Seagirt Council Minutes January 7, 2014
Present: Morgaine, Eideard, Hamish, Lenora, Mathieu, James, Elina, Sutr, Tristan, Glynis, Finn, Serena, Sarra
December minutes Approved.
Seneschal: Quarterly reports are due from officers.
B&B: Gave out awards at Yule, mostly to old timers, we are seeking recommendations for newer people to the barony
Exchequer: Bought new checks cost $150
Account sitting at 5456.96 +5000 on GICs
Chatelaine: Prospect Lake Demo had 18 people present 3 heavy fighters 4 fencers 12 dancers and Baron James as MC
Demo was very well received and we were given a $150 honorarium
Gottacon demo coming up in February seeking volunteers 38 Feb-2 Mar
Set-up Thurs night doors open to public at 5pm Friday
MOS: Last Sunday was first Practice post Xmas season and we saw 9 fighters out in armour
MOB: have arranged for indoor space at MMA Gym every Sunday
Archery: Athelina is attempting to book a facility
Chronicler: Nothing to report
A&S: nothing happening December was a write off due to holidays
Herald: No updates
Scribal: We are working on daffodil awards
Dance: 1 practice in Dec intake $70
Minister of Family Affairs: Not Present
Yule- was fun just under 100 People total of $59 loss on event. We need thrones for the royals: Serena will post a call for bids to the rocks.
Cobble Hill Site has been booked for SST and SYG $700 for site with hall and restrooms.
Upcoming Events
Gentle Arts: Hall is confirmed from 2pm-11pm doors open at 3pm Schedule has been confirmed
Tristan requires a $200 advance for gate.
No tavern allowed at site (glentana village rec centre)
Lots of Street parking
Prizes have been donated and dinner is an open Potluck
DAFFODIL: we have a cook (Finn)
Tourney is being decided Dimitri is the MIC
Merchant Fee is required
Seeking someone for day food
Crier copy is submitted tickets will be on sale soon.
Seagirt Council Minutes February 4, 2014
Present: Lenora, Hamish, Morgaine, Tristan, James, Elina, Edread, Serena, Hucbald, Sutr, Sarra, Lettica, Connal, Athelina, Mathieu.
Minutes: January: Change to read B&B seeking recommendations FOR new people. APPROVED
Seneschal: Quarterly reports are all in please forward a copy to the chronicler
Tir Righ/Kingdom Calendar shows no EIF for Daffodil Connal is working on this.
B&B: Stepping down polling will take place in April either online or at council this is up to their majesties deadline to declare your intent is 28 Feb
Exchequer: Account is at 5141.78 + GICs
Lenora is interested in combining the 2 $500 GIC’s into one
Chatelaine: Gotta-Con coming soon if interested in donating an item to the table or fighting.
MOS: Nothing to report
MOB: Nothing to report seeking an MIC for Gottacon and Daffodil (Connal has volunteered)
Archery: Nothing to report Jaime is willing to teach a combat archery class at daffodil
Chronicler: Nothing to Report
A&S: Happening at Dance talking about classes at Norse demo and lots of people are working on projects.
Dance: Doing well numbers are holding strong Sutr will be away the last 3 weeks of April.
Herald: Nothing to report
Scribe: Has names for awards and working on scrolls
Gentle Arts: 24 Adults
3 Youth/Children
$220 Profit
No full entry for A&S Morgaine will continue as champion
Yasmina won Bardic Champion
Daffodil: is coming along we are awaiting a response in regards to day food.
Norse Demo: will be done as a market place Sweden 9th-10th Century
Aug 9 and 10 2014
They will allow fighting if we gain also named insurance
Kingdom media person has approved the museum brochure
Museum has agreed to $2500 Honorarium
Garb must be period materials workshops to be announced
SYG and SST: No stewards site is booked at cobble hill
Seagirt Council Meeting, March 4, 2014
Present: Tristan, Hamish, Inga, Lenora, Mathieu, James, Elina, Eideard, Hucbald, Athelina, Sutr, Finn, Glynis, Connell, Megan, Vincent, Liam
February Minutes Accepted by Council
Seneschal: Change of Date for Sealion we have been bumped back a week due to June Faire Prince and Princess may be at Sealion.
Sgts and SST need Event Stewards
Dates for Yule 13 Dec 2014
Daffodil 2015 is not on the Calendar book 15 March 2015
Daffodil Bid Cutoff will be June Council
SYG and SST 2015 DRF's need to be submitted
B&B: Looking forward to Daffodil the Prince and Princess are coming please send in award recommendations for Principality awards.
Exchequer: Bank Account is at $5188.33 + GIC's
Asked about the GIC's at the bank there is no advantage to moving the large ones the 2 small ones were cashed out and combined into 1
Chatelaine: Gotta-con went well thanks to everyone for coming out.
Demo Garb vetting?? Demo troupe need period garb for demos or demo training prior to the demo
MOS: Practice at Jaimie’s Bay
MOB: Nothing to Report
Archer: Nothing to report
Chronicler: Nothing to report.
A&S: Every Tuesday at dance focus for the coming months will be garb
Herald: Nothing to report
Scribal: Daffodil Scrolls are being worked on
Dance: Going well demo focus is now over brought in approx. $160.
