Seagirt Council Meeting: January 5, 2010

Present: Ysane, Owen, Heather Anne, Janet, Lochland, Ming, Elina, Anastasia, Seth, Brigid, James, Makayla, Allan, Inga, Katrina, Erin, Morgaine, Lenora, Sarra, Mathieu.

Exchequer: Budget is updated. Scouts Canada refunded us 399.00, this was the actual amount overcharged at Coronet...not 75.00 as was stated at last council.

Baron and Baroness: February 6th, Scholars candidates are getting together to talk about the trials. Anyone interested welcome to join. Scholars changes are in the works, Ming will post details. He intends to make scholars stuff a monthly meeting.
Largess - we need it. Please contribute what you can. Thanks!
As always, award recommendations please!
Seneschal: Quarterly reports due February 1. Seneschals doomsday report also due.

Chronicler: Website up to date, nothing else to report.

Chatelaine: Nothing to report besides Demo requests without enough detail. Will go through email and try to flesh out what people are asking for.

Dance: $140.00 pass the hat. After council social $20.00

M.O.S: Old fighters are returning! Nikolai is coming back and bringing a household of people wanting to play in armour.

M.O.B: Fencing was mostly on hiatus over holidays. Will be starting up again in the new year.

A&S: Did a leatherworking class with people. Went well, will be looking for others to teach classes for us.

Herald: First Aid kits are now updated. Permission of conflict letter found, badge to be updated. Will be having heraldry consultation nights to get more devices passed. Yay!

Scribal: Monthly charter painting will hopefully be happening soon. Looking for a bigger space to do this.

Yule: Event went well! All 100 tix were sold. Profit 170.43$
Daffodil: 4 people @ Daffodil meeting. Several volunteers still needed including day food.
Highnesses likely coming. Majesties not coming, they will be at Gulf Wars.
Allan is deputy MIC for Daffodil.
Ming can't autocrat SYG. Owen will.
SST: Morgaine.
Allan is going to compile an autocrats handbook for Seagirt.
Lochland will do the Farspeaker. Will print @ Staples and charge to cover costs. Will try to complete by April.
Seagirt is giving up all lands north of the Malahat. Duncan and Cowichan area will rever to Kings Land. Hartwood will take Ladysmith.
No Further business, meeting adjourned.

Seagirt Council Meeting: February 2, 2010

Present: Owen, Magenta, James, Glynis, Lochland, Janet, Anastasia, Heather-Anne, Meg, Inga, Morgaine, Seth, Athelina, Vincent, Ming, Elina, Lenora, Sarra, Mattheiu, Makayla, Alan, Emmaline, Amelia, Serena.
Ysane is not present, sick.

Exchequer: Invoice 859, Camp Barnar cashed 100 deposit. Would noramally apply against last event of the year. Inga is missing invoice. She will obtain it.

Seneschal: To the M.O.S: Seneschal would like waivers of all practices brought to council each month.
All quarterly reports received. Thanks!

B&B: Need award recommendations for Daffodil. Some discussion about fundraising for toys for tots @ 12th night. An Tir has charged everyone to try to get donations for this cause. Would like to see it done all year round. However, Toys for tots is an American organization, we will donate to a Canadian equivalent. Lenora suggests donating to the red cross. James says it would be better to get together with CFAX to get radio coverage and raise our profile if we are going to donate it would be nice if it was benificial to the Barony as well.

Majesty would like to see more prize tournaments and less title tournaments. Ming has decided to hand select Warlord instead of having a tourney for it. He has chosen Tristan. Scholars meeing this saturday, please come out. ABC restaurant at 10am.

Chatelaine: Not much to report, not many viable demo requests. We did bags of feast gear for newcomers at Yule. Would like to do this for Daffodil as well.

Dance: It happens. First Tuesday is in garb. All other Tuesdays please come as you are. $172.60 in pass the hat donations.

M.O.B: Fencing still slow, we have a new fencer from Borialis as well as some other new fencers.

