnie, Bethany and Jake.
We were so full people didn't fit in the room! And everyone had fun and brought snacks.
Sarah and Fergus: Chastity Belt,
Saito: Come Again (with Juliana in Madrigal)
Justin: Heart of a Warrior
Jake: Snare and Deadfall
Bethany: Mushroom song
Bonnie: Poetry
Juliana: The Veil, Sealskin Jacket
Amber: Annachie Gordon,
May 16
Jen, Fergus and Sarah, Amber, Justin, Matilda, Bonnie, Molly.
Cleaned up outside to move bardic, luckily it was a smaller night so that we could stay in.
Jen: Flute
Justin: Birds of a Feather, Good Hunter,
Juliana: Taught “Mordred's Lullaby”, sang Black Widows in the Privy, Pillaging
Amber: Twas Sisters, Witch of the Westmoreland
Matilda: Sealskin Jacket, Savage Daughter, Other Daughter
Bonnie: Poetry
Fergus and Sarah: Fergus is your Friend, Down to Maui,
Sarah: Link Song
May 23th 2016
HL Edward Holgrove, Molly, Matilda, Bethany, Momo, Justin, Sarah, Bonnie, Heather, Saito, Fergus and Sarah: 'Hearts Ease', 'Jamaica', 'Upon a Summers Day', 'Johnny be Fair', “Learn to be Cowardly”.
Everyone: 'Mordreds Lullaby', 'Come and Be Welcome'.
Saito: 'The Story of Why I am Making a Folding Fan... And didn't die'. 'Come Again' in two parts, 'Flow my tears'.
Bonnie: 'Puppets' Poem,
Edward: 'Brave Lord Willoughby',
Molly: 'The Water is Wide' on harp
Amber: 'Annachie Gordon',
Jen fluted 'Pastime with Good Company', with Fergus (flute), Sarah(uke) and Jaz (harp), everyone sang counter harmony saprano and tenor.
Juliana: 'Story of the Heart', 'Come Again' with Saito – counter harmonies for the win!
7Pm people showed up, was a lot of all-together songs. We did a 'pick or pick' style of bardic – pick something to do or pick someone to do something.
Monday 30th 2016
7pm people showed up and we set up (Matilda did all the work) a pavilion outside for everyone... and then my neighbor decided to mow their lawn. Blech. But people had fun! Lots of story telling about Sigis, and Seagirt and Lions Gate and An Tir History.
Matilda, Molly, Juliana, Sarah and Fergus, Breton, Brother Emrys, Amber, Jen,
Brother Emrys: Hlif's Song, Dammit House Sigis, What a way to Go,
Juliana: Ye Tir Righan's By Name (Miranda's Song)
Breton: Lily Maid
Fergus and Sarah: A lesson on Harmony and Intervals, Three Country Dances, L'importun, Rufty Tufty, Child Grove, Saint Martins,
Jen: Fruit of the Yew,
April notes:
During the month I’ve been tutoring Amber in voice lessons and Molly in harp lessons. Right now Molly can perform 'The water is wide', 'Gypsy Rover', 'Lavenders Blue', and 'Lizzie Lindsey'. We will work on some period things.
Saito and I met up and practiced 'Come Again' in two part harmony. I the cantus, he the tenor. HL Edward re-wrote his 'sellengers' filk so that he could sing it in time to the dancers. He's come out to dance practice and sung for us and it's been absolutely amazing. He also memorized 'Brave Lord Willoughby' and performed at the Sealion Bardic circle – making it to the top contestants. Fergus and Sarah jumped two feet into bardic. They've provided music, sheet music, passion, and a level of dedication that has renewed a lot of spirit in the group. The two are learning all the bardic songs on instrumentation, as well as all the dance songs. Not only that, but they've found the lyrics to a lot of our playford dances – and will sing the song w/ lyrics and flute or ukulele accompaniment during bardic. They've come out to dance to perform as well.
Brother emrys, of Lions Gate, wrote a number of hilarious songs about members of Seagirt and Sigis. His Hlif's song left people laughing and tearing up. His Sigis song is so popular you will hear it hummed and sung for years to come.
All in all, April has been an amazing month for the bards.
Lady Skald, Juliana la Bedele.
Note, Sealion.
Sigis sung 'Rock Song 1,2,3,7 and too many', for Seagirt. Edward sung Brave Lord Willoughby, Juliana and Saito did a lesson on Madrigals, Saito performed 'Flow my Tears'. Brother Emrys won with his angry letter to Sigis, and performed Super Rabid Honey Badger Hlif in closing court.
There was a great many amazing performances – beat poetry, improve theater, three part french period songs, comedy, and all around fun times. The indoor bardic saw an audience of maybe 30 people, and a great time was had by all. Though we didn't win the war point, Seagirt can be proud of the awesome bards we get to show off.
Event Updates
SST: Ti’ en Po everything is going as planned, nothing further to report.