DAFFODIL: lots of volunteers
Connell will be RMIC
John MacAndrew will be Archery MIC
Test feast went really well
Ticket sales end 8 March
Isabelle is Deputy Event Steward
Masked Ball: Date: 26 April
Paperwork has been submitted
200 Hall
115 Tavern
315 Total
60 people at 10 each = 285 profit
Event Bids:
Spring TUTR: 27 June 2014 - Bid By Connell
Camping weekend in Cobble Hill
$20 for Adults
Bid Approved
SST: Mael has a bid - Bid Approved more details to come
Norse Demo is coming in Aug
Lenora: Proposal for B&B Changeover to be moved to June Faire
Candidates and B&B will look into their availability
James: B&B change over next Tuesday night will be a meet the candidate’s night
Polling will be at daffodil between courts
If you are emailing you poll please CC the King and Queen
NO FURTHER BUSINESS, MEETING ADJOURNED -----------------------------------------------------------------------
Seagirt Council Minutes April 1, 2014
Present: Hamish, Anne, Elina, Serena, Mael, Sutr, Hucbald, Athelina, Connell, Finn, Lenora, Tatiana, James, Glynis, Letitia, Tristan, Anastasia
March Minutes Accepted
Seneschal: Bid for Daffodil 2015 will be due by June Council
SYG Bid due ASAP
B&B: Daffodil went well lots of awards were handed out.
Polling went well Results were delayed waiting for their majesties’ to respond should be sometime this week
Sealion points
Kids point
Boffer Thrown weapons and Archery
A&S point for heraldic encampment
Bardic point on Peace
Heavy TBA
Rapier TBA
Archery TBA
3470.06 in bank before deposits + 5000 GIC's
Travel Fund auction raised 225
Had a demo it went well we have received a lot of emails from families
Practices are happening average of 6 people at Jaimie’s Bay Hoping to move to Rudd Park as weather is getting better
MOB Not Present
Archery: had a competition at daffodil Practices are happening at the farm.
We are looking into getting combat archery stuff for those interested in learning
Nothing to Report
Happening Tuesdays at dance
Talking with Morgaine about Norse Classes
Dance Sutr is leaving for 3 weeks Aline will be opening the hall in his absence
Herald Nothing to Report
Scrolls went out at daffodil thanks to those who helped
UVIC Club wed nights from 6pm-9pm
Event Reports
167 people thru Gate
Day fee was supposed to be $15 some people only paid $10 (proposal to leave this issue and accept report) Proposal accepted by council
3210 in 289.10 Profit
In future tickets should be numbered, Use separate gate sheets for comps, feast and day fee
Heavy Champion - Sir Kerrigan
Rapier Champion- Sutr
Archery Competition - Micha
Event Updates
MASKED BALL AND DEMO: 26 April doors open at 1pm
1-5 Newcomers meet and greet
4pm - Final Court of Mogg and Eideard
5-6 Dance lessons
6-1030 Dancing
Need $200 for the hall cost
Newcomers meet and greet will be simple people looking at garb Q&A not a guided class on Garb
SST-Athelina will run the archery Tournament
Ask Cobble hill site to please mow the field and leave the hay bales for butts like they did last year
Other Business
SYG needs a Steward
No Further Business, Meeting Adjourned. -----------------------------------------------------------------------
Seagirt Council Meeting, May 6th, 2014
Present: Hamish, Eideard, Tristan, Lenora, Anna Jane, Inga, Sirt, Morgaine, Connell, Letitia, Anastasia, Sarah, Elina, Athelina, Glynis, Tatiana, James, Meal, Mathieu, Lauren, Karos
April Minutes Accepted by council.
Seneschal: Connell's Last report stepping down, He is working on final reporting now and catching up on waiver submissions.
B&B: Last report Sealion points are on the rocks
Exchequer: $5584.05 + $5000 in GIC's. We did not break even on first quarter we are down $186.88
Chatelaine: We have had a few people contact us.
June Heritage days wants us for dance demo
September 13th BC Pensions corp would like a demo from 11-3
MOS: Practices are occouring we are moving to rudd park soon
MOB: Hawise sent an email in regards to a small fencing mask for sale Mathieu has purchased this mask and will bring is paperwork for reimbursment from rapier funds
Archery: Has been happening at the farm want to start combat archery soon
Chronicler: Nothing to report
A n S: Moving on the TUTR sessions we now have class lists.
There has been a request to teach card weaving outside of the UTR sessions we will run this on a tuesday night
we need defenders banners for Keiren, Owain, Seth, and Kerrigan.
Dance: Has been happening numbers are steady $155 in
Herald: Would like to thank deputy for coming to council and provideing reports in her absence, Anna jane has filled this office for 8 years and is seeking a replacement so she can step down in the near future.
Scribal: getting awards ready for Sealion if anyone would like to help please contact the scribe.
UVIC Club: has been closed until september for summer break
Event Reports
134 Adults
5 Youth
15 Children
Event profit $324.19
Lenora has previous event bids and reports in electronic form if future event stewards would like the information to prepare bids.
51 Adults
2 Youth
8 Children
520 in at gate, 327.19 in event costs, 192.81 Profit
Hall changes in the future price will go up if we want the hall before 3pm or after 11pm
we can Use the kitchen as we have been for the tavern
we have a copy of our insurance on file
all garbage must be taken off site
No smoking on site grounds
Event Updates:
Nordic UTR: June 28 and 29 at Cobble hill site
3 tracks
New comers
James is organizing classes
We are seeking instructors for the newcomers track
James will post class list to the rocks and request instructors
SYG: No applicants 2 Scholars applicants no Stewards
Bid will be in at June Council
SST: We have a Rapier MIC and an Archery MIC still seeking MIC for Heavy Combat
We have flyers to go to May Crown and other events
Raptor Demo: is not suitable for this site someting to look into for other events if we have an appropreate site.