M.O.S: Average of a dozen fighters coming out on Sundays, its a little slower on Wednesdays due to peoples work schedules.

A&S: Ysane has been hosting A&S once per month. Sarra would like others to host as well. Would like some people to come out and teach cooking classes and leatherworking classes.

Herald: Wants to see more personal heraldry displayed, it looked fantastic at Yule!

Scribe: Spent no money, we all thank her.

Chronicler: Change of officer forms have not gone through. We re-send email attachement.


Daffodil: Good number of merchants signed up. Tickets are starting to sell. Still looking for Day Food person.

Spring Masked Ball: April 24th. Would like it to be a demo during the day, 1-4. Actual Ball from 5:30 on. Possibly we can get advertising for demo portion?

Other business:

1) Lenora is stepping down is Principality Seneschal.
2) Don't book anything on October 16th. It is her 50th Birthday and Alezzandras not 50th. She has booked Luxton Hall. Parrrrrty!

Cathal is quiet on the internet because his Shaw is down. Will be fixed soon.

No further business, meeting adjourned.


Seagirt Council Meeting: March 2, 2010

Present: Ysane, Inga, Amelia, Emmaline, Sarra, Isabelle, Mattieu, Janet, Lochland, Vincent, Anastasia, Jaques, Lenora, Dmittri, Heather-Anne, Makayla, Elina, Brigid, Allan, James, Cal and Meg.

Clarification: NMS ONLY for level one events. Ysane does not like the term "Surcharge" however it is SCA policy.

B&B: Largess has been made by the populace, thanks so much! Award recommendations for Daffodil now cut off. Please recomend for the next event. Two weeks after Daffodil on Sunday practice monthly tourney and social will be starting again.

Chatelaine: Lady in Sooke would like Demo for Canada Day. It will be good exposure, on average 10,000 people come through the gate. We could set up a pavillion for recruitment.

Dance: $123.25 in pass the hat donations.

M.O.S: Unable to attend. Daffodil - Senior Marshalls able to be made. Please read up if interested.

M.O.B: Nothing to report.

A&S: Nothing to report.

Herald: Putting call out this week for field heralds and waterbearers for Daffodil.

Scribe: Not in attendance. Nothing to report.

Daffodil: Tickets available until Sunday. Get your tickets. Everything else is going well. 16 Merchant tables of 19 spoken for.

Masked Ball: Rudd Part booked, $70.35. Hall is booked. Still needs to discuss demo aspect of event, Ball aspect covered. Level 2 event, no NMS. Cards and pamphlets will need to be made for Demo part of event.

Coronet: Morgaine, Ysane and Mischa are considering putting a Hartwood bid in for Coronet, this would be good for them as they will soon attain Baronial status. Seagirt would help with this event as much as they can.

Lenora: Saanich Fairgrounds now wants a $650 damage deposit, this is a first. We also still owe $459.50 as the remainder of the site fee. No putting pins in the wall, no gouging the floors, we would like our damage deposit back. The Fairgrounds now requires a contract. Our date choices are the 12th or 19th of March if we choose to book. We choose March 12th. We will book the site but will hold off on the contract until we give a deposit.

The NSCA will probably be dissolving. Details to follow.

Next Masked Ball after much debate is set for October 2, 2010

No further business, meeting adjourned.


Seagirt Council Meeting: April 06, 2010

Present: Ysane, Makayla, Brigid, Lenora, Ming, Sarra, Reann, Anastasia, Heather-Ann, Inga, Seth, Isabella, Mathieu, Janet, Lochland, Allan, Vincent, Amelia, Emmaline, Jaques, Magenta (late), Cal (late), Meg (late), Athelina (late).