SYG: Hawise need Gold key, Water point, we have 2 buildings no archery marshal yet (ask Master James)
Fall Ball: Not present nothing to report
Yule: Juliana has a bid Bid Accepted
Daffodil 2017: Vicountess Lenora
Gentle Arts: is our traditional A&S Championship Steward to be decided next Council
Spring Ball: Not Present
Sealion 2017: Need Steward
Old Business
Pavilion- has been purchased and had a good rain test at Sealion, when taking it down be sure to fold it inside out to preserve the canvas, we will be test painting the canvas soon
Business Cards have arrived
Event Signs: Template?? Must be shield shape, we have one in the barons basement he will search for it.
Old Pavilion- will be auctioned off in 2 weeks’ time at Althing bids start at 630 and run until 715 starting bid $300
Ropes need replacing, the ridge pole is starting to show wear.
Camp Bernard is available for events however the cost is $5500 for the weekend this is not feasible for us to make a fair gate fee and maintain a solid breakeven point.
New Business
Daffodil Prizes are what has been bringing the fighters from out of town we need to keep the prizes nice to ensure this event keeps growing. We will talk again with Castielle Armoury about another donation.
No Raffles due to BC Laws we will talk with Ti’en Po about this as he has done gaming things in the past.
July 2016 Council Minutes
Present: Sarra, Tatiana, Elizabeth, Ned, Jen, Connall, Elina, Lenora, James, Amber, Matilda, Aróc, Letitia, Tristan, Sigurd.
Seneschal: Would like to adjust the customary to reflect Council minutes being posted within 1 week after council opposed to 3 weeks. Council Approves. Using google docs for reports. All officers will have a Gmail account created by Elina, and she will provide passwords and keep track of them.
B & B Report:
SCA Name - Conall MacLagmayn
Modern Name - Nathan Brown
SCA Name - Lettice Talbott
Modern Name - Bobbi Baker
The month of June was a quiet month for Conall and I. We went to one event in Coill Mohr; June Coronet. It was a wonderful event where we had the opportunity to see the new Tanist and Ban-Tanist chosen who will then step up as Prince and Princess of Tir Righ in the near future. Baron Conall fought in the rapier tournament and I was able to meet for the first time in person Baron Finn Grimm of Dragon's Mist. As well as watch multiple people from our Barony almost become Prince, or Princess!
Another bit of business was the purchase our new Baronial Pavilion, it's much larger 26'x30' than the old pavilion, and will be able to butt up against the Tir Righ Pavilion at Events to create one large pavilion for shade. The old pavilion was auctioned off to Lord Seamus and Lady Anne and little Diana. Congrats and thank you to all three of them!
This ends the June Council Baronial Report
Baron Conall MacLagmayn
Baroness Letitia Talbott
Castellan’s Report:
SCA Name: Edward Holgrove
Modern Name: Ted Godwin
Branch: Barony of Seagirt (Victoria, BC, Canada)
This is the Castellan's report for June 2016
? Contacts
Total Contacts: 0
Email: 0
Phone: 0
Demo/Event Walk-By: 0
Returning Newcomers from Previous Demo/Event: 0
Newcomer Participation
Newcomers continue to participate in activities such as bardic gatherings and they appear to be acculturating well to the SCA which makes them less visible to me. I would be glad to report on their successes if they or those who interact with them would care to let me know.
Planning for the "Monty Python" demo At Bullen Park, Esquimalt, BC on July 13th is proceeding well under my Demo Coordinator Mathilda (Caroline Curtis Woodbridge). Expected attendance at this public outdoor movie night is 500 people or more. Currently have 3 Heavy’s, 3 Rapier, and 10 dancers confirmed and some people in garb, Only the Castellan may talk with media (society rules)
Gold Key
Mistress Janet and her team are still working on making more gold key tunes/dresses for the barony but as summer tourney/war season is upon us they are finding it difficult to get together.
Seagirt YouTube Channel
Master James has established this for the barony and uploaded some videos of past activities. It is hoped that in the coming months (again perhaps after war/tourney season due to time commitments) we can produce some short videos directed at recruiting and acculturating newcomers.
Yours in service,
Sgt. Edward Holgrove, GdS
Castellan of Seagirt
Exchequer Report:
Statement of accounts available at Seagirt Files Seagirt Ledger 2016 (2).xlsx
We need to publicise the amounts for practice locations as we are losing money every week.
How can we get clarification on NMS for practices?
Seneschal will put together a financial team.