Seeking bids for the following events
Fall Ball
Old Business
Norse Demo
Had a meeting we will get parking passes if we can get bodies for setup friday night
time changed to 11am-4pm
Have a room for changing and armour bags
ships location is changing to by the front doors
insurance- specific name is required for the museum insuarnce form who will send it to our insurance company for verification
we have a floor plan Saturday evening there is another show in the same space we are using from 8-11 we are invited if we would like to go be prepared to answer alot of questions
Billiting space is needed as we as runners and shuttle services during the day
Photo ops at the bay centre during the summer
we are getting $2500 for this demo motion to set aside $900 to get people from out of town to the demo (tabled until june council)
New Business
Tristan has a bid for tir righ A&S and Bardic
Saanich fair grounds cost $1000 estimate of 60 people in attendance to break even
danscombe had 82 people thru gate
60 people thru gate 3 years ago
Bid approved please forward to Tir Righ
Senechal Change over: 2 candidates James and Morgaine
James informs Morgaine its all hers
NO FURTHER BUSINESS, MEETING ADJOURNED. -----------------------------------------------------------------------
Seagirt Council June 4, 2014
Present: Hamish, Morgaine, Lenora, Sutr, Anne, Mael, Anthony, Tatiana, Elina, Finn, Isabelle, Tristan, Mathieu, Connal, Letitia, Serra, Athelina, Inga, Hawise, James, Glynis, Gwen, Eline May Minutes Approved
Seneschal update:
Morgaine wants to digitize all the seneschal files.
New Seneschal Deputy- Isabelle de la Vega (Serena Stratford) we need her added to the signing authority at the bank Approved.
B and B Sealion went well had a great time.
Exchequer: Bank Balance of $5622.06 + 5000 GIC's
Chatelaine There have been 3 email requests for more information on the SCA. It is the beginning of a new month and I will re-follow up with them as I have not heard back from my initial replies.
I took on a new deputy, Aróc; she has agreed to run a demo in September.
This month it has been discussed that we will make the last fight practice of each month as a location rotational practice to stimulate more newcomers from walk by's at different places.
I have contacted uptown to see about doing a demo or fight practice in their communal space by Walmart and am waiting to hear back to see if it's something they are interested in.
MOS: Nothing to Report
MOB: practice happening at Rudd Park Wed nights at 7pm and Sun afternoon at 1pm
Chronicler: nothing to report
A and S: wants to order linen for the Norse demo plan is to sell the fabric at cost back to the populace for garb. Motion for $500 approved
Motion for $120 to purchase Wool from Mael tabled to July council
Dance: going well social attendance is getting smaller in numbers
Herald: Meal is the new Herald
Scribal: Scrolls went out at Sealion more to come hopefully
Event Updates:
UTR: seeking instructors, class list should be online this week
Complete Norse track
Newcomers track
Archery Track
SYG: Site is booked Sgt's will put on classes and Scholars testing will take place paperwork will be submitted July Council
Norse Demo: Participants must apply contact Morgaine for application form due by 16 June
We have been contacted by a different branch of the museum for photo ops at booths in malls Morgaine will negotiate what to charge.
Business cards - motion for purchase of 1000 cards approved
Ferry costs Lenora proposes $50 per head in a vehicle up to $1000 on a first come first serve basis. Approved
SST: Email has been sent field will be mowed and bales will be left for us to use for archery butts
Still seeking a MIC for Heavy Combat if no MIC comes forward by July Council there will not be Heavy Combat at this event
We will have a Water Point
Tir Righ A&S: Amendment to original bid we will be going to James Bay new Horizons hall. Hall has a large gym and small rooms and is much cheaper than the original site.
Bid has been approved by Tir Righ
We want to run UTR classes at the event followed by a feast where we provide the Main course.
Yule: needs a steward bids are due at July Council
Daffodil: Bids are due event not on calendar
Isabelle has a bid - Tudor theme at Cowichan Exhibition grounds
Site fee 1291.50
Food $900
Prizes $200
Bid Accepted
Sealion: It is Seagirt's turn next year we are seeking bids.
Old Business:
BC Pension corps demo- More info to come
New Business:
Nakusp event 2015- Principality event August long weekend 2015 AT war will be happening as a week-long camping event
Lenora - we need a silk banner for the roof of the baronial pavilion, Connal will take measurements of the size needed next time the pavilion is setup.
Connal - Seagirt’s customary states that the coronets, exchequer, and seneschal cannot be event stewards this needs to be removed at next revision
Morgaine- Next council falls on Canada motion to move council to 8 July Approved
NO FURTHER BUSINESS, MEETING ADJOURNED. -----------------------------------------------------------------------
Seagirt Council July 8, 2014
Present: Lenora, Hamish, Morgaine, Anne, Connal, Elina, Letitia, Sarra, Athelina, Sutr, Isabel, James, Angus, Meaghan, Tatiana, Inga, Carolynn, Giselle, Ulfrick, glynis, Erin, Mathieu, emily.