Seneschal: Quarterly reports due April 30, copy to Principality, B&B and Seneschal.
Insurance certificate ordered for SST and SYG. 105.56$. This dollar amount also includes the certificate for April 24th Demo.
Ysane wants to schedule a meeting with greater offices to clarify the duties of all their jobs. We would like a distinction between what the official job duties are for each verses the Baronial traditions/expectations.
A&S is stepping down, Isabella interested in the position, Approved.
Seagirt Tapestry is a history of Seagirt as a Shire. Should we continue with the history of Seagirt as a Barony? Shire tapestry still unfinished, at this point we do not want to start another large porject until the original tapestry is complete.

B&B: Quarterly Tournament - Good turn out, lots of new faces!
Childrens Tourney - Katrina killed everyone.
Vincent won fencing.
Heavy - Rashid champion of the day, chosen by chivalry. Lothar champion by combat.
Demo - Please volunteer, we need to showcase ourselves for this to draw members, you will be expected to work if you are there!
Ming has a request for new A&S: He would like war tabards made to get our heraldry out on the field. Would like 20 of them. Apparently we still have blue and white fabric, however it is broadcloth and too light weight for this purpose. Ming would like to have them by Sealion if possible. It is decided that 10 tabards is a more realistic goal for now, A&S will go price out fabric.

Chatelaine: July 1st demo is a go. They are paying us 100.00$. There will be dance and there is professional sound equipment available. We are also able to merchant there, contact Makayla if interested. This will be an all day demo, we do also get free advertisement.

Dance: Pass the hat 181.00$. Council social pass the hat 20.00$

Event Business:

Daffodil event report: Daffodil happened and nothing burnt down. Yay! Event made 448.81$. Cooks equipment needs to be upgraded it is missing a lot of stuff. About 10 minors paid NMS, oops. We will find them and refund them. Will also donate to Regular travel fund: 100.00$

June 19th - Heritage days wants us to come dance. Just dancers, nothing else. Details to follow.

Grand Demo: Nice poster made - please circulate them around town. Anastastia needs SCA letterhead for her press release. Flora requires this, however we will run it by Kingdom Seneschal as this seems wrong to us.
Insurance for Rudd Park obtained.
Anastasia's mom is working on getting us tables for free from Juan De Fuca. If she can't get them we need about 10 tables.
So far there are 6 heavy fighers and 4 rapier fighters attending.
Ekatarina will be there as a food vendor.
Gaelic choir also joining us in full costume!
Demo meeting on Friday at 7pm.

Lenora: With the NSCA dissolving, no more NSCA waivers. Do not get your insurance certificats late! IF IT IS 30 DAYS OR LESS THERE IS A 100.00$ PENALTY ON TOP OF THE 50.00$ FEE.
Seagirt now has 1000 business cards.
Seagirt SCA pamphlet: Lenora wants pre-approval to spend some money on a nice pamphlet, IE: colour photos ect. She isn't sure how much it will cost. Asking to spend up to 500.00$. Approved.
NMS is going up to 5.00$ at the beginning of July. Lenora proposes for someones first event and first event only they get a 5.00$ discount off of the gate fee as it is an expensive cost for someone who has never been out before. We will leave this up to the autocrats of events.
With the NSCA dissolving they are splitting the funds between the registered branches. Seagirt will receive about 1300.00$. Yay!

Exchequer: Baronial cushions - it was agreed ahead of time that the A&S budget would be used for cushions. Foam however, is expensive. Cost was 132.16$. Morgaine would like to be reimbursed for the 50$ A&S money and the 82.16$ of her own money.
Tempest had an NSF cheque of 55.00$, this is including the 5.00$ bank charge for the NSF. She has done this before. We do not know if she stopped the payment as she had asked for a refund halfway through the day of the feast and was denied. We would like to start a list of NSF people who do not settle up with us. This way we know and can enforce someone not being allowed to attend an event until they have paid what they owe. The exchequer will keep this list and make sure it is kept up to date.

Last thing: We have to pay for this hall, please donate to pass the hat.