Scribe Report:
Nothing to report
Chronicler Report:
Branch Marshall Report:
Steady practice. New old fighter is back (Crawford). No incidents to report. Last practice was a tournament. 3 fighters brought home various bottles of alcohol. This is my last report as Seagirt's Master of Stables. Connall has now taken over at Branch marshal we need more loaner gear as we only have 1 or 2 sets. , hoping to be at clubs day in September,
Rapier Report:
June council rapier report: Regrets I cannot attend council due to work. Rapier has been happening in the barony sporadically due to summer events. I attended Hartwood CoW as the MIC for rapier. A few classes were run and a fighter reauthorized. I am waiting for the report from SST so I can send off my quarterly report. SST had a rapier tournament, 5 fighters took the field and Sigurd was the victor. Also at SST we held our first branch cut and thrust practice, Baron Conall and myself took a few passes at each other and this must be done again soon. Quarterly report has been sent.
Archery Report:
Archery Report for June 2016
Practices: happening. Lots of people, several new archers. Some have their own equipment already! Still a variety of people attending each based on availability.
Equipment: glorious new arrows made and donated by Iaroslava.
James has made target faces.
I talked to assorted places and can get target faces for about $1.50 a face at Bucky's, which is the cheapest price I've found so far. (Possibly cheaper - will continue talking to them) Will spend money from archery fund to buy many. Waiting for people from other shires in Tir Righ to reply to see if they want some too.
Marshals: confirmation from Athelina finally!
Events: several people attended College of War. There were lessons on arrow tuning and thrown weapons.
SST: There were two great tournaments: Master James ran a very nifty Lady and the Templars shoot, which was awesome and huge fun.
We also had our Marksman Tournament won by Athelina, run by Lady Miranda. More details to follow. I won things, without expecting to.
A & S Report:
A&S continues to go strong, Baroness Janet is still working on the Gold Key project for any who wish to help or learn. We've had a couple of A&S classes, led by Lady Athelina and Baron Connall which I have heard good things about. There are more to come with a class on SCA fabric coming up, a class on the basics of Gate and a class on drop spindle. I’m looking for others who wish to step up and offer to run a class or two. It can be as formal or informal as you choose. I think making FB events for the class help show the teacher how much interest there is/could be so they can plan better for things like prints outs. Not much else to report besides that.
Isabel A&S Officer of Seagirt
Dance Report: Dance numbers are low in the past few months; it would be interesting to see how much of that is related to summer. We need 6-8 dancers in order for dance to be fun. Can we have one week per month just for dance in garb, with no other scheduled activities? Approved 2nd week of each month.
Can we keep the banners at the hall if we are using them regularly?
Bardic Report:
June 6th
Ulfric, Caieya, Sarah and Feargus, Eirnin, Ashley, Matilda, Brownie, Juliana,
Juliana: Marquess of Magenta, The Man who wouldn't die, Hlif Song, I'll sing no drinking song for you until I get some Beer
Eirnin; Sigis sound, Cry of the Vegetables
Brownie: Sun and Shadow
Ashley: Selkie Song, One for the Leaving.
Caieya: The Island, Ballad of Midsummer County
Fergus and Sarah: Pastime with Good Company, Fergus Song
Outside bardic, lots of arts and crafts and a Sigis guy showed up and did poetry and song. Caieya and Ulfric came for the first time and were awesome. And Ashley came and sung us the Selkie song I love. We had some three part harmony for 'Pastime with Good Company' – sung alto and sung soprano and flute bass. Which is coming along really well.
This bardic we had a lot of the old crowd, so I didn't enforce 'pick pick teach' like I have the last couple of weeks. Brownie and Ashley and Eirnin are all happy to sing but still new to SCA bardic styles so I did a much more fluid free style, just picking people to sing and having some fun storytelling and casual chatting in the middle. A lot of people went home early at 9 – for buses mostly, and it was a nice short 3 hour bardic. Lots of success for the potluck – pasta, chicken pie, cookies, banana loaf, cucumber water.
June 13
Amber, Daniel, Juliana, Mel, Gareth, Matilda, Molly,
Mordred’s Lullaby, the Veil, Stuff, Forget
June 20
Amber, Daniel,
Really Quiet.
June 27th
Caieya, Amber, Edward, Juliana, Kaiya, Andrew, Daniel. Evan, Zarah.
Caieya: Vivat, One for the Leaving, the county song
Edward: Guiedo Song,
Kaiya: Poetry
Daniel: Drew art.
Evan: Flow my Tears, The veil,
Herald’s Report: No success from predecessor Tristan is trying hard to fill this roll.
Chamberlain’s Report: not present Sarah has asked for gate box for her class will inventory and restock.
Event Business
SST: see report
Daffodil: Contacting the event calendar. Donations for the event contact Serena, Janet and Connall will do the feast.
Sealion: Connall has a bid, Approved.
How will we deal with visitor issue from last time? Connall and Ned have a plan. Should we have a fundraiser at this event?
Pavilion: Needs ties sewn into the top, Connall will take it back to Pete’s to have this done we will trust him to be reasonable on cost.
Classes for largess can we have some?
August 2016 Council Minutes
Seneschal Update:
Approve: June & July minutes. Confirmed.
