*Information below copied from the An Tir Events Calendar.

The Barony of Lions Gate (Vancouver, BC )
Event Summary
Event Main Contact (Event Steward): Jaqueline Lefleur
Date: November 16 , 2024
Site opens at: 8:30 AM on November 16th 2024
Site closes at: 11:00 PM
Event site:
Cloverdale Fairgrounds – Shannon Hall
6050A 176th Street Surrey, BC
Come one, come all, to view the next Lions Gate Baronial Coronation! Witness who claims the Baronial thrones! Gasp at the pageantry! Delight in the history! Marvel at the ferocity! So many things to do and see at Baroness’ Inspiration!
- Baronial C&T Championship
- Uncollared Rapier prize tournament – all contenders please bring a prize for the prize table!
- Gerhard’s Riposte Tournament
- Steel Rose tournament
- Iron Rose tournament
- Unbelted Armored prize tournament – all contenders please bring a prize for the prize table!
Arts and Sciences!
- Largess competition: Super 6, one for each Baroness of Lions Gate.
Make something that you think will inspire your Baroness(es) or take inspiration from what they do and make something in their honour. Choose one Baroness or all Baronesses! The current and upcoming Baronesses will pick a favourite. The winner will receive one of each of the entries. Please have your entry in by 4 pm. There will be a table for the competition close to the kitchen.
The University of Tir Righ (TUTR) Classes!
- TUTR course schedule is now available. Online preregistration will be open until 9 pm on November 14, at this link: https://forms.office.com/r/vsrWJXqezS
- Lions Gate relic and regalia display and history presentation by Master Uilliam mac Fearchair mhic Gille Aindrias.
- Stop by the games corner for fun and…well…games! The games box will be available. Informal games between noon and evening court, with time for more games after court concludes. Get your gaming fill!
Kid’s space!
- Parents come enjoy arts and crafts and games with your children and youth in the kids corner. Kids can craft their own coronets. Starts at 1 pm.
- Enjoy the Renaissance sounds of Collegium Leonum throughout the day.
- View the finest wares, there to tempt the Royalty and populace coming from far and wide to witness the Baronial coronation! Between opening and evening courts.
- Hot beverages: available by donation throughout the day: coffee, tea and hot chocolate.
- Lunch: Swansong Kitchen – soup and bun and sammies or wraps. Menu coming soon!
- Potluck appetizer dinner – Finger Food Feast: Make a bunch (recommend two dozen) of your favorite finger food appies, ready to serve (period and Lions Gate traditional recipes enthusiastically welcomed.) These will be served to the populace during “appy hours” before evening Court, starting at 4 pm. Mistress Caitrin is the appy-o’crat. We’ll be looking for server volunteers to help serve!
- Dessert potluck competition: Tempt your favorite Baron or Baroness and create something they’ll love. (Hint: chocolate, ice cream, and cheesecake are well-received.) The Baron and Baroness with pick their favorites!
- Please bring your appetizer or dessert contributions to the kitchen before 11 am or between 1 pm and 3 pm.
- Slake your thirst at the Tavern of Lost Souls with pouring by the lovely lively bartenders Dame Morweena and Archos Anika. A selection of pop also offered. Tavern 1 pm – 10 pm.
- If everything is a little too loud, bright, and bustling, stop by the oasis for a quiet corner strewn with carpets, lounge matts and pillows and get your chill back.
This event includes the following activities and/or services:
Royal Presence – Heirs
Is an online gathering
Has Merchants
Has Classes
Offers Youth & Family activities
Has Heavy Fighting activities
Has Rapier and/or Cut & Thrust activities
Has Arts & Sciences activities
Offers a feast or meal
Add all events from Lions Gate to your personal calendar (ical format)
Map Unavailable
Registration Information
No advance registration
Accessibility Information
Shannon Hall has ramp access at the north entrance.
Alice McKay building is level.
Reserved accessibility parking will be available.
