Retinue plays a crucial role in every baronial reign and court. The members of retinue attend to the Baron and Baroness, manage matters of court, and often oversee the elaborate pageantry that brings SCA events to life.

The court of Vemundr and Hallveig has established some but not all key positions for their permanent retinue, and they would greatly welcome volunteers—whether experienced or new—to support their retinue at both local and kingdom events.

Vacant Positions on Current Retinue:

1. Camp Coordinator/Baronial Cook (this might possibly be two positions)

2. Baronial Stevedore/Chamberlain (this is actually a Council position, so description can be found on Seagirt's Baronial Officers Page)

No Experience Needed!

Additionally, one of Their Excellencies' goals is to include as many people interested in retinue duties as possible, and to provide training for them. Vemundr and Hallveig welcome any and all volunteers, from newcomers at their first event to more seasoned members.

If you're interested or have any questions, please reach out to the Head of Retinue.


Isabel de La Roche

Queen with Ladies in Waiting

The Head of Retinue oversees the activities of other retinue members and serves as the primary point of contact for any questions. They are entrusted with the authority to make decisions and coordinate activities on behalf of Their Excellencies.

Any matters requiring Their Excellencies’ attention should first go through the Head of Retinue.

The Head of Retinue will track progress and, about two weeks before each event, organize the movements of the entire retinue team for events attended by Their Excellencies. They will also post a general call for attendants on the Baronial Facebook pages for each event.


Morgaine Essex


Court official reviewing long list.

The Court Coordinator oversees all logistical aspects of Segairt's court, including gathering supplies such as scrolls, seals, pendants, and kneeling pillows. They collaborate with the Baronial Herald to organize the order of operations for court and ensure all ceremonial items are prepared. During court, they stand ready to provide necessary items to the Herald or Baronets.

The coordinator also organizes court processionals, records awards granted, and reports them to the OP clerk. Additionally, they liaise with representatives from other Baronies, Their Royal Majesties, and/or Their Royal Highnesses to address the needs for traveling courts, feasts, camping arrangements, and more.


Máel Brigte ingen Aimirgin

(Name pronounciation: "Mal-vree-jhuh")


German herald drawing attention to themselves.

The Court Herald has two major public-facing responsibilities. First, they act as the voice of the baron/baroness and may find themselves making announcements, delivering greetings, or speaking on behalf of the Baron or Baroness when they are unable or choose not to do so.

Secondly, the court herald acts as a kind of master of ceremonies, gathering and reviewing the agenda for the court and facilitating its proceedings, ensuring a smooth transition between each item to maintain the court's momentum.

Behind the scenes, the court herald ensures ceremonials are kept up-to-date and works closely with the Court Coordinator to organize the order of operations and manage court business according to Their Excellencies' wishes. They also arrange toasts as needed for feasts.


Mary Burrel


Medieval merchant and her wares.

"Largesse" refers to gift items given out by the Baron and Baroness in court and informally. These small gift items are usually created or provided by members of the Barony.

The Largesse Coordinator oversees the creation of largesse, assembles largesse packs, and serves as the contact for artisans wishing to donate their time and/or materials. They may also assist in providing prizes for competitions as needed, depending on the situation.

Their Excellencies will be looking for someone before the start of camping season in the spring.

The Camp Cordinator helps out with organizing the baronial encampment for camping events and keeping people in the encampment fed. The Baronial Cook can also work with the Camp Coordinator as a deputy.

If this interests you, please email the Head of Retinue.