Monthly Reports: Deadline, she had two: most were combined with Quarterly, but need to be sent in separately.
B&B Update:
SST: New Archery Champion (Athelina Gray). Crossbow vs Archer shoot, and rapier practice and first ever Cut and Thrust practice.
AT War – Baron, seagirt army and sigis were awesome. TIr Righ's Army was Bagpiped in by Seamus. Tir Righ won.
No awards at SST because NO recommendations.
Violante will be handed out only at SYG
Need more recommendations.
Officer Updates: These should be available on our Facebook page the day before Council meetings. This time may be used for discussion about those reports or for future ideas.
Chatelaine: SST, 15 people to visit. “So great having wonderfully identifyable Gold Key”.
Demo: Thanks Matilda! Principality Chronicler wants write up and photo for Northern Sentinel. Recruitment season in Sept, new comer classes in Fall during the All Thing. Come out and teach! 1-1.5 hour long classes and teachers needed.
Working with Principality Chatelaine's office with recruitment. Document on ways to recruitment/conversion.
Pamphlets! Thanks to Viscountess Lenora for the amazing pamphlets.
Exchequer: 3361.29, balance. Down $2600 for the year. (Money from House Bob for the new pavilion). Needs new deputy.
Scribe: Scrolls being made for SYG. Teach a class at All Things on Painting and Scroll making!
Chronicler: Thanks Juliana and Seamus, newsletter coming. Juliana taking over for Anne starting September.
Branch Marshal:
Rapier/Heavy: Practices in July were sparse and poorly attended. SST had none. Fights need to get together and talk about the ways to go forward. Practice by parks at Oaklands. Sigis joins in. There is a market that helps promote foot traffic. (Wed). Request for a chatelaine. Official request to cancel hall booking for Investiture weekend. Need to talk to someone at the school for cancellations or school time bookings. Keep it up one more month. Call off hall for next summer July and August. Cut and Thrust – periodesque combat. Steel two handed weapons. More armor then rapier, less then heavy. More reason to hit your friends.
Archery: It happens when no events. Just bought 50 targets. Lots of places in Tir Righ that want targets and hopefully will buy them. Archery fund is good for targets, but not for indoor practice space. Not a lot of people want to pay 10$/head for indoor. James has been repairing target butts. Lots of people have new equipment. Every time there is a Tir Righ scorer contest there has been crazy weather, so practice in all weather is great.
A&S: Classes are great. August dates are being worked on. Third weekend has a designated class. Tir Righ A&S has been extended to Aug 22nd. Requests for donated prizes for Daffodil. Dance: Learning how to call. 8 dancers. 15 people for demo. Tuesday after council. IN GARB :) Council. With food. In period you would dance some, you would eat some. Offering side room with comfy couches for A&S and Social. Discussion on possible table possitions. Bardic: SST was awesome. We outlasted the Cabilla's. Rampant 10-12 person bardics weekly, and 30ish person events.
Herald: Has now been trained in Heraldry. Now is happy to get on the task to Herald things. Have some garb free for the people. One person with heraldry in submission.
Chamberlain: Stores: SYG, stores party to go through the stores and catalogue and photo them so when we move it'll be organized. Now free to devote to programming for stores and have web page info. Not saying there is a rumor that there will be pizza for the partiers.
Event Updates:
SST – Ts’ai T’ien-p’u: “It happened, we made profit”, we got an extra portapotty. 150/per unit. Seagirt now has a portapotty. 41 Adults, 8 Youth, 7 child. 12 Cite Comps. If you sign up on Gate, you still have to pay sircharge. Floated 60$ of NMS charges for visitors. Learning experience. No injuries on report. No fires. Athelina won archery. Nature walk was amazing. Pep talk next tuesday or Wednesday at wine wednesday next week.
SYG – Hawise: Site opens 3pm on Friday, come support barony. Cobble.
Fall Masked Ball – Anastasia
Island Fall Fair, Blue ribbon style fall fair competition. At Cobble Hill. Us and Hartwood, and a Demo. Fiber Arts, camping for some. Reserved some space for campers who are traveling. Food sales out of back of hall.
Yule 2016 – Juliana is planning. Great Feast. Advertisement!
Daffodil 2017 - Lenora and Tristan: Laughlin and Janet are feastocrats. Website. Tavern.
Gentle Arts 2017 - Event Steward to be decided tonight, no Steward. Next council or event getting cancelled. Tavern Night?
Spring Ball 2017 - Event Steward is Anastasia
Sealion 2017 – Baron Conall
Old Business:
Business Cards – available
Event signs: Recommended 2 sheets: for 12 small. And 5 large. Council had approved 100$ at 120$/Sheet and Lettering. Final decision, choose 12 small ones and with reflective lettering/tape.
Any Other Business:
Pavilion repairs: Done, paid, and reimbured. 134$.for heavy duty Straps.