Minutes: June: Accepted
Seneschal: Sent off all back dated waivers
We have insurance for the demo
Stationary supplies- one time request for reimbursment for ink and paper totaling $77.48 approved by council
(in future for large printing contact Tatiana.)
B&B: Report has been submitted, We have been to Coronet, UTR, and Sealion
We want to continue baronial days
Beads- we do not have enough beads to make awards requesting $200 to purchase beads and necklace supplies Approved
We are seeking award reccommendations
Exchequer: Elina is taking over while lenora is in reign
$4244 in bank plug GIC's
Elina (Robin Lam) is approved by council to be added as a signing authority on the account
This month we held the Nordic Winds TUTR. This TUTR had a newcomers track with many ‘Intro To’ classes. The classes had an average of 6-9 people in each class, and while not all of the people in the classes were new to the SCA, we did have 7 people who this was their first event with the SCA.
I have had 6 people this month contact me through email, as of yet, none of them have come out to an event. I will be re-contacting them one more time to inform them of the event at the end of the month, and about the weekly practices that they are welcome to come to.
The gold key is in good order without any repairs necessary.
MOS: Not Present
MOB: Not Present
Archery: Is happening at t he farm and we are trying the new seasonal shoot
Chronicler: Nothing to report - Question about the Glaucous was brought forward- We require a glaucous to maintain branch status a glaucous will be published in the near future.
A&S: Not alot to report
Still holding A&S on Tuesdays at the dance hall
Glynis has taken on Royal Scribe for Lenora and Kerrigans reign
Tatiana has taken on Largess for Principality
Herald: Not Present nothing to report
Scribe: Pretty Quiet and working on awards for SST
I have asked for Charters for people interested in painting.
Dance: Attendance is light which is not uncommon for summer
UTR: went really well
57 Adults
3 youth
5 Children $270 Profit at gate
UTR- 38 Students
22 Classes
$270 Profit on UTR
Total event Profit- $540
SYG: We have a bid need 40 people for break even @$20 per adult
Lots of classes on SYG material are being offered at the cobble hill site
Bid Approved
SST: Steward not present everything is coming together steward would like to be contacted by the marshals in regards to tourny formats
Tir Righ A&S: planning going well site is secured more info to come
Masked Ball: Steward not Present
Yule: Anne has 2 bids
Bid 1 Prospect lake site large hall full kitchen $750 for the day
Bid 2 James Bay new Horizons small kitchen Partial potluck
Bid 2 is accepted by council
yule will be a partial potluck located at James bay New Horizons site $15 @75 people = $550 profit
A&S and Bardic Championships are being moved to yule
Daffodil: Proposal ammendment requesting to increase prize budget to $600 ($200 per Tourny) to increase draw of off island fighters
Tabled to Aug Council due to time
Sealion: Seeking bids for sealion bids will be accepted until October Council
Giselle- wanting an entertainment demo for her work Sat 13 Sept 2014 at esquimalt gorge rd park demo will run from 12-1 and are willing to provide $200 for the demo, Company will require an invoice in advance of the demo for payment
Norse Demo- To start we have Dr. McGuire present at council as a museum representative not as an SCA member
There has been some consern about the selection process. Selection process and other questions were answered at council and then forwarded to the populace via the Rocks and facebook.
Email attached from rocks "There have been some concerns and questions regarding the Royal BC Museum Demo coming soon. These were brought up at our most recent Council Meeting but I thought it would be prudent to post the notes here as well.
Please note that Dr. Erin McGuire, the UVic Professor on loan to the Museum, and the museum’s assistant for the demo, is the person who brought the demo idea to the Barony, not Mistress AEringunnr. She is not taking part in the demo because of other commitments at the museum that weekend. Dr. McGuire was present at the meeting to help answer these questions. Morgaine’s only role in the demo is administrative. She will not be in garb but in street clothes during the demo. Her role will be to make sure that the demo runs smoothly and that all of the participants' and museum's needs are met.
1) How was it decided who was the event steward for this demo? Was there an Event Bid submitted? Was there an application process? Did Council select the person who they wanted to run the demo? If not, who did decide, and by what authority is that person appointed? An event steward should be appointed by council... was that done?
Dr. McGuire did bring this to council and Morgaine volunteered to help in November 2013. There was no event bid submitted as demos don’t need them. Volunteers were asked for at the November meeting and only Morgaine came forward.
2) Is it only one person running or organizing this thing? Or is it a committee? If it is a committee, how would someone volunteer to be on it? How is it being decided who is on this committee, if there is one?
One representative from the SCA (Morgaine), one on behalf of the museum (Erin McGuire).
3) Why aren't more of Seagirt's officers involved in running this thing? Doesn't the Chatelaine usually run demos? Doesn't the Arts and Sciences minister have a good idea who are good artisans, both here and outside the branch? Doesn't the Master of Stables have a good idea about fighters with Norse-themed armour? Shouldn't these officers be involved in selecting people or helping to run the Demo? They are the legal representatives of the SCA in Victoria. http://www.sca.org/officers/chatelain/demopolicy.html
No, Chatelaines don’t always run demos. Yes, both some of our officers know who does good Viking stuff, but Erin also knows who is working on Viking materials specifically. We invited applications from anyone interested so that if there were people we didn’t know about, then they could tell us what they do. And no, according the policy, there’s no need for the officers to be involved, except that if there’s fighting, we need a marshal. The seneschal does have to approve and as far as Erin understood, did so when this was brought to council.
