
April 13, 2024    
9:00 am - 8:00 pm


Peachland Community Centre
4450 - 6th St, Peachland, BC, V0H 1X6, Okanagan

Event Type

Map Unavailable

Event Summary:

Hosted by: The Shire of Danescombe (Penticton and Kelowna B.C.)

Event Main Contact (Event Steward): Tobias von Rosenheim
Date: April 13 , 2024
Site opens at: 9:00 AM on April 13th 2024
Site closes at: 8:00 PM

Event site:
Peachland Community Center
4450 – 6th St. Peachland, BC V0H 1X6

The Shire of Danescombe would like to invite you to attend the Tournament of Roses. Invite the one who inspires you to come and witness you give your best as we prepare to pick new defenders.
There will be Armoured Combat, Rapier, Arts and Science, Bardic, and for the first time ever we will also be taking a Cut and Thrust defender. So come and enter all 5 tournaments, or choose your battles and give us your best!
An Iron Rose tournament (for female and gender minority fighters) will follow the Armoured Combat Defender’s tourney