Financial Committee: Met, like to see 20% profit built into event bids. 60% of Hall Cost by Dec would be awesome, that's 45$ a week.
Largess: GONE. Rallied up a force of Armsmen and marched to Lions Gaters and DEMANDED to give us back. His Highness made us promise not to go to war as long as he is prince. We did get it back. Theives War themed Sealion? What do you think?
Glynis: Local Champions: Rapier and Heavy and Archery and A&S (Seagirt Summer Tourney). These champs had to be local. Marksmen and Grenadier and Heavy can be someone not local. Ed and Mog felt they had too many people, but they had Sergeants. Now we have a Grenedier and Champ who aren't local. So we don't have very many local Champs who can stand behind the thrones. We were discussing that the bragging rights and espirations to promote things. It would really help the fighting community to have an actual local fighting champ. Team building thing. When we had these before from out of branch, if they would win they would get the prize – but the first local person would be champ.
Athelina: Defender is now the only champ, so all duties have been combined. Since we want more people, having more people recognize you being 'champion'. It's now purely prize driven. Recommend having both. Defender and Heavy. On the website, we lost track of one half of the columns for the archery champs – we have marksmen, but no archery champs.
Anne: Getting rid of Champs have plummeted the numbers of SST.
Minutes September 6/16
B&B : Baron's a Gallant, new Prince and Princess. Eiuen and Gwyneth.
New Chronicler tonight Juliana is taking over for Anne. Thank you Anne for being amazing and supporting us.
Webminister has been made a Greater Officer in most other branches, Proposal from Seamus to make this the same for Seagirt. Seamus offers to take first 2 years. (This after a 5 year term). Approved
10-15 mins welcome tour for Fall Fair. Voluteers requested! Contact Ned.
Tips and Tricks to tour will be posted. Newcomer Classes for September – teaching how to. UVic Medieval Demo Days – 14-15 sept. Some people to do a demo would be awesome! Fighter? Wednesday would be awesome. Dressed to the nines. 10am-4pm. Post it as an Event on the Seagirt Page. Come teach classes all year!
– Balance 3200$ in the account. 2600$ in the negative from last year.
Cheque from pavilion came in. Cheque 597 for the rental of the hall in July was misplaced. It was put into an envelope in their mailbox. Further notice to come. Might need to do a stop payment.
Athelina bought Targets and more Targets.
August paid 375$ for the hall. We covered 290.40$ was collected.
– Awards were made for SYG event. Replacement looking for. Job is to arrange for scrolls for events. Catalogue of recent scrolls. Ask James. Ask other word smiths.
Branch Marshal:
Talk about the hall. They are interested in having a hall through winter. 20$/ month. 5$ drop in for last minutes. 57$ was collected on day. Paid for 3 days this month. Got a reply back from the hall, need to call back to discuss pass september. You don't have to be a marshal to hold key and collect money. Also looking for a senior marshal for this month. Between 2-15 fighters. Pole fighters newbie class.
Rapier: Nothing new to report Branch Marshal touched on all topics.
Archery/Thrown Weapons:
Stuff is happening. Bought target, and donations come to 98$. Like to suggest to use that to make thrown weapons. Also make Athelina Branch Thwron Weapons marshal. Making Rounds for the Thrown weapons. Saito priced and designed wood ones.
Sergeant Prime:
Hope to budget 100$ one time. 50$/annually after.
Dance and Social – next tueday has a liquor license. Financial commitee to do it this time- approved. Tea for all! Twisted Sister (liquor) are donating profits. Hall has been verified. Close the doors. Tables and chairs have been moved to help cut back noice. And games will be hosted in the library.
Tell us if there is anything you want to learn! Contact Serena about Brand teaching some classes. Bardic:
Congrats to HL Juliana for getting her Sable Chime. Herald and Chamberlain – not here
Event Updates
SYG: Report. Not official. Sent an email to old Excheque address. 32 Member adults. 8 children, 1 comp. Should solicit feedback.
Fall Mask – no one. Potential for Murder Mystery.
Yule: Making Hankies. Soon to be taste test.
Daffodil: nothing to report – James is gonna do the tickets. Bring to Twelfth Night. Someone offered a wooden chest.
Gentle Arts: Jen put in a bid. Isabella would like to scholars trial. Tudr classes. Do a feast maybe. Site has kitchen for 50$ - Central Saanich Senior Citizens association. Arts and Sciences championship. 150$ per floor, two floors available. Get in touch with Hlif about Comp format. 40 people estimate. Low 200$ profit. Need a license to serve alcohol. Jan 21st.
Spring Ball: Anastasia.
Sealion: Signed contracts. Baron Connall is event stewart.
Set up a minion meeting.
Business cards – lots.
Event Signs – look really cool.
Financial Committee Report. Like to see events make a 20% profit. Goal. Halls starting to pay for themselves would be awesome. Silk Banners project. Bottom line would like to stay above 3000$ in account at all time.
