Present: Allan, Uilliam, Theocharista, Ming, Elina & Tristan, Morgaine, Anna Jane, Glynis, James, Ysane, Mathieu, Makayla, Sarra, Eideard, Tristan, Sara, Emmaline, Katrina, Inga, Reann, Briga, Seth, Eogan, Anastasia
New business:
Exchequer: Ratification of 2009 budget, monthly report
MOB: Apologies for not reporting on-line. Nothing new to report. Rapier equipment to be inventoried.
Chronicler, Herald, A&S, Scribe: nothing new to report
Dance: Made $9.08 profit last month. Second Tuesday of each month is now garbed.
B&B: Baronial social on 27th was fun, will have another in January but no monthly tourney unless we find an inside venue. Has A&S made regalia for Marksman? Received confirmation from Royals: Majesties and Highnesses will be at Daffodil. Need largesse for baskets for them.
Seneschal: Reminder that we need autocrats for upcoming events. Quarterly reports due on 15th. Eideard now on signing authority. Need a representative of NSCA on this council. Discussed duties, membership...Morgaine volunteered.
Event business:
Yule: St Luke?s had not been cancelled, so we?re giving them a cheque for $100. NMS was not collected at gate, 38 people should have paid $3 each. Discussed and agreed to take it out of Yule profits.
Daffodil: Second meeting no one showed up. Third meeting on 16th at 7pm. Everything under control. Crier copy ready.
Other business:
The day before Daffodil there?s a tour at UVic of the Medieval Manuscript Collection.
Morgaine is looking for a site for a grand demo (Ren-faire-ish). Hatley Castle is $5000/day. Any ideas?
Meeting adjourned.
Present: Eideard, Morgaine, Jacques, Ysane, Anna Jane, Inga, Amelia, Anastasia, Seth, Reann, Elina, Ming, Lenora, Sarra, Mathieu, Elizabeth, Connal, Allan, Makayla, Elizabeth
New business:
Exchequer: Report approved as circulated.
B&B: Monthly tourney in Feb to be planned. Probably at Drill Shed. Need largesse for Daffodil. Need recommendations for awards.
Event Proposals: Ysane put it a bid for Sealion. Jacques will put in a bid for Daffodil 2010. Seneschal needs autocrats for SYG & SST. Ming might autocrat SST if there are no conflicts. Morgaine proposes a Faire (Ren-faire-like demo) on June 13.
Seneschal: Meredith proposes that their incipient Barony and ours hold SYG trials together. This was discussed at length, most opposed. The Baroness will meet with her Sargeants and Yeoman to discuss it with them.
Event business:
Daffodil: Two new sites: Drill shed for fighting, merchants, opening Court. Ambrosia for feast, archery, closing Court. Need to find volunteers to take thrones from one site to other (3 sets). Check if problems for Americans to get on base. Discussed tavern issues. Travellers Inn near Ambrosia offering a discount. Ysane will coordinate billeting. Next meeting Feb 13.
Other business:
- Lenora asks if anyone could take on Saanich Fairgrounds liaison. Ming nominates Jacques. Heavily seconded.
- Camp Barnard discussion: kitchen & cabin rental increase (average 37%), also now charging us GST. Minimum of 2 people per cabin.
- Possible event site: Edward Mills in Sooke. There is a campsite nearby.
- Discussed possibility of an Ithra in Seagirt this year. Any interest in tacking an Ithra onto an upcoming event?
Present: Eideard, Ysane, Briga, Seth, Eogan, Inga, Lenora, Elina, Ming, baby Tristan, Emmaline, Amelia, Dmitrii, Anastasia, Jacques, Alais, Anna Jane, Yanthlos, Sarra, Mathieu, Forrest
Exchequer: Report approved as circulated.
Chronicler: Last month's minutes accepted.
New business:
-Monthly Tourney winners: Seth for Heavy, Vincent for Rapier. Ming planning to make practices more structured.
-They ask if we are ready for Daffodil.
-His Highness needs volunteers for a demo in Danescombe.
-Asking for event bids. Will ask Rashid to Autocrat SYG. Who would like to bid on SST, Yule? Any Kingdom bids?
-Quarterly reports due April 15th.