4) What happened with that photo opportunity at the mall? Is that still happening? When?
Our timetables conflicted and it fell through.
5) Who is picking the people who are participating in the demo? How are the applications being screened? Who is making the decision of who is in and who is out? By what authority are those people making that decision (less polite version of this question is "What gives you the right to tell me I'm not good enough")? How and why is that decision being made?
Erin McGuire has made the decisions regarding who would participate. Morgaine was accepting the applications and passing them on to Dr. McGuire. She has a PhD in Viking archaeology and a strong request from the museum to be selective. The decision to use an application form and to speak to people came after talking to the museum staff, who reiterated their desire for this to be a vetted demo. This exhibition is one of the biggest they’ve had in recent years and they want to be spending their money wisely. Please note that the SCA demo policy does state that demo participation can be restricted if needed.
6) Why did it take so long to decide who is in the demo and who is not? We knew about this demo months and months ago, but now there are only a few weeks left... do people know if they are in or out? Many have not made garb or tools because they were waiting to see if they are 'in' or not.
Because it was waiting on Dr. McGuire. She has limited free time to organise this and to review the applications. Her commitments to the museum for other things were substantially more time consuming than she had expected them to be. She is sorry for the inconvenience – it was not deliberate malice. Just a case of under-estimating work load.
7) How did we ask for applications? How did we solicit people from outside of Seagirt? Was this posted to TIr Righ or An Tir websites? There was an invite-only demo Facebook page made... was this advertised so people could join this page if they were interested?
There was a Facebook group made, yes. We came to council too. Dr. McGuire spoke to anyone that she saw at events with good looking Viking kit or who she knew practiced Viking stuff. She asked laurels from a variety of regions to tell her about people in their areas and to circulate word in their areas. The idea was to start with people who ALREADY knew the period and who ALREADY had the kit. Brand new tunics look brand new. They take away from the overall effect. The same is true across the board.
HL Morgaine Essex Seagirt Seneschal
NO FURTHER BUSINESS, MEETING ADJOURNED -----------------------------------------------------------------------
Seagirt Council August 5, 2014
Present: Lenora, Hamish, Morgaine, Tristan, Connall, Elina, Sutr, Glynis, Hucbald, Sarra, Athelina, Tatiana, Mathieu, Anne, Mael, James, Magenta, Carolyn, Guthrie.
Minutes: July: Accepted
Seneschal: Received a message from Lachlan during packing for his last move he found some Seagirt paperwork he has forwarded us the paperwork in the mail and it has been received and filed.
B&B: Had SYG 2 former Sergeants re-swore fealty to the baroness (James and Sgain) classes went well
We are in the process of updating the sergeants and scholars packages
Exchequer: Balance $4740.62 + $5000 GIC
Chatelaine: Not Present 1/4 report has been submitted
MOS: Hlif is very enthusiastic and is now Tristan’s deputy she will be taking over as MOS at end of quarter
Prizes for SST are being worked on.
MOB: Contact Mathieu if you have something to donate to a prize basket for SST
Archery: Happening at events baronial championship coming up soon target faces are on order targets cost $1 each to come from archery fund. v Chronicler: We need to open an official Seagirt mailing list. The rocks has been great however the moderator no longer lives in Seagirt. Council agrees that we need to make contact with Baron William about opening a Tir Righ mailing list for the barony to use.
A&S: Really busy concentrating on the demo we have a Monday night sewing circle location varies as well as our regular Tuesday and Wednesday nights
Dance: Good numbers approx. 12 dancers
Herald: heralds are needed for SST, Investiture and Crown
Scribe: Scrolls are being done for SST
There will be a scribal area at investiture.
SYG: Brought in $750 from gate UTR approx. $27 Full report to come at sept council.
Demo: Cheque has been mailed to Morgaine
Need 5-10 to help load the hall more info to come
Cheques are being written for off island people
Morel and Kjarten from Hartwood can we provide them with travel assistance of $50 each (Approved)
Demo food?? Can the barony provide snacks for those at the demo? Motion made for up to $200 to be spent on food (money recovered from less off island people coming) Approved
SST: Finally received event info site
Schedule has been posted to Facebook
Children’s activities
Prizes are needed
Seeking volunteers for setup/teardown and Gate
Site opens at 4 anyone on site before 4pm will be required to assist in setup until 4pm when site officially opens.
Tir Righ A&S: accommodations are posted on the website
Yasmina is arranging billeting
Halima is arranging UTR sessions
Potluck for revel - need money for main course estimate of 100 people cost will be presented at next council.
Masked Ball: Oct 18th Anastasia is the steward.
Yule: looked at the hall, EIF has been submitted
Event will be focused on Seagirt history
Can we comp certain people to the event??? List will be created for a later council
Daffodil: Steward not present
Old Business:
Silk Banner for baronial pavilion table to October Council
We need new directional signs soon
We will make some new signs at social night motion for $50 for materials approved
Open a sign competition for new signs.
Children’s gate fee: Motion to drop youth fee at Seagirt events for 1 year period Approved starting now we will no longer charge for youth or children 18 and under
Do we want the tapestry at Tir Righ A&S?? YES
Seagirt Council September 2, 2014
Present: Lenora, Seamus, Morgaine, Tristan, James, Sutr, Tatiana, Mathieu, Meal, Lauren, Athelina, Magenta, Sarra, Connall, Hlif, Carolyn, Seth, Anthony.