No Further Business, Meeting Adjourned


Seagirt Council Meeting: May 04, 2010

Present: Anna-Jane, Kerry, Jacques De Lacy, Moragaine, Isabella, Giuliana, Inga, Allan, Makayla, Ysane, Jeannifer, Brigid, James, Lenora, Rashid, Tristan, Athelina, Mathieu, Anastasia, Vincent, Derek Millington, Seth, Amelia, Sopan, Emma, Owen, Reann, Magenta, Linda Yound, Cal, Meg

Dance: Pass the hat $146.50. Council social pass the hat $44.00

M.O.S.: Rashid will be the new deputy for archery. Farmer in Saanich may let us use his property for practic, Rashid will check it out.

Pied Piper: Looking for a Hunker Down set. Would like funding to make a set. Budget of $50 is still available to use. James votes to have a Hunker Down Set making competition for SST. Sounds fun!

Event Business:

Demo/Masked Ball: It was fun! 33 SCA'ers showed. We had 173ish Non SCA'ers. Ball: 66 attendees, 13 newcomers.

SYG: Event listing updated. Working out event schedule.

SST: Info up on Kingdom site, has been talking to excellencies about schedule. Sunday there will be more fighting, the "Amelia Huntsman memorial Tourney". A&S competition moved from this event to the fall.

Other Business: Seagirt tabards will cost $400 if we get fabric from Fabricland. This is too expensive. Looking for other alternatives that will be less costly. Tabards will not be done for Sealion War. Will look to have this done for Sealion 2011.

Morgaine: Has the Seargirt Tapestry now. She and Sarra will be handing out sample packets to everyone so they may contribute. Original artists being contacted so that we may keep coninuity of style. Anyone who helps with the tapestry gets a beaded medallion detailing what the have done on it. If you do not know the tapestry stiches Morgaine will teach you. We have a lot left to do, please help!

New Business:

Anastasia: Dance Demo June 19th. They have told us part of this is to be in the parade on May 24th. Fun!

Vincent: Eastern Star Hall, whole thing is $25 per hour. They will give us a better rate if we use the hall regularly. If you are interested in this hall contact Vincent. A&S perhaps?

Last thing: We have to pay for this hall, please donate to pass the hat.

No Further Business, Meeting Adjourned


Seagirt Council Meeting June 01, 2010

Present: Brigid, Seth, Anastasia, Sarra, Lenora, Ysane, Ming, Elina, Mathieu, Reann, Owen, Emmaline, Amelia, Elizabeth, Makayla, Allan, Tristan, James, Jaques, Magenta, Jennifer, Rashid, Athelina, Isabella, Vincent, Anna-Jane, Janet, Meraude

B&B: Sealion! Hopefully lots of people coming. There is now a Bardic war point for an improv performance. Site fee has been dropped from $25 to $20. As Seagirt paid Lionsgate B&B's travel costs last Sealion, they are doing the same for Seagirt B&B this year.

Seneschal: Wants to clarify what job duties are for all offices. She finds Kingdom laws very geared to Kingdom level. Seagirt laws seem to be a little (a lot?) out of date. Suggested to form a commitee to update. Will talk to James and others to research "customaries". Google "Baronial Customary" for an idea of what we are looking for.

A&S: Would like A&S classes once or twice a month with proper instruction for various subjects. Want to teach? Please volunteer you skills! She would like to rent Eastern Star Hall @ Rudd park, it is $25 an hour but they will give us a better rate if we rent regularly. Would do a pass the hat to cover costs and council would top up any shorfall, as they do with dance. Alternatively for classes they would pay a fee to attend to cover materials and costs.
People mentioned just movoing A&S there for each Wednesday, however to use the hall four times a month would be about $200 a month, doubtful that attendance would cover that kind of cost. Perhaps start with two nights a month to see if attendance is strong enough. Concerns about location confusion though, we want to keep things consistent so people know where to go. Isabella will check for availability of days for the hall and what rates they are willing to give.

Dance: Pass the hat = $122. Council social donations = $19.50. Lenora points out that officers have to go to council, so it is unfair to be asked to pay. Anastasia clarifies that the money is not for council but for the post council social afterward.