Event business:
-78 tickets sold so far.
-Need advance money for Ambrosia Centre & food shopping.
-There will be dayfood at the Galley.
-No pets allowed; lots of parking.
-Military staff who come by will be admitted free.
-Cancel Mor kitchen.
-Discussed whether to charge for dayfood merchant. Decided not. Other merchants will be asked to donate an item for largesse in lieu of merchant fees.
-Discussed War Points.
Other business:
-Baron James gave away Duncan & Ladysmith to Hartwood without consulting Council. Proposal: Hutchinson Rd in Cobble Hill is a natural boundary, which leaves Shawnigan Lake on our side. Council agrees and passes proposal.
-Lenora: Their Highnesses tentatively approved September Coronet in Seagirt. Autocrat would be Jacques.
-Ysane asked for a reimbursement of $57.75 for fabric to make garb for Sir Kheron. Approved.
-Yanthlos proposes a demo for Esquimalt High on May 1st or 2nd.
No further business. Meeting adjourned.
Present: Ysane, Theocharista, Uilliam, Reann, Inga, Anastasia, Amelia, Anna Jane, Ming, Elina, Owen, Eideard, Sarra, Morgaine, Mathieu, Jacques, Seth, Glynis, James, Michelle & Baby, Emily
New business:
Exchequer: Daffodil not completely calculated or reported. St Luke's hasn?t cashed cheque. Will wait for staledate. Bin of leftover food from Daffodil given to Stores, most will keep.
Chronicler: Last month?s minutes accepted.
Master of Blades: Quarterly report attachment bounced from Rocks. Practicing battle manoeuvres. Sent Iron Key equipment list to Reann. Report from Daffodil sent to Tir Righ. Surt and Vincent will be signed-off as Senior Rapier Marshals.
A&S: Everything is great. Nice display at Daffodil. Got 100 yards of linen for dyeing. Cecille & Iago are planning on holding A&S once a month. Need more A&S work so we can award some Jambes de Lions.
Dance: Seneschal pointed out that Dance Mistress gave a good detailed report ? makes him happy. Anastasia wants to run a Masked Ball on May 9th. Details to follow.
Herald: Had visiting Heralds at Daffodil, so lots of help. Waterbearing supplies were appreciated and well used. Need new ropes, not enough to go twice around four erics that we'll have at Coronet. Master of Stables will have Allan fix posts and will buy new rope.
Scribe: submitted 2 quarterly reports by accident. Thank you to Makayla, Morgaine, and others for charters. Painting party has 2 scrolls currently in the works.
Baron & Baroness: Thank you for Daffodil. Good feedback from Majesties. Highnesses will probably not come to Sealion. Next Monthly Tourney on 26th. Would like proposals for next year?s Daffodil prizes by next council please.
Seneschal: It's been a year, and warrant runs out in another year. Wants to encourage volunteers to run council as a tryout, prepare agenda, run meeting, get to use gavel.
Event business:
Daffodil report: Gave money and receipts to Exchequer. Gate is off by $100-200, more or less. Archery tourney started without waivers, plus Gate was not apparent at Ambrosia Centre. Post Mortem last Tuesday: small mistakes made but lots of good things about event. Inga suggests if you're planning to Autocrat an event, attend a Post Mortem for great ideas and insight. Ming suggests that all events should have a Post Mortem with minutes to bring to next Council for next event Autocrat's use.
Sealion: Plans are coming along smoothly. Lots of volunteers so far. First meeting on April 9th at 7pm. Will bring updated report to next council meeting.
Coronet: Jacques is in the early planning stages of event. Will have more info by next council.
SYG: Owen will Autocrat.
SST: Mathieu may Autocrat.
Other business:
Baroness: Got an email from a Guider to attend something on April 18th at Camp Barnard (9-1130am). Jacques will contact her for more info.
Morgaine: Demo on June 13. Oak Bay will let us know soon if we can use Willows Beach. If we don?t get it, will we have time to plan the demo this year? Discussion ensued and decision made to defer demo to next year to have more time to prepare.
No further business. Meeting adjourned.
Present: Ysane, Reann, Athelina, Lenora, Ingibiorg, Sarra, Mathieu, Ming, Elina, Jacques, Anna Jane, Vincent, Anastasia, Cal, Meg.