Minutes: August Approved
Seneschal: Seneschals meeting at Crown, when waivers are sent in a cover sheet must be attached event stewards are asked to complete this cover sheet when submitting their event report. I will send the chronicler a copy to create a link on the website.
Talked about silk banner for baronial pavilion. We have money marked for a new pavilion we need someone to source out costs for next council.
Connall will have numbers for next council.
Principality wants to resurrect the YAC program. Sir Kieran is leading this project. Seagirt has a lot of loaner YAC armor can we loan this to Tir Righ to get program going? Council decided to keep this in the barony at this time.
B&B: Very busy month, Viking Demo was awesome, SST went well, both missed investiture Congrats to Lenora, Attended Crown Seagirt was well represented.
Exchequer: Account is at 5845.91 + GICs
3 outstanding cheques
2 are travel cheques from demo
Chatelaine: Presented by Deputy Chatelaine Aroc
Email Contacts: 5
Phone Contacts: 1
Walk by's: 200+
August News
This month we have had two Seagirt events. We had SST and the Vikings are coming
Demo with the RBC Museum. Both were very successful events. The Demo on the 8th and 9th of August was an event to remember. People from the Barony and from other areas gathered together to put on a living history event. We Handed out over 100 pamphlets and many cards and had hundreds of walk by’s. I have received 4 emails from people from the demo so far and expect many more in the future. All of them expressing an interest in learning the various crafts that they had seen there, as well as the various martial arts that were performed. At SST we saw at least 4 walk by’s including an RCMP officer who showed up in his work car, who was interested in what we were doing (there was a little excitement there). 2 of which were people who had been in the SCA out of province and were visiting a son who would be moving to Seagirt soon and wanted to check out the Barony for themselves.
Upcoming News
Demo September 13 2014
There is a 1 hour paid demo for BC Pension Corps coming up on the 13th of September for which we will receive $200. We have dancers, armored combatants (LOTS) and rapier fighters coming out. If there is any local people who would like to come out just to mingle with the crowds in their SCA garb they are more than welcome. Lady Gisele is the person who has organized this.
The UVIC Clubs Days Demo September 10th-11th 10am-4pm
This is something that is coming up very quickly and needs people to man. Lady Athelina will have more information.
We need to start a recruiting drive though different forms of media, that being said:
I have spoken with His Excellency Ming Lum Pee about taking some professional photos of people within our Barony in different settings to have recruitment posters made up. He has agreed to do this, and I will be putting out the call to the populace for interested people. We will find places within the Barony that are conducive to the photo and have Armored/Rapier/Archery as well as Arts & Sciences, Dance and other Community style shots taken, and then choose which photos best promote what we do. Viscount Kheron Azov has agreed to print these in poster sizes for us for free. His offer of a thousand posters was very generous...I don't know if we will need that many! There are also Leaflet Posters for recruiting on the Chatelaine’s pages that I would like to put out. They are the kind that have rip off numbers on the bottom for interested people, I will print off some of these at work and put them up around town.
Barony of Seagirt YouTube Page
Now that the rush of summer events is over I want to start up a pet project for the Barony. A YouTube website that is filmed around the barony, gets out to the public about who we are, what we are, and what we do. It will be first looked over by the Kingdom Media Relations officer for appropriate content, but any ideas for different short shows are welcome. I am hoping to do a piece on different aspects of fighting, crafts, food, events, people within our barony and much, much more. This will be something that will move slowly as appropriate release waivers, content and filming must be gone through, but I will be putting the word out to the Barony soon for ideas, and people willing to be part of these shows. I am aiming for 15 minute shows, although they may be slightly longer depending on the topic, each one will cover some facet of what the Barony or people in it are up to, and end with a blurb about our next upcoming events date, time and place and the link to our Barony's website.
MOS: Having Practices Hlif is taking over as MOS in October.
Jaime’s bay is back open for the winter months.
MOB: Mathieu has found an indoor site for $75 for 2 hours at the old Burnside school. Council approves booking for 3 month trial and report back at December Council.
plan is to charge $5 per head youth are free.
Cut and Thrust- Callen Drakker is willing to come over to authorize some of us if we can get approved gear.
Archery: New Champion is James.
We are seeking an indoor site for winter.
Would like approval to get new loaner gear that isn’t terrible. Please provide numbers for next council.
Chronicler: Seeking replacement as my warrant expires in November
Glaucous submissions were lost please re forward any submissions to me.
New Rocks is now live please join the new rocks by going to the Tir Righ website.
A&S: Stock of Largess is low and we need to create some more. Largess workshops will be coming soon at Tuesday night socials.
UTR classes at Tir Righ A&S will be largess focused.
Dance: Approx. $170 handed to Chatelaine to pass on to Exchequer
Herald: Taught a bit at investiture
Lots of book heraldry was covered at Crown
Working on re submitting new populace badge A couple of new submissions from the barony were completed at crown.
The Shire of Cote du Ciel would like permission to conflict with our bear. Council approves the Conflict.
Scribe: Some scrolls were created for SST. Thank you to James, Isabella, Morgaine, and Magenta for all you work.
Held a charter painting night at Dance/A&S on August 26th. Magenta took some charters home and there were a couple of people painting current charters. There were also three people painting old charters who had never painted before. I still have some charters available for painting if you are interested.
