Seagirt Council Minutes for January 2, 2007
Meeting Called to Order: 7:00 pm
Meeting Ended: 7:49 pm

In attendance:
Elina Karsdottir, Seneschal
Wolfgar, Master of Stables
Glynis, Baroness
Anna-Jane Burd, Herald
Catherine Townson, Chronicler
Lenora di Calizzan
Reann, Exchequer
Morgaine Essex
Theocharista Irene Diaconia
Antonia Fraster, A&S Mistress
Uilliam the Mariner
Anastasia Daysshe, Dance Mistress
Alinora Wynteryngham, Deputy A&S Mistress
Surtr Ukkonen, Master of Blades (arrived late)

Quarterly Reports are due.

Yule Report If numbers continue, we will need a larger hall.

Motion (Reann): As a matter of policy we will pay to the travel fund $50 cdn ($40 us) per person for sitting royalty that attend the event.
Seconded (Antionia). Passed.

Daffodil Report Plans are going well. We would like a meeting.

Sealion Report Motion (Uilliam): We would like an ithra at Sealion. Seconded (Anna-Jane). Passed.

Budget for 2007 presented for approval.
Motion (Elina): to approve the budget. Seconded (Theocharista). Passed.
A cheque for the site deposit for Daffodil has been requested by the deputy autocrat.
A list of Seagirt inventory has been passed around with a request for updated information from "stuff holders".

Report enclosed. Master of Stables
Fight practice was maintained by Jarl Barak during Wolfgar's absence. Hoping for more heavies in the Spring.

Report enclosed. Master of Blades
Not a lot of practices during December due to holidays. Looking forward to a new year and hoping for new fighters.

Report enclosed. Chronicler

Report enclosed. Herald

Dated for scriptorium nights will be posted to the rocks.

Report enclosed. A&S
We had three meetings over December, including a class on period desserts. Classes for January TBA. Antonia is stepping down as A&S Mistress at the end of February, but will have everything prepared for Jan-Mar to ensure a smooth transition. Next on the list is completing the Daffodil Defenders banner.

Chastellan No report submitted.

Dance Report enclosed.

Baron & Baroness
They are going to Twelfth Night, where we hope to get the results of the Baronial continuance poll.
James is hosting a yellow garb contest at Daffodil, in addition to the A&S contests. The Prince & Princess are confirmed coming to Daffodil. We (and they) need recommendations.

Other Business
Ithra: Request for input on desired classes at Sealion.


Seagirt Council Minutes for February 6, 2007

In attendance:
Elina Karsdottir, Seneschal
Tangwystl verch Glyn, Baroness
James Llwellyn ap Gruffyd, Baron
Catherine Townson, Chronicler
Surtr Ukkonen, Master of Stables
Anastasia Daysshe, Dance Mistress
Antonia Fraser, A&S Mistress
Lenora di Calizzan
Reann, Exchequer
Anna Jane Burd, Herald
Alinora Wynteryingham
Ysane La Gaillarde (Monique)
Moragine Essex
Shahid al-Hasan (arrived late)
Brenethwyn (arrived late)
Eowyn (arrived late)

Please use the Tir Righ officers email addresses for reporting.
Sentinal subscriptions are now due. See Elina.
Drum Doinnan would like to start up feast or famine again, however they are planning this duing the Ravenslea War weekend. Will discuss this with the Seagirt fighting commuity.
Founding members: Should we "comp" their Daffodil tickets? Did not pass. Tickets will not be "comp"ed.

Applications for A&S Mistress: Alinora Wynteryingham and Ysane La Gaillarde.
Alinora Wynteryingham is the new A&S Mistress as of March 1st.

First two pages of the doomsday report must be published. Will be included in the February 2007 minutes (see attached).

Report enclosed.
2006 financial report enclosed.

Master of Stables
Fighting Wednesdays on Catherine St. and Sundays at the drill shed. Archery is also on Wednesday night.

Master of Blades
Surut is putting in a sword order for 6 new metal blades. Fencing armour is in the works. Masks at a later date.
Fibreglass blades have been banned from tournaments and wars in kingdom by the kingdom rapier marshal.

Report enclosed.
Attachment 1. Attachment 2.

2006 minutes are up on the web.

There was another scriptorium night in January.
Permission to conflict letter is in the wind.

Report enclosed.
January was slow due to weather.
Attendance: 6-12 people per week.
This coming Wednesday marks the beginning of the banner-making.
February's classes: tent-making and a lace discussion.

No report submitted.

Dance has been busy. 9 newcomers showed up last week. There was a total of 35-40 dancers in attendance.
Dance demo on Feb. 16th for Harriet Hall.

Report enclosed.
Baron & Baroness
James and Glynis have passed the poll.
Daffodil is coming up. We need recommendations. Their Highnesses are coming. Their Majesties are maybes.
Upcoming plans: Duma. More details TBA.

Other Business
Daffodil: (James)
30th Daffodil. There is full day food. There are some revolutionary ideas for the merchanting area (details to come).
Next Daffodil planning meeting: Feb 15th

NSCA Meeting: (Lenora)
Will not be on the island this year.

Autocrats are needed for SST, Sergeants, and Yule (including tourney).

Tir Righ: (Lenora)
Coronet will be in Lionsgate.
Investiture in Dancescombe.