The Seneschal is sick, and is represented by Her Excellency, Baroness Elina – who reminds all that we don’t have an Autocrat for SST.
New business:
-Inventory is missing a tablecloth (Mathieu has it), a first aid kit (James has it) and a stew pot. Lots of toilet paper left over from Daffodil. It will be sold and applied against Daffodil’s deficit. Reann would like an update of inventory list. Her warrant is running out, so Seagirt needs a new Exchequer. Reann has had a request from a private group to borrow from Stores (lanterns, tablecloths, games box…). Reann will take responsibility for bringing and returning the items.
-Stand-in-Seneschal reminds everyone that we don’t yet have an Autocrat for SST. Notes on swine flu: if you’re sick, stay home. No sharing bugs. Autocrats: if dates or venues must change for an event, you must get new signatures and copy.
Another plea for an Autocrat for SST.
Baron and Baroness:
-The winners of last month’s Tourney: Wulfgar won Heavy, Vincent won Rapier. Next Monthly Tourney is on May 31, where we will also have an A&S competition to practice for Sealion’s propaganda war points. We will also continue war prep. Direct any questions to Ming, and he will post updates to address the questions. Elina reminds us that we don’t have an Autocrat for SST.
Event business:
-Daffodil report: All reports and receipts have been submitted. After all that: loss of $34.11, including Travel Fund donations.
-Sealion: so far so good. All is running smoothly, some site issues concerning where we have to park. Next autocrat team meeting on May 18, 7pm.
-Coronet: Site is confirmed. Building an autocrat team. Will probably have dayfood.
-Daffodil 2010: Site is confirmed.
-SST: need an Autocrat.
-Yule: need an Autocrat.
Other business:
-Athelina: Has lots of supplies left over from Children’s activities at Daffodil. Over-budget by $25.38 – council approved a cheque for these supplies out of general funds. Discussion about fact that SCA no longer uses "Pied Piper", but instead "Minister of Children".
-Anna Jane: What is Barony’s cabin reservation policy? It’s actually a Camp Barnard policy. Discussed cabin minimum occupancy.
-Mathieu: made 8 wooden shields for Seagirt Rapier fighters. Could use some help painting them, and blue & white paint or fabric.
-The Seneschal – aka – Baroness Elina reminded us that we still do not have an Autocrat for SST.
No further business. Meeting adjourned.
Present: Ysane, Eideard, Allan, Makayla, Morgaine, Sarra, Mathieu, Lenora, James, Amelia, Emmaline, Inga, Reann, Anastasia, Anna Jane, Ming, Elina & Tristan, Jacques, Rashid, Matt, Leyla, Seth
New business:
-Exchequer: Cheque written to St Luke’s last December has still not been cashed. Reann will call them in case they lost it. Discussion about change of officer form. New exchequer: Lady Ingibiorg Petsdottir.
-Chronicler: Last month’s minutes accepted.
-Baron and Baroness: Seth won the Monthly Tourney last Sunday which was fought Warlord style. Vincent won Rapier. Ming proposes we offer Lionsgate B&B comp fees for Sealion. Approved. He will speak to them at the event. Elina reports that Seagirt’s squires did us proud at the Coronet Squires Tourney.
-Seneschal: Accepted event bids from Rashid for SST and Makayla for Yule. Reminder that quarterly reports are due on July 15th. Two applicants for Scribe position: Morgaine and Makayla. Each offered reasons why they wanted position. Council voted in favour of Morgaine (9-7 votes). Makayla happily accepts to be her deputy.
Event business:
-Sealion: Need Marshals, Voice Heralds and Waterbearers. Everyone agrees that we’ll most likely find plenty of volunteers on site this weekend. Concerns about people possibly bringing pets, but we have address of kennel in Sooke to send them to.
-SYG: Baroness gave report for Owen. Plans are under way. Seneschal asks that Sergeants watch over him.
-Coronet: Jacques is in contact with Principality and plans are under way.
Other business:
-Seth: asks who has all of Iron Key equipment. Iron Key needs a new place to live. Allan can’t store stanchions any longer. Makayla agrees they will store them one more month. The new Principality MOS has been in contact with Baronial MOS. -Jacques: reminds us that the Beaver Lake Demo is on June 24th.