Fall Fair – Posters! It's a happening thing. Men in tunics.. and tight tights. Need people to contact Ned for tours. Judge for brewing and cooking competition – contact Eleanor Holgrove. Gate sitters. Service! Hartwood guilt trip them to serve too! 20$ for family. 10/person. Contact Jackie with A&S.
– Need: Pajama Party.
– Need: Barrels or Tubs.
– Archery crazy gambling
– Fighting / Fencing lessons
– Cook Sweet/Savory. Tasty/Period.
– Bring friends.
New Business:
Request of Council. Private event. Cutlery and Plates Morgaine would like to borrow from store. Approved pending Baron James's Project.
Big Bad Bid Committee: Various groups traveling about Halls and Hotels. A catalogue will be coming out shortly.
Potential for Investiture – Co-Ex Site, 600$ for site, 500$ for Biffies.
Potential for Bear Mountain – if not Investiture, then Twelfth Night. 2019.
Isabella would like an Deputy for Gentle Arts.
Seagirt Council Meeting October 4, 2016
* Seneschal Update:
* Approve September Minutes
* Monthly Reports and Council Meetings
-Note to Juliana and Erik to ask for reports in advance next time.
* B&B Update
Write Recommendations soon.
War with Hartwood?
Awards - Hawise (red flame) and Matilda (rock).
* Officer Check Ins:
* Castallan - Fall Fair. Nice to see us being nice to moderns. Novice Classes at Yule. Thanks to Sextus.
* Exchequer - Need to make money. 1986.65$ + Fall Faire
* Scribe - Hoping to make new scrolls. Recommendations in by 2 weeks.
* Chronicler - Needs reports early. Remember Quarterlies. And potential newsletter soon.
* Branch Marshal - Not meeting our Goal. Jaime has potential space for free. Now. Look for new address to be posted
* Rapier - Going. Conall has taught and Drew has taught. 2 renewals of fight cards. 2 renewals senior marshal.
* Archery - Practices have happened. Events had archery. More marshalls, though their paperwork was stalled and is now moving on. Thrown weapons is going to be starting once targets are finished. HL Athelina is helping write Archery Book of Target. (Fall Fair was good publicity). Fact sheets (2 page) frequently asked questions for marshalls available.
* Sergeant Prime - Budget, new buckle.
* A&S - Pretty steady. Some classes cancelled due to illness. Still looking for classes – pewter classes etc.. Also doing an A&S documentation and class on how to go up from barony to principality to kingdom. Largess please. How to and what questions for Scholars.
* Dance - Dance nights are well attended. Tavern was great, but not as big as we thought. On those nights we've been getting 12-16 dancers. Consistently 2 newcomers are coming.
* Bardic - Cancelled some. 2 random peoples. 4-6 attendies. New Skald.
* Herald - Absent
* Chamberlain - Absent
* Webminister - Officers emails.
* UVIC - Medieval Club Day. Lots of people signed up at Club Day. 6 people regular show up. Coptic book binding. Dance. 3 came to Fall Faire, and some are coming to the Masked Ball. Hoping to bring Medieval Club to fight practice Oct 12th . Please make sure fighters are there.
* Event Updates:
* Island Fall Faire - Letitia. Request an honorarium to the Vancouver Island Blacksmiths Association. 300$ profit after honorarium. Hartwood will get 300$ as well. More Children's activities next year. Newcomer vs. Spectator revisal for next year.
* SYG Accounting - Hawise. Still waiting for report. Lost 20$ about.
* Fall Masked Ball - Anastasia. Tristan as Gate. Turkey. Carver for Turkey. Potluck. 15$ NMS. 3Pm open
. * Yule 2016 - Julianna. Make Tickets Now. Feast is now raised to 20$. Criar report due 15th. Largess?
* Daffodil 2017 - Lenora and Tristan Serena is working on Donation for Prize Chest. Contract and Deposit are here and ready.
* Gentle Arts 2017 - Isabella. Deputy Edward. Site is secured. Twisted Sisters is running. A&S Champ. Tatiana is Tutr steward. Looking for Feast Stewart. Look up BAS Mock Competition. Potential Public Advertising/Social Media Deputy.
* Spring Ball 2017 - Event Steward is Anastasia. Booked the Hall.
* Sealion 2017 - Baron Connall. Still waiting if we need more paperwork.
* August Investiture 2017 - Waiting to see if we won the bid.
* Old Business:
* Business Cards - available
* Event signs - Size sign we have is wonderful on Side Road. Invisible on Highway. Might need more. 4 times the Size is better. Tie in the Center.
* Any Other Business:
* Financial Committee Report
* Field Herald for Coronet is requested.
Seagirt Council Meeting November 1st, 2016
* Seneschal Update:
* Approve August & September & October Minutes “Approved”
* Monthly Reports and Council Meetings All In!