SYG: Is good to go....

SST: Copy sent to crier and Sentinel. Ysane MIC. Verify that this copy reflects the change to NMS. Champions need to email Autocrat the tourney format. Morgaine still needs a gate person for this event.


Rashid: Close to having an Archery range. Magenta is meeting with the land owner of the horse farm she leases to see if he will allow us to shoot there. Location is off Tanner Rd. in central Saanich. Will probably do Monday nights @ 6:30 if all goes well. James will provide Magenta with the insurance certificate so she can show it to the land owner so he knows we are responsible relatively not crazy folks. Camp Bernard is redoing archery range and making it all fancy. We could help out and camp out for a weekend to hold archery classes.
James: Kingdom is asking for event bids for the 30th anniversary of An Tir. This event will be massive and up to 10 days long.

Anastasia: Has a photographer interested in our society, she has emails entailing an idea of his. Basically this person wants us to create a period village, Ren-Faire style. This is not a terribly realistic goal for us as we all work and have busy lives. The scope of such a project is just too large. It is a lovely concept but difficult to execute. There are concerns about commercializing us, this is not possible as we are a not for profit society. We hoever would be interested in renting the land for events and to consult on the project if they would like. Anastasia will investigate.

Reanne: Reminder - stores list is online. People have complained about the plastic pennants, they do not look nice. We are going to donate them to Magenta. In exchange Anna-Jane asks for Magenta to make some waterbearing supplies.

Lenora: Has SCA, TIR RIGH & AN TIR stickers. They are $2 each.

Vincent: We moved practice to Rudd park for a higher profile. It seems to be working. Four people at his gym saw him fencing. Cool.

No Further Business, Meeting Adjourned


Seagirt Council Meeting: July 6, 2010

Present: Ysane, Seth, Brigid, Makayla, Elina, Ming, Lenora, Sarra, Morgaine, Isabelle, Anastasia, Vincent, Allan, Aleana, Mathieu, Magenta, Jennifer, Inga, Amelia, Emmaline, James, Anne, Hamish, Rohese, Athalina (late)

Seneschal: NMS has now officially gone up to five dollars. Quarterly reports are due at the end of this month. Date change for Kingdom A&S. It now conflicts with Daffodil. We aren't in territorial conflict though, just the same date now. Daffodil will still be held on the same day, this is just an FYI.

Exchequer: Dawn Conway NSF cheque has been reimbursed.

B&B: Demos have been successful - Thanks so much! Sergeants will be getting together this Saturday to talk about SYG.

Herald: Nothing to report.

Chatelaine: Five total Demos in the last month. Everyone has been amazing, we even made the newspaper. Turnout has been great with 30ish SCAdians turning out each time to help. Makayla also now has an official Demo Team to cover all the bases. Yay!
We have made 300$ in total from these demos. There is also a newcomer form to have people fill out now. It enquires about what they are interested in and their contact info. We can then follow up with them later instead of never seeing them again.

Dance: 157.50$ pass the hat. 16.00$ council social donations.

Lenora: Mischa is getting a Kidney! Yay! He will be in Vancouver a few months during recovery. Money is being collected to help him stay in touch with everyone via a new laptop and cell phone. These donations will also help cover living expenses while he is there. Anyone wishing to help, please see Lenora.

SYG: Inga is standing in as Site Liason for this event, Alezzandra is unable to attend. Morgaine will be sitting gate.

SST: Trying to get SST website up, should be next week.

Amelia: Is doing a passive bottle drive, this means if you have bottles for her please let her know and she will get them from you. This is to raise money for Sir Thorwulf to coming out to SST so that she can be authorized to fight on her 16th birthday. Any extra monies will go to the travel fund.

Magenta: Would like to offer her time to create a "static" demo display. This would be a setup of stuff that would come to each demo. She would like projects from people to add to this. Anything you donate is given on a permanent basis, not loaned. If you have a project you would like to add please speak to her. She is willing to house the display, transport it and babysit it at any demo. Proposal is overwhelmingly approved.