-Ysane: James is stepping down as Web Minister, and Morgaine is taking on the task of updating Baronial website.
No further business. Meeting adjourned.
Present: Ysane, Athelina, Jacques, Eideard, Owen, Inga, Ming, Elina & Tristan, Vincent, Sarra, Mathieu, Seth, Emmaline, Amelia, Isabella, Anastasia, Anna Jane, Morgaine, Lenora, Chris.
New business:
-Exchequer: Inga gave her first report as exchequer, and she is now warranted for three years.
-Baron & Baroness: No monthly tourneys anymore. Will now be quarterly – too many conflicts. Would like it to be a bigger tourney – maybe Market Square. Discussion re: rumors. Ming suggests we bring them to Seneschal or Baron or directly to person concerned. Baroness thanked Owen for autocrating SYG, and Jacques for going through Gallant trials.
-Seneschal: is away in September. Ysane to take care of September council. Eideard will be stepping down in October, so the position of Seneschal is now open.
-Castellan: Jacques is stepping down, so the position of Castellan is now open.
Event business:
-SYG: Owen gave the event report. It went well, and he estimates a profit of about $165.00.
-SST: everything is in order for the upcoming event.
-Coronet: the cabins are full. Waiting for the Principality event deputy for schedule details. Meeting on Friday Aug 7. Jacques has most of his volunteers in place. Ysane brought up an issue (a complaint from a Knight at Raven’s War) with the cabins being all booked up so quickly, before off-islanders have a chance to sign up. Discussion re: Seagirtians offering extra tents to off-islanders. Ysane will co-ordinate.
-Grand Demo: trying to find a viable site. Market Square was suggested.
Other business:
-Seth had questions regarding other lodges at Camp Barnard. Discussion about possibly renting one of them for an event.
No further business. Meeting adjourned.
Present: Anna-Jane, Lenora, Ingibiorg, Owen, Ysane, Morgaine, James, Baron Ming, Baroness Elina, Anastasia, Jacques, Janet, Mathieu, Sarra.
New business:
-Exchequer: There are two outstanding reports.
-Baron & Baroness: Nothing to report.
-Seneschal: October will be Eideard’s last council as Seneschal. Anyone interested in the position should attend October council.
-Castellan: Jacques has stepped down as Castellan as of this council and the position needs to be filled (an email has to be sent to Principality). The Deputy Seneschal (Owen) will take on position in the interim. Jacques will begin the upcoming quarterly report and forward it to Owen.
Event business:
-SST: Rashid reported a successful event, with a profit of $365. A suggestion was made to drop daytrip site fees to $10. Need to talk to Allan about prize for Heavy tourney. Need to talk to Willy about Keego kitchen bathroom being available even when we haven’t booked the kitchen.
-Coronet: The event schedule has been approved and will be posted on the Rocks. The cabins are now full and there are six people on the waitlist. Motel Seagirt is ready with locals offering pavilions and tents to out of towners.
-Yule: EIF has been sent in. Makayla will have a volunteer meeting after Coronet. There will be a Pas d’Armes, a buffet feast, the usual dessert feast. Will organize billets for fighters that want to come over. Bardic Championship details TBA.
-Daffodil: Nothing to report yet.
Other business:
-Morgaine suggested moving the A&S Championship to the fall or at Yule. Council agreed with changing it to the fall.
A possible University of Tir Righ session in November was discussed.
-Anastasia brought in an event bid for a Masked Ball on October 17. She wants to autocrat two dance events per year, in the fall and spring. Announced an A&S competition at the Ball, which James will organize: "I dare you to wow me." Projects must not have been started prior to this announcements, but may be unfinished for the contest.
-Morgaine brought forth her design for augmented Arms for the Barony, incorporating the Baronial Awards.
-An announcement was made that the Insula Magna Ithra Campus is close to closing.
-There was a discussion about the no pets rule at Camp Barnard.
-Sarra mentioned the non-SCA people at SST. One gentleman refused to wear a tunic. Most agreed that he should have been asked to leave if he refused to follow basic rules of event. We discussed SCA Media Policy, which can be found on the Kingdom website.