* B&B Update:
Masked Ball (missed), All Things, Unveiling surprise at Yule. Form Decorations
Commitee Discussion.
* Check Ins:
* Chatelaine
Not present, reports sent. Discussion on Gold Key repairs.
* Exchequer
Balance: 2350.38, deposit from fall faire returned. 67.20$ cheque from Tir Righ from Nakusp.
* Scribe
Their Excellencies will be providing info for Scrolls. Morgaine and Amber are helping.
* Chronicler
Send a request to Anne for backlog Quarterly Reports.
* Branch Marshal
Not present
* Rapier
Wed/Sundays. Newbie from Monty Python. Rule from Kingdom inspections of helmets off AND on body.
The Society Rapier Marshal has requested we make some changes in how fencing masks are inspected.
Given the increased awareness of concussion injuries in the zeitgeist and the trickles of reported incidents of concussions and/or concussion-like injuries on both combat fields (and in both heavy rapier and cut & thrust) over the years, the Society Marshal has requested that we improve the quality of armor inspections of head protection for both armored and rapier combat forms.
To address this request, this office is taking two actions:
1) Issuing a policy interpretation of section PROTECTIVE GEAR, 2.B.iv. of the current Rapier Marshal's Handbook to the effect that when masks and helms are inspected the “show no evidence of impending failure” phrase includes requiring that all head gear must be inspected off of the fighter's head as well as on, and be sufficient to show that the condition of the padding or suspension system meets Society/Kingdom rules. This process will include physical inspection to ensure that padding hasn't decayed and gives resilient push back as designed, that webbing, straps and other protections are present and in working order.
2) Requiring that any head injury reports submitted to this office include a statement of the condition of the fencing mask or helm that the combatant was wearing and was it in compliance with the Society/Kingdom rules at the time of the injury. Given the proliferation of smart phones with cameras, photos of the headgear are encouraged to be included with reports. Each KRM/KMoF on this list is to issue guidance to your kingdom's deputies and marshals on these changes. Given that action #1 might result in masks or helms not being allowed to be used if the padding is decayed or missing, I encourage each kingdom to have mask inspections occur at local practices as soon as possible. This will help prevent people traveling long distances to events only to discover that their masks do not pass inspection.
To address a few questions that have already come up during my preliminary discussions:
- For fencing masks, the commercially installed padding inside the masks must be present and in good condition. When pressed, the padding must give resilient push back.
- For fencing/rapier helms, the Society Rapier handbook currently does not have any specifications for padding. I will be sending out a separate email with the proposed wording. At this time, if your kingdom has requirements for padding, all rapier helms must be inspected to make sure they are in compliance.
The goals of these changes are to help improve inspections which will hopefully result in fewer injuries and to be able to gather more and better information related to injury reports."
The take away from this is a change in how we do out inspections of fencing masks. You should continue to do the inspection with the person wearing it as you do currently looking for damage to the mesh, checking the fit so that the mask does not hit the face and for back of the head protection. In addition to that you will now need to have the person being inspected remove the mask so you can check that the padding is in good repair. A main part of what you will want to check is the padding on the forehead. Also you should check to see if the elastic strap/suspension system is in good repair. Elastic is not required if the person is using some other method to secure the mask but you need to make sure it is staying in place.
The discussion on rapier helms is still on going.
I will supply more information on that subject as I receive it. Maitre Sebastien de Caen
An Tir KRM
* Archery
New rules out, more by 12th Night. Athelina will post a link. Looking for Tree Stumps and extra. Bring equipment to All Thing for Class/Work party.
* Sergeant Prime
* A&S
Classes,Prizes, Looking for Backup – Eleanor/Jackie will take over December. Largess. Jen donated Largess (tassels).
* Dance
Numbers are way Down. Idea's to be sent in by Dance Minister to foster Dance this week. Looking to expand.
* Bardic
4 people. Send Tami and Uillium the link for Bardic Book when finished. To send out and put up and then email the link to the list of People I have.
* Herald
Not here
* Chamberlain
Seagirt Stores has moved next door to the next unit. As always, if you need to access anything, contact me via FaceBook, phone or email. I am still not at work, so my availability and flexibility are still good.
* A gentle reminder to new Event Stewards: Soiled items, such as Gold Key, napkins and table cloths need to be laundered before being returned to Stores.
Note to the Principality Chamberlain: We still have the Storm Thrones in our Stores. They are in good condition and safe.
* Uvic
Stuff happens. Heraldry class happened.
* Event Updates:
* SYG – Hawise – Need a date for the PEPP Talk Not here.
* Island Fall Faire – Letitia – Need a date for the PEPP Talk 29th 630pm
* Fall Masked Ball – Anastasia – Need a date for the PEPP Talk 29th 8pm
* Yule 2016 – Event Steward is Julianna
Send TM TH TB's CHECK POTENTIAL TANIST/BANTANIST. For Court. Schedule. Baroness will pick up Walls from Hartwood. Float Cheque.
