The Barony of Seagirt is a branch of the Society for Creative Anachronism (SCA) located in Victoria, British Columbia. We are a non-profit educational group that seeks to learn about pre-17th century history. If you would like to find out more about the SCA and the activities we do, there are a lot of resources to be found on our newcomers page.

Upcoming Events and Activities:


Vacant Officer Positions:


Image of heraldic badge of both the gold key office and chamberlain's office.
© Vémundr Syvursson

The Chamberlain is the officer in charge of Seagirt's property. If you have a passion for organization, this is the job for you!

Duties include keeping inventory, maintaining or arranging maintenance of items in stores, arranging and managing storage for all items, and granting access to items to members for SCA-related purposes.

Become a Deputy!

Are there no jobs available here that will make use of your skill set? Never fear! Almost all positions listed on the Officers page would welcome a deputy officer! Check out the different officer positions and see if you'd be interested in assisting.

All the great taste of the officer position with none of the paperwork!