No further business. Meeting adjourned at 7:55pm.
Present: Anastasia, Janet, Lenora, James, Cal, Ming, Elina & Tristan, Eideard, Owen, Inga, Amelia, Emma, Makayla, Ysane, Anna Jane, Meg, Morgaine, Brigid, Seth, Sarra, Mathieu, Athelina, Dmitrii, Allan.
New business:
-Exchequer: Technical difficulties with bank. No access to account due to cancellation of debit card. Inga will go to the bank to sort it out, and James will also look into it.
-Master of Stables: gave verbal report due to lateness of email reporting.
-Master of Blades: may have two new Senior Rapier Marshals soon.
-A&S: our new Champion, Alezzandra, is thinking of starting some Sunday youth A&S sessions.
-Chatelaine: Makayla was accepted as the new Chatelaine. She has two deputies: Vincent and Batu to help with newcomers and demos. She has a meeting on October 15 to discuss demos in general. There is a demo scheduled Oct 24and25 at Camp Barnard for the Boy Scouts.
-Dance: Anastasia will amend her quarterly report to adjust September profits.
-Scribe: Morgaine now knows what paper to order for scrolls, and will be ordering supplies soon.
-Baron & Baroness: They will hold a short Court at the Masked Ball for a few announcements. They are planning to change the A&S Championship to its own event.
-Seneschal: Quarterly reports are due on November 1st. Discussed the need to set dates for next year’s events so we can book Camp Barnard (or not). Daffodil on March 13, SYG on July 23-25. Undecided on SST’s dates (Aug 20-22 or 27-29) because of conflicts with Principality. Lenora will check into this and get back to us next week. She suggested we get our DRFs in early so our events at least get booked on the Kingdom calendar.
-Eideard officially stepped down and Ysane filled in the paperwork as the new Seneschal. Brigid then filled in the paperwork as the new Chronicler.
Event business:
-Coronet: Sarra gave the report for Jacques. We had 224 attendees. Council agreed to send $50 to An Tir Travel Fund and $100 to Tir Righ Travel Fund. Arian (principality Chatelaine) is asking for a refund of her site fee since she found out later that she could have been ‘comped’. A nuisance, but council agreed to the refund. Long discussion about cabin rentals at the event. 84 people in cabins. Some were concerned at the insistence at Coronet that there be 3-4 in each cabin, where usually only 2 are required. Many opinions, but consensus is that the Autocrat makes the decision.
-Masked Ball: It’s under control. Inga will run gate. Schedule has been set. There will be a Sharking Contest, and Anastasia has made a Sharking Cloak for the champion. She is planning two Balls a year, with the spring Ball having a demo. This sparked a discussion about not making it an official demo, since there can be no tavern at a demo. So it will be a regular event with demonstrations during the event.
-Yule: Makayla will hold a volunteer meeting on October 8 to plan Yule activities.
Seth and Allan are planning a Pas d’Armes at the event.
-Daffodil: Sarra is deputy Autocrat. They are looking for someone to plan a feast, and also looking for MICs. Lenora agreed to be Royal liaison. Autocrat is planning on holding a meeting soon. Brigid volunteered Eideard as feastocrat; he’s considering it.
Other business:
-It was suggested that the Baronial First Aid kits need updating. They were needed at Coronet and were found to be in bad condition. Anna Jane will be going through them for an overhaul. Raff has offered to be available for first aid at events. Seth mentioned that he may be able to procure one for free. Council approved funds for two new first aid kits.
-Owen announced that ‘Daffodil Consort’ will be holding open auditions at Iago’s house on October 19 at 6:30.
-Baroness Elina mentioned that the Seagirt Charter case is abysmal and horrible, and asked Council for funds to replace it. Council approved $50.
No further business, meeting adjourned.
Seagirt Council Meeting: November 3, 2009
Present: Ysane, Owen, James, Lenora, Mattheiu, Ming, Elina, Turtle, Brigid, Erin, Katrina, Inga, Reanne, Dmittri, Athelina, Anastasia, Makayla
B&B: Fantastic time was had at the masked ball, thanks for all the hard work!
Exchequer: Everything is now good, lots of interest earned on GIC's. Quarterly report sent.
-Ysane can now sign cheques.