* Daffodil 2017 – Event Stewards are Lenora and Tristan Hoping to get in Friday night to Hang Banners. Work Party. Party City store Nanaimo (decoration rolls in Stone).
* Gentle Arts 2017 - Event Steward is Isabella de Firenze, All's well.
* Spring Ball 2017 - Event Steward is Anastasia, Event Bid for Halloween next year and. (Week after Easter), April 22nd
* Sealion 2017 – Event Steward is Baron Conall, not present.
* Old Business:
* Business Cards – available
* Event signs -
* Any Other Business:
Masked ball – 21 Adults. 40$ in Donation. Short 85$. 4 New People.
Attendance: Lenora Elina Seamus Isabel Kathleen Bradley Margot Isabella Elizabeth Randy (Anastasia) Matilda Sara Venatrix Zarah (Runa) Lauren (Marion) Athelina Juliana
December 6, 2016
Seagirt Council meeting:
7pm start
Attendees: Aniko, Elizabeth Glidden, Gizola, Iaro, Athelina, Margot, Kathleen, Robert Mackenzie, Elinor Holgrove, Edward Holgrove, Elina Karsdottir, Lenora Truble, Sarra Ventatrix, Lettice Talbolt, Conall MacCragmayn
Last council meeting minutes are posted on-line. As they had not yet been read, they were not accepted, and was tabled until the next council meeting.
Chatelaine: A Girl Guides troop has contacted Edward about Seagirt providing a demo in February for the troop. They would like to see some fighters in action. Details to be firmed up in January.
Exchequer: There is $2260.and some change, currently in the bank.
Baron/Baroness: At coronet, a new Tanist/Bantanist won, and our new princess will be from Seagirt. During some of the meetings held there, it was decided that the king and queen wanted to attend a "premiere event" in each shire/barony/etc., that would no conflict with any other event happening in the principality. After discussion with our members via FB, it was decided that Daffodil was our premiere event, with Yule being the second premiere event. Seagirt has won (been given) August Investiture. While at Hartwood Yule, the Baron and Baroness were invited to attend Hartwood council. There were asked 'what it means to be a barony' After a two-hour chat that was supposed to only be 15 minutes, the council voted to take the next steps to become a Barony! Although this may take up to two years to happen, this is the next step for Tir Righ to become a kingdom. At Yule, we had lots of royals, lots of awards, and one of our own was put on vigil to become a Pelican! Congradulations Alina! The Baroness and I intend to seek a second term. There will be voting to this effect at Daffodil, with those not being able to attend able to vote in some yet undisclosed way, possibly via email. At yule, we introduced an old award, repurposed into a new award: The Orca. The device for the orca (with out the wreath) has been passed as the populace device! The baron and baroness have had very busy past 5 weeks, as events were attended 4 out of the 5 weekends.
Alina: We are looking for people to make scrolls, is anyone interested? Please contact me.
Rapier: Practices are happening
Archery: Practices are happening. Althelina is looking for a replacement. Applications for the position are to go in now, so that a replacement can be chosen at January council. Posting to be posted on FB. There are rounds that could be available in Esquimalt, they just need to be picked up. (Conall/Athelina will do so next week) Drew Couper will be making and donating stands for them, as well he is donating an axe.
Master of stables: Fight practices are happening. Conall would like to pass his position on, and will be taking applications. Some rush but not immediate action is required as Conall has many other duties that need his attention.
A&S: Report submitted. Isabel de la Vega is looking for a replacement. Applications for the position are to go in now, so that a replacement can be chosen at January council. Posting to be posted on FB.
Bardic: Report submitted. Practices are happening.
Medieval club at UVIC: They have a new executive. They have been encouraged to attend the allthings, as well as local Seagirt events. Meetings are currently held Wednesday evenings, that may change with the new executives. Instructors will be needed in the new year.
Gentle arts: Event is opening to merchants. Event is being held at the Central Saanich Senior’s centre in Brentwood Bay. There are two floors, one for main event, one for classes. Novus classes will be held as well. A&S championship is currently being run by Isabel de la Vega
Daffodil: Everything is on track. Insurance is needed. Tickets will be available soon, possibly next council. Looking to seat 100 people for feast, plus off board, no details on the feast yet. Lenora and Tristan are looking for people to shadow them for this event.
Yule: Only detail out is that we had 117 Adults come through the door.
Sealion: No details yet, renting the school house will be happening so there will be a place for people to go should it rain lots.
Event signs: It is believed that there are enough leftover supplies to make two big highway signs for events. Caiya, (Sarah Hodgson) has been given the go-ahead to make these.
New business:
Discussion held about pushing the date back into February for Daffodil 2018. It is currently held the 3rd week of march. Decision was postponed until January Council.
August Investiture: volunteers needed. Please see Arroc if you would like to volunteer.
8:01 meeting ends. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------