SYG: moved to October.
Demo: Correction to last council the Cheque was not mailed however it was handed to Morgaine at the Demo and then turned over to the exchequer. It has been deposited total profit from the demo was $1688.74
SST: 65-70 people. Final info tabled to October.
Do we need to reserve for next year? Yes we will pencil in the dates for next year’s events.
A&S and Bardic: Class list will be posted soon
Budget for Potluck Main Course $300 Approved Advance given
Masked Ball: Steward not Present
gate Keeper - Tristan
Tavern- Anna Jane
Gate opens at 4 dancing starts at 630pm
Yule: Does the hall need any money??- Hall has already been paid nothing else is owed until the event.
Would like to send formal invites to B&B Lionsgate, Prince and Princess, and Crown Prince and Princess King and Queen already have another function on their royal progress for this date.
Daffodil: Steward not Present.
Steel bash has started making the Heavy prize
Feast Coordinator is Ulf
Sealion War bids are due for October Council
Gotta-Con Booth 27 Feb - 1 March
Should we have a booth again this year cost is $250?
Seagirt Council October 7, 2014
Present: Lenora, Seamus, Morgaine, Tristan, James, Elina, Sutr, Tatiana, Athelina, Anastasia, Letitia, Connell, Glynis, Anne, Serena, Mathieu, Hlif, Karos, Ulfric.
Minutes: September: Approved
Seneschal: Date Reservation for SYG and SST there is a new person in charge of bookings and our dates have been taken we will double check the dates however we may need a new site for SST and SYG.
B&B: Tame month for events we attended Tir Righ A&S. We would like daffodil pamphlets/tickets to take to 12th night.
Exchequer: Account is at 3308.95 + GICs
We will be doing a budget in November please send a draft budget to Elina.
Chatelaine: Had no Emails however at A&S there were wallaby’s. A lot of Baronial Cards were handed out.
MOS: Tristan has stepped down and Hlif has taken over. Quarterly report has been submitted we had 5 marshal activities in the past quarter. Numbers are up at practice and the new site is working well.
MOB: Practice had a guest last weekend from Lionsgate. Quarterly report is ready to go. There is a new Principality Rapier Marshal.
Archery: Is happening and will continue as long as weather remains nice.
James is making Banners for the Archery Champions
Pauline is making new butts over the winter. Many people are scoring especially the Children and Youth Shooters.
Request for a Tube to store archery targets and a tote. $20 approved.
Chronicler: Term is up in November. Seamus will be stepping down however is willing to remain as a web minister.
A&S: Focusing on Banners - spent $40 Currently Glynis has the tapestry from Morgaine wanting to run a session on the tapestry stitch to get momentum back up on completing the tapestry
Dance: 156.75 in from dance practice is going strong.
Herald: Sick
Scribe: No requests for scrolls
Done a lot of painting of Kingdom and Principality Charters
Reports: SYG: $20.25 Profit.
SST: Table to November steward is sick.
Tir Righ A&S: report not final due to US funds. 134 people thru gate.
Before exchange $1795.32 Profit (Seagirt Portion $446)
Tir Righ thanks Seagirt for hosting this event.
Masked Ball: Hall has changed its insurance policy now site requires also named insurance. Due to lack of time hall has agreed that we can sign a specific waiver for this site (James will create)
We require a cheque for $200 for the hall.
Yule: Starting work on the event and requires helpers for
Children’s Activities
Dessert Competition
Tristan has volunteered for Gate
James will be conducting Tapestry Tours.
Daffodil: Budget Revision requests a change from $200 to $600 for prizes. Steward has been advised to contact house BYOB with a request for aid.
Helmet is almost at a photo stage.
Some prizes have been donated; Wulfgar is donating a slat bed as a door prize. Rapier prize is hoping to be a formal dress rapier. Archery prize is being worked on.
Sealion - No Bids Tabled to November Council.
Pavilion- Table to November going to go in on this together with Lionsgate awaiting quotes from one location
Lenora has been working on the daffodil defenders cloak. We ran out of fabric for patches and has purchased more. All charts have been done and working on finishing patches. She has also ordered a garment bag for storage. The old storage tote will be given to archery for dry storage.
NO FURTHER BUSINESS, MEETING ADJOURNED -----------------------------------------------------------------------
Seagirt Council Minutes
November 4, 2014
Present: Seamus, Mathieu, James, Tatiana, Connall, Athelina, Conn, Elina, Morgaine, Anne, Sutr, Lenora, Tristan, Anastasia, Hilf.
Minutes unable to be approved due to computer glitches.
Seneschals’ Update:
New chronicler Anne, Seamus will stay on as Web minister.
Hawise’s Sheep farm can be used for SST.
B+B Unable to make it to mask ball due to do work. Able to attend Cornet
Next event yule. Looking for award recommendations
Chatelaine. Not present Report via email
Total Contact Numbers:
E-mail: 8
Phone: 0
Newcomers who found us: 6
Demos/Event Walk-By: 200+
Returning Newcomers from previous Demos: 1
Newcomer Participation:
We had Tir Righ A&S event within our Barony, we had many walk by's. We did however have a family, who had moved to Seagirt the day of the event, who walked by and were instantly hooked. They have brought their two sons out to youth combat regularly.
We had 2 paid demos within this quarter. One was for BC Pension Core, and the other was for the Royal British Columbia Museum. Both of them went off well. The Pension Core demo was for entertainment purposes and had dance, rapier and heavy fighting. It was fun and had a great turn out.