Possible archery range in Happy Valley 35$ for two hours. Will need a Marshall to come out and make sure it is suitable. They are also willing to let us use it as an event site. Lots of land, apparently comparable to Camp Barnard. Ysane will go check it out.

No Further Business, Meeting Adjourned.


Seagirt Council Meeting, August 3, 2010

Present: Brigid, Emma, Amelia, Inga, Ysane, Janet, Owen, Rohese, Anna-Jane, Finndabhair, Jacques, Anastasia, Vincent, Magenta, Athelina, Tristan, Atsur, Lenora, Allan, Makayla, Isabella, Morgaine, Rashid, James, Ming, Dmitri, Elina, Hamish, Anne

Seneschal: Still need autocrats for Daffodil and Sealion. We have an archery range. Finndabhair has a friend named Ilene who has property we are able to use. Will be on Sundays from 9am to 12pm. Will only happen if Archery marshalls are available. If cancelled it will be announced.

Archery Deputy: New archery rules, please look them over. No minors allowed to shoot at the practice. This means 18 and under. No spectators allowed currently until we have more TAMs. To shoot you must reserve your space with TAMs before practice. No Sharing equipment, we don`t have time for swapping. Inspections will happen for every practice.
The person who owns this property is not charging us for its use. We cannot take the risk of anything happening to cause us to lose this space. We hope to get more TAMs, until then experienced archers only.
We are hoping to make some TAMs at SST.

B&B: Elina - Changes have been made to SYG trials, particularly to how Chiv court works. Those changes will be posted on the website once they are given to the webmistress.
Ming - Recommend awards please, read descriptions online as to what the awards are for. Would like to be able to give some of the more specific awards. B&B are creating a new award, will announce soon.

Dance: HST means the hall costs more. It is now $179.20 up from $169.60. Council is now $44.80. Only got $6.01 from pass the hat for post council social. $153.25 from dance pass the hat.

SYG Report: 92 people in attendance. $216.92 profit. We should start looking at the bottom field for rental. The area is much more private and has been renovated quite recently.

SST: 2.5 weeks away! Two birthdays for this event. Emma turns 11, Amelia turns 16! Lots of things happening at this event. Rapier, Archery and Heavy Championships. On site flavour contest by Alezzandra - use edibles you can find on site to flavour a dish. Auction being held consisting of three years worth of lost and found.
Youth tourney is on Sunday.
Anastasia: Masked ball on Oct 2. It is in the Crier. It is now a Championship Event (A&S)...NMS applies.

James: SCA census is now live. Please fill it out, your input is important.

No Further Business, Meeting Adjourned


Council Minutes, September 7, 2010

Seneschal: Still need an autocrat for Sealion. Please volunteer!
Alezzandra is looking for dates for bookings for camp barnard next year, please let her know ASAP. Glymm Mere has made war banners. We are donating 100$ to the Raven Travel
fund for it. James has picked it up from Crown for us.

Exchequer: Got statement from Barnard, they took the hundred they owed us off. Outstanding cheques all have been located except Lynn Heid.
Brandy Dickson would like her 3$ given to Seagirt, she does not want.
B&B: Elina: Hoping someone in the archery community someone would like to create an archery event. As the archery community is currently so large, it would be wonderful
to have a new event dedicated just to archery.
Event coming up next month, masked ball. If anyone has any award recommendations please send them in. The sooner the better, then it is easier for the scribe.

MOS: It has been two years, Seth would like to step down as MOS, Liam has expressed interest in taking the reins. Seth would like to retire as MOS effective next
council. As per Seagirt constitution Seth will put an email on the rocks, anyone who is interested may talk to Seth and CC Seneschal and B&B.

A&S: Still looking for halls to fit our needs, there are a few she would still like to check out. At this point she would like to request people with space volunteer
homes for A&S nights.

