The Yeoman's Trials
Yeomen candidates will choose a specialty:
- Archery
- Thrown Weapons or
- Siege Weapon
Each candidate must be proficient in both target and combat varieties of their chosen specialty.
As such, each candidate must demonstrate a thorough knowledge of BOTH the An Tir Book of Combat (Missile) as it relates to the rules of engagement and marshalling (Warranted Senior Missle Combat Marshals may waive this trial) AND the Marshal Handbook for their chosen specialty:
- Archery candidates must demonstrate a thorough knowledge of the An Tir Book of Target (Archery) and how it applies to range safety. (Warranted Senior Target Archery Marshals may waive this trial.)
- Thrown Weapons candidates must demonstrate a thorough knowledge of the An Tir Book of Target (Thrown Weapons) and how it applies to range safety. (Warranted Senior Thrown Weapons Marshals may waive this trial.)
- Siege Weapons candidates must demonstrate a thorough knowledge of the SCA Siege Weapons Handbook and how it applies to safety. (Warranted Siege Marshals may waive this trial.)
Weapons Skills
Yeoman candidates should be competent in both combat and target scenarios in their specialization. Candidates will demonstrate skills appropriate to their specialization.
Combat scenarios will test accuracy, speed, use of (or movement through) terrain, and ability to adapt to changing circumstances and threats. They may include scenarios such as Hogan’s Alley, Whack-a-Mole, Castle Siege, and/or Agincourt style shoots. Candidates should also be competent with a hand weapon of their choice as a back-up in heavy combat in the event they are involved in a skirmish.
Target scenarios will primarily test accuracy, though they may include elements of speed, non-static targets, non-standard distances to targets, or moving through terrain as in a 3D shoot. Target scenarios may include Royal Rounds if applicable.
Candidates will be required to demonstrate an ability to instruct on the basics of their chosen specialization (they may choose either combat or target or both) and to have a firm understanding of standard equipment and its design.