Seagirt Council Minutes for March 6, 2007

In attendance:
Elina Karsdottir, Seneschal
James Llwellyn ap Gruffyd, Baron
Anna Jane Burd, Herald
Mathieu Chaudeau
Lenora di Calizzan
Alinora Wynteryingham
Reann, Exchequer
Anastasia Daysshe, Dance Mistress
Antonia Fraser, A&S Mistress
Batu Sube, Castellan
Wufgar Bradaxe, Master of Stables
Iago ab Adam

Nothing to report.

Report enclosed.

Master of Stables
Report enclosed.

Master of Blades
Report enclosed.

I regret that I am ill and not in attendance. Anna Jane will be taking minutes with my thanks.

Report enclosed.

We have had two classes this month: Lace and Tents in the SCA.
Banner for Daffodil: Pattern to be dent to Iago.
New A&S Mistress (Alionora) to begin reports in April.

Have been in contact with a couple in Sidney.
One demo in the air.
No-one has coe forward with demo contributions.
Known world handbooks to exchequer.
James School email regarding Crusader Demo, James to forward email to Batu. Meeting if demo is to be scheduled.

Report enclosed.

Other Business

Need award recommendations.
Scriptorium night to get scrolls ready. Tehre are a number of knights coming.
Reann, table at Daffodi; with proceeds to Barony.
$455 to excequer.
Tickets will be at A&S on Wednesday, social night this Friday and fight practice on Sunday.
A&S display for Annika. Mathieu to arrange.

NSCA meeting 2 weeks Sunday. Will be day tripping. BoD stepping down to accept Lenora. Looking at incorporation in Canada.

Possible increase to the number of war points.


Seagirt Council Minutes for April 3, 2007

In attendance:
Anna Jane Burd, Herald
Reann, Exchequer
Elina Karsdotir, Seneshal
James, Baron of Seagirt
Ming Lum Pee
Batu Sulze, Castellan
Glynis, Baroness of Seagirt
Krzysztaf Sirtaski, Master of Blades
Anastasia Dayyshe, Dance Mistress
Alinora Wynteryngham, A&S Mistress
Theocharista Doukaina
Uilliam mac Ailiene

The Defender?s cloak requires cleaning. After some discussion, it was decided to buy a zippered storage bag for it and get an assessment on the cost of dry cleaning it.
The Baron mentioned that the Baronial cloaks also required cleaning, and it was decided that this could be covered from the Baronial $100 fund.
Alina reminded everyone that quarterly reports are due by April 15, or May 1st for the Exchequer and Herald, please send a copy to the Seneschal when you send them.

Reann told the council that Seagirt?s books were been reviewed by Tir Righ?s Exchequer and we must keep better track of Seagirt?s property. Batu, deputy exchequer, will inventory all good he has at his home. Everyone else holding Seagirt property must inventory it and post it on the web site. If they don?t wish to do this they must give it to Batu.

Account Balances for this month are:
Chequing $5,127.33
Term Deposits $3,000.00
US Funds $162.35

Report enclosed.
Master of Stables

Report enclosed.
Master of Blades
At Daffodil, Lucien became our new Captain.
Practices are stable although attendance on Wednesday?s is down.
The 3rd annual Chocolate Bunny Tournament will be held this weekend.

Report enclosed. Archery
Absent due to illness.

Nothing to report.

Heraldry went well at Daffodil. Several people have had their names and devices passed. The second populace badge was returned for lack of contrast. We can redraw and resubmit it. New drawing will be done for next council.

Report enclosed.
A&S is being well attended. We did a calligraphy class with Iago and we have done a coif class. Chain Mail is planned for next Wednesday night. Lenora needs to have George?s device charted so she can begin work on it.

Shaw filmed Daffodil. The Baron had received 2 demo requests and is passing them to the Chatelaine.

Going well. Spent $127.20 Pass the hat brought in $137.35. Anastasia made matching dance tunics for Daffodil. Would we like to keep the for Seagirt. It was the general consensus that we pay the $50.65 for the cost of the tunics and they will become part of our regalia.
Report enclosed.

Baron & Baroness
Please make recommendations, we are not getting people recognized because we can?t be everywhere. We enjoyed Daffodil and the court went well. In order to make things run smoothly and to share the effort to make it happen, we need more people to volunteer an hour or two of their time to help.
Other Business

James Llewellyn the autocrat reported that we made a profit of between $500 and $600. The event went fairly well. We did some things differently this year and what worked and what didn?t was well analyzed at the post mortem. Many people liked the layout of the tourney hall this year. We may use the bleachers next year. The Buffet had a lot of food, but we need more service stations, people to man them and heating equipment.
The attendance was 21 children, 10 youths, 8 complimentary and 254 adults for a total of 293. There were some problems with gate and it would be a good idea to have a gate seminar before next year. There was good feedback and the Bar being in the main hall was appreciated and dancing on the stage was really well received.
We had to pay $53.00 damage for tacks put into the wall to hold up the Seagirt tapestry and banners. If they hadn?t been ready to paint it could have been more. We will find alternative methods for displaying them.

Ming the autocrat would like to know if Anna Jane would like to be head herald or if she would like to appoint someone to volunteer. Copy for the event will appear in the June Crier and the Sentinel. We are always open for ore volunteers.

Event Bids:
Theocharista offered an event proposal for next Daffodil. It needs to be offered up for bids and she was asked to resubmit the bid next month.

There has been a discrepancy in the finances and they are being investigated by the proper authorities. The fees have increased to $10.00 due to insurance increases.