On this page:
For more information about officer roles and responsibilities, please see the An Tir Handbook.
The landed Baronial couple are the ceremonial leaders of the Barony of Seagirt, and representatives of the King and Queen of An Tir. They wear regalia in public at events, including the barony's coronets and cloaks, and provide a regal presence. During baronial court they present awards, and before and afterwards they are responsible for organising court business and the associated awards, gifts, and documents. They communicate with the King and Queen, coordinate royal visits to our barony, and handle negotiations with other SCA groups.
The Head of Retinue is in charge of all of the Baronial couple's retainers, guards, and ladies-in-waiting. He or she makes sure that Their Excellencies are well attended, fed and watered, and takes care of other necessary administrative things that Their Excellencies might require.
The branch Seneschal's role equates to that of a modern club president. They act as the local legal representative of the SCA for their group. The position involves many duties, including:
- Promoting, facilitating, and mediating communications
- Reporting on group's activities to larger political body (Principality or Kingdom)
- Keeping track of paperwork and waivers and making sure records of such are sent to the larger political body
- Keeping group informed of policy changes or other big announcements
The branch Exchequer acts as the treasurer for a local branch. In short, they handle the money for the branch.
(Deputy in charge of stores)
The branch Chronicler ensures that the local SCA populace is made aware of the news happening within the Barony, the Principality, the Kingdom and within the SCA that may affect various aspects of their play. The Chonicler also acts in a secretarial role, as they are also in charge of taking Curia minutes and keeping records.
The Chamberlain is the officer in charge of the Barony's property.
Duties include keeping inventory, maintaining or arranging maintenance of items in stores, arranging and managing storage for all items, and granting access to items to members for SCA-related purposes.
The branch Chatelaine serves as the initial contact for individuals new to the Society for Creative Anachronism (SCA) or new to the local area. They also play a crucial role in promoting new membership by organizing local demonstrations and recruitment events. Additionally, the Chatelaine acts as the liaison between prospective or new members and local officers.
(Crafts, skills, and technologies practiced in the Middle Ages)
Ayla Hrafna~Önd
The branch Minister of Arts and Sciences is the chief artistic and scientific officer to the Barony. They are responsible for encouraging the research and development of historically accurate arts & sciences, including research papers, within the Barony by aiding individuals in networking with other individuals or branches and by encouraging arts & sciences events at the branch level.
The Bardic Minister organizes baronial bardic activities, such as musical practices, group singing, and classes related to music, storytelling, and movement. They work closely with the Dance Minister.
The branch Dance Minister oversees and teaches medieval-themed dance practices that take place at Seagirt's monthly Althings. It is the Dance Minister's mission to provide a fun and social means of learning to dance in the medieval-style.
The branch Chatelaine serves as the initial contact for individuals new to the Society for Creative Anachronism (SCA) or new to the local area. They also play a crucial role in promoting new membership by organizing local demonstrations and recruitment events. Additionally, the Chatelaine acts as the liaison between prospective or new members and local officers.
Lavinia Prosch
Creating an invisible space.
(Court/Announcer/Coats of Arms/Names)
Vémundr Syvursson
Creating an invisible space.
(Branch Calligraphy and Illumination)
Máel Brigte inghean Aimhirgin
Officer badges provided by Vémundr Syvursson.
Visit his webpage for more information about usage.