The RBC Museum Demo was a massive scale, educational demo that included people from all over the kingdom, showing the public how a viking market could have run. With hands on stations for the public to try their hand at things like wood working, nålbinding, weaving etc. there was also a heavy fighting aspect. We had hundreds of walk by's and many pamphlets handed out.
Media Contact: None.
Gold Key:
Our gold key is in good repair. 10 Pieces have been worn in the last quarter.
Exchequer 4681.16 in the bank
Dance Hall cost gone up. 4/ nights $240 approximately 30$ more per month
2015 Budget draft presented and approved
Scribe: nothing to report
Chronicler: Seamus thank you for four years as Chronicler.
Master of stables: Income 98$. Mega practice November 22nd Fighters from off island coming. All are welcome not just fighters.
Jaimie is willing to let us use his bay
Blood and Iron offering space for rapier/heavy/ archery/ and potentially dance. Cost 25$ per session.
Starting tomorrow. Wednesdays and Sundays. Monthly cost $200.
Master of Blades: Practice tomorrow night at new site.
A and S not present:
Dance: Dates, November 11th there will be dance. Council Dec 2nd Dance Dec 9th
no dance on Dec 16th or 23. Dance returns 30th
Herald: not present, report via email:
Submitted quarterly report. Re-submitted populace badge. Should hear back within 6-9 months. Will need to be re-imbursed $10 for submission fee (as previous submission was returned over one year ago).
Informal A&S nights have happened a few times at my place in Langford, and another will be scheduled in the next few weeks.
Masked ball:
Numbers down by nearly half. Still made profit. 35 adults 2 youths and 2 children
Total income 350
Hall cost 200
Tavern cost 144.37
Total cost 344.37 Profit $5.63
Event budget increase by $225 for liquor license cost and to allow for children activities. Still leaving a estimated profit of 225$
Daffodil report via email
Feast: The Feast Steward and his minions are currently working out the details of the removes, but it will consist of English dishes, preferably from the War of Roses era.
Prizes: Waiting on final approval from House Bob on the donation of $400 for prizes. According to Rosamund it looks very promising and will likely be approved.
Youth day fee: As we are following Kingdom's lead, all minors day fees will be free, meaning an estimated difference of $70 which will no longer be collected from youth 12-18 who do not partake in the feast.
Still working on finding bodies for key positions, and will be working on methods of advertising to begin either after Yule, or sooner as the Barony sees fit. As soon as the B&B compiles and sends me a list of all planned recipients of fancy formal invites, I will begin work on them, plus several extras.
Sealion: Tristian will look into potential site
Old Business:
Still waiting to hear from company regarding new pavilion.
Gottacon: Feb27th-march1st
Different fee structure option. Cost of tickets bought by Seagirt subtracted from fee both cost.
More planning needed to make Gottacon demo a success. Planning should be done through chatelaine’s office. -----------------------------------------------------------------------
Seagirt Council Minutes December 4, 2014
Morgaine, Anne, Sert, James, Seamus, Lenora, Connall, Letitia, Hlif
October minutes approved
November minutes approved
Seneschal: SCA still looking for commentary on new rapier peerage. Deadline for comment January 15th 2015
B and B: Baron went to baronesses Tournament in Lionsgate; Award recommendations are needed for
daffodil. There are 2 applicants for Scholars the baron is looking for commentary on the applicants.
Chatelaine: nothing to report
Exchequer: Not Present Report by email
The balance in the account is 4358.50 plus the GIC's. If you get a check
this month please try to cash it as soon as possible. I would like to have
most checks cleared before the end of the year. It will make doing the year
end report a little easier.
Scribe: not present. report by email
One award is being created for Yule (Thanks, Morgaine!).
Their Excellency’s of Tir Righ are looking for charter wording and charter designs for Their upcoming
reign. I hope to have another charter painting night once Their Excellency’s charters are ready.
Chronicler: nothing to report
MOS: fight practice brought in $189.00
16 members coming but not all at once. Everyone who practices must pay for practice.
New fight practice location working great. Sold 5 cards at 20$ each
MOB: not present
Archery: new site is range is fine for short range. Athelina unable to make many of the scheduled times due to work conflict.
A and S: working on changing A and S to make it more structured. Stilling happening on various nights at different locations
Dance: over 12 people every week. Nobody is coming to social lately.
Herald: need permission to conflict form done in writing for the order of the bear.
Yule: still looking for people to help with Setup, Gate and Feast prep. Prizes for Feast of immaculate confection purchased.
Float needed.
Daffodil: Steward not present prizes almost finalized. Test feast in January. Invites and posters almost ready. Feast Tickets to be ready for Yule. Off board tickets will be sold at the door with tabs attached so people can still be entered in draw for door prize.
Sealion: BID: Tristan: quailicium site: cost $250 based on 100 people with gate at $15 Proposal to raise gate to $20 Gate cost will be changed from 15$ to 20$ Tristan will send revised bid to Morgaine. Accepted
SYG and SST: Calendar dates mixed up. Still looking for event stewards. Possibility of combining events.
Old Business Pavilion: Still waiting to hear from Lionsgate to order together.
New Business
Principality Award recommendations needed.
NO FURTHER BUSINESS, MEETING ADJOURNED. -----------------------------------------------------------------------