Site Fees
Fee Type | Cost* |
Event fee | $30 |
Minors (18 and under) | FREE |
*SCA Members will receive a $10 member discount off the cost listed above. |
Event Schedule
Time | Activity | Location |
8:30 am | Gate opens | Shannon Main Hall |
9 am | TUTR registration desk opens | Shannon Side Hall |
9:30 am | Opening court Invocation of Cut & Thrust Championship lists |
Shannon Main Hall |
10 am | TUTR classes – group 1 Rapier inspection Merchants open |
Shannon Side Hall Alice McKay Shannon Main Hall |
10:30 am | Steel tournaments begin:
Alice McKay |
11 am | Lunch begins – Swansong Kitchen | Shannon Main Hall |
12 pm | Heavy inspection Games table opens |
Alice McKay Shannon Main Hall |
1 pm | TUTR classes – group 2 Children’s crafts Lunch ends Tavern opens |
Shannon Side Hall Shannon Main Hall Shannon Main Hall Shannon Main Hall |
1:15 pm | Heavy tournaments begin:
Alice McKay |
3 pm | TUTR classes – group 3 Dessert competition entries due Potluck contributions due |
Shannon Side Hall Shannon Main Hall Shannon Main Hall |
4 pm | Largess Super 6 entries due Potluck Finger Food Feast service begins |
Shannon Main Hall |
5:30 pm | Dessert service begins | Shannon Main Hall |
6 pm | Courts begin Alice McKay building closes |
Shannon Main Hall Alice McKay |
8 pm (or after court) | Dance Games redux |
Shannon Main Hall |
10 pm | Tavern closes Shannon Hall pack up |
Shannon Main Hall |
11 pm | Everyone off site |
Meal Information
Lunch by Swansong Kitchen and Courtier Briana Cassia (11 am – 1 pm)
- Soup and a bun or sammies/wraps. Menu coming soon. Pay on the day.
Potluck appetizer dinner – Finger Food Feast (4 – 6 pm)
Tempt our Baron or Baroness and create something they’ll love. (Hint: chocolate, ice cream, and cheesecake are well-received.) The Baron and Baroness with pick their favorites!Please bring your appetizer or dessert contributions, sliced for serving, to the kitchen before 11 am or between 1 pm and 3 pm.If you wish the serving platter returned, please tape your full name to the bottom. Dishes will be available for claiming after evening court.
Tournament Information
Steel Tournaments
- Uncollared Rapier prize tournament
- Steel Rose tournament
- Cut & Thrust Championship
- Gerhard’s Riposte tournament
Steel tournament descriptions
- Uncollared rapier prize tournament:
Open prize tournament for all rapier fighters. Masters of Defense are encouraged to enter but can not win. Uncollared fighters bring a prize for the table to enter. All fighters (except MODs) will win a prize.
- Steel Rose tournament:
Rapier tournament intended for female and gender minority fighters.
- Baronial Cut & Thrust tournament:
Lions Gate Baronial Cut & Thrust championship
- Gerhard’s Riposte:
New rapier fighter tournament. Participants should have less than 1 year of rapier fighting experience
Rattan Tournaments
- Iron Rose tournament
- Unbelted Armored prize tournament
Youth and Family Activities
Children and youth games in the afternoon if space permits. Beside the children’s crafting area.
Children craft area – Starting at 1 pm, kids can make their own coronets! No fee.
Volunteer Information
We will need volunteers for many activities at this very busy event:
- Gate – contact Dame Elena Maisnilwarin
- TUTR registration – contact sitt Marie bint Yussuf al Nasrani
- List field set up – head to the Alice McKay building 7:30 – 9 am
- Decor – 7:30 – 9:00 am
- Site Set up – 7:30 – 9:30 am
- Site Tear down – 10 – 11 pm
Please consider adding your name to the volunteer list Google sheet: https://tinyurl.com/47pv4uat
This will be a large event and many hands make the work lighter!
Merchant Information
- The Hat Lady of An Tir
- Numpty Muffins and Miscellany
- The Purple Purveyor
- Slan Baby
- Vargus’ Hides and Dyes
- Cup and Dagger
Classes Offered
The University of Tir Righ (TUTR) will be holding classes.
Classes for new comers to the SCA and on the history of the Barony of Lions Gate.
The TUTR course schedule for is now available. Online preregistration will be open until 9 pm on November 14, at this link: https://forms.office.com/r/vsrWJXqezS
Emergency Preparedness Information
Main exits at the southeast and northwest corners of the building. If you must leave the building, use the closest main exit, shown on the Exits map below. In case of urgent emergency, use the main and the emergency exits.
In case of emergency, leave through the closest main exit and congregate at the east side of the parking lot, away from the buildings. See the muster station point map below.