-Budget is 50.00$, Inga is at about 93.00$ for all the supplies needed. Reimbursment approved.
Chronicler: Would like web editing software for Seagirt. Cost is 60.00$. Expense approved.
- We now have the archive boxes for this office. Brigid will go through them to see what is there.
Dance Mistress: Pass the hat totals are 121.00$
Scribal: Morgaine had to replace a lot of paint and brushes in the scribal kit. Most of it was dried up and yucky. Looking at about 40$ reimbursment. Approved.
Daffodil - Jacques is no longer autocrat, has stepped down for personal reasons. Janet is considering taking it on.
Yule - Feast tickets are printed. The Prince and Princess may be coming to Yule. Dmittri to confirm. Lots of volunteers
to help with the event, things are going well. Lvl 1 status is confirmed. Luxton has all the insurance paperwork required. Scout Demo - Lots of happy scouts, we had a great station. Taught them games, Athalina made great paper gameboards for the kids to take home. Dmittri, Allan and Katrina gave fighting demonstration, it was well received. Ray (Scout Liason) was planning on offering us a donation if they can manage it.
Masked Ball - 42 adults, 4 youth, 4 children. Profit = 119.13$. The even went well, good turn out and lots of great masks!
-Reanne would like updated stores information, who has what and where.
-Alezzandra has booked Bernard for SST and SYG, there is talk of using the bottom field again for events.
-Still need autocrats for SST and SYG.
-Budget meeting, discussion as to whether we need a separate meeting or if we will email budget requests and do a final approval at council. Decision is to email requests and finalize at council.
No further business, Meeting adjourned.
Present: Eideard, Dmittri, James, Lenora, Janet, Anna Jane, Anastasia, Reann, Ming, Seth, Katrina, Erin, Inga, Sarra, Matheiu, Morgaine, Ysane, Makayla, Owen, Brigid, Athelina
Exchequer - Inga was to contact individual officers to see if they wanted to carry on their alloted dollar amounts from last year.
Reann - Concerned council meetings are going longer than they have due to socials, We pay per house so we will do a pass the hat to raise funds for the extended rental time.
There are concerns over having a negative budget - we need to raise more money to cover extra costs.
Scouts Canada refunding 75$ as we were overcharged @ Coronet.
Scribal - Morgaine wants scribes budget @ 100$ instead of 50$, scribal supplies are costly.
Chronicler - Website almost done! Need emails from all current officers.
Please email Chronicler with a listing of your Baronial award so that the website can be made more current.
No more award submissions for Yule. Please send in recommendations for Daffodil. We are looking forward to Yule!
Waiting for email responses to her email, MOS and Chatelaine please respond.
Exchequer and Seneschal got an email from Kingdom exchequer, they need 450$ for insurance. This happens every year, Seneschal was not aware. W/out this we cannot host Principality events. This should be in the budget.
Lots of Demo requests for demos in the New Year. Would like to be more selective about what we accept.
Will be having more meetings to put together official demo team.
We will be having a Pas De Arms @ Yule.
Same average number of fighters coming to practice.
Bryce now has drill shed access, Wednesdays and Sundays.
Enjoyed meeting @ Ysanes, got lots of Pas stuff done.
Looking for voice heralds for Yule.
First Aid kits will be updated by Yule.
Pas the hat = 100$
Practice will probably move to the drill shed as well.
Pied Piper will have crafty things for children @ Yule.
Would also like crafty ideas. Please speak with Athelina.
Tickets sold: 62. Tickets always get sold last minute, no worries there. Need kitchen folk for feast. Copy on the calendar is updated.
Tavern is out of pocket because until recently SCA funds were not to be used for alcohol. That has changed. Anna Jane would like to have Seagirt pay for Licensing fees. Usually about 100$.
Will the Barony pay for this now and in the future? Would come out of event budget.
In favour, passed. Now Baronial Policy.
Janet is officially autocratting Daffodil. She needs a feast-o-crat.
She also needs almost every other volunteer.
Needs prize donations to keep budget costs down.
Defenders prizes should be worth about 100$
SYG: Ming will autocrat
SST: Morgaine will autocrat.
Will be another masked ball in the spring.
No further business, meeting adjourned.