DANCE: Post council social costs us: $44.80 We collected $24.50. Dance costs us: $179.20. We collected $179.85.

Archery: Going great! Average 8 archers each practice. Royal round scores are being posted online! James is currently leading the pack in scores.
SST the range was open 9 hours, cool! All loaner gear was being used, lots of archers...fantastic.
Rashid is looking into creating an all archery all the time event for next summer, which he is willing to autocrat.
Next week spectators will likely be allowed on the range.
As we get more marshalls we will be looking to instruct new archers.
If anyone has any archery gear they do not need, please donate it to the Barony.
Finndabair is a new Junior Marshall, yay!
Ysane is now a senior TAM!
SST: Attendance: 112. Lots of kids this year, 17 under the age of 12. Profit: 68.19. A few gate glitches, Morgaine will be teaching how to run gate soon to help with
this issue. Combat winner: Tristan. Fencing: Wulfgar. Archery: Seth. Flavour contest: Magenta.
Sir Kerrigan sent an email to Seth about SST, he said he had an absolute blast and would love to bring more knights with him next year!
Unfortunately every second year this event conflicts with Sport of Kings.
Lots of navy kids at Barnard showed up while we were fighting, almost 30 kids that had not signed waivers and had no parents with them. It is a concern as it made it
very difficult to try to marshall with this sudden influx of unexpected numbers. This happens quite alot at Barnard, it is not a demo it is a private event and we seem
to be getting more and more mundanes at it.
James says as long as they are not participating it is not a waiver issue, as they have waivers that cover them from their own function for at barnard. This makes a lot of it
a privacy issue. Also, anyone who attends is supposed to make an attempt at medivial garb, obviously in this case this is not happening. This problem will not be solved for smaller events where we do not book the entire site. However we can start seriously considering renting the bottom field instead where it is much more
There was also a small issue with gate people coming into peoples encampments and asking groups at large if they had paid their site fee. Brigid has mentioned that she
would prefer to see this not happen in the future as it questions peoples honour. Instead as we have done before it is better to herald it in court so it is less
invasive to peoples personal space.
Masked Ball: It's on antir website, its in the crier. There will be food there, opening court is at 3pm. It is at Eastern Star Hall.
Any new event bids? Autocrat for Yule: Isabella has volunteered with Makayla to help her. Lots of ideas being thrown around, there will be a strong focus on
bardic. It is the bardic champion event. James and Jaques are putting on a puppet show! It is the reanactment of the Battle of Horns of Hattim! The hall is booked, it
now costs 340$, up from 310$. Event is Decemeber 11th.
Daffodil: Makayla has volunteered!
New Business:

Janet- There are two pavice that she cannot store at her house. Someone needs to take them. Seth will take one, because he is allowed to paint over it. Matteiu will
take the one with the baronial device on it.
Meg- Has the "seagirt box" which has all the master tapes and books that have the seagirt dance music. She has no room for this box. Anastasia has already put this stuff
on CD so she does not need it. Morgaine wants the box for the Seagirt scribe supplies.
Anna-Jane will take the cassetes.
Anastasia will take the books.
Lenora: This morning sent the savable EIF form. This means you can fill out an EIF, SAVE IT and EMAIL it. Yay!
Tir righ policies and procedures have been removed. They are now using Kingdom policies and procedures.
Tir righ has an issue with late EIF's and late Crier copies. This needs to stop. Make sure you have your EIF's and Crier stuff ON TIME. If you are late you will
be out of luck!
No Further Business, Meeting Adjourned.



Present: Ysane, Brigid, Tristan, Lenora, Janet, Morgaine, Anna-Jane, Finndabhair, Sarra, Matheiu, Elina, Vincent, Anastasia, Jaques, Isabella, Makayla, Allan, Inga, Seth, Emmaline, Amelia, Sir Liam

Seneschal: Customaries, James went online and looked at the customaries of other baronies and put one together for us.
B&B and Seneschal are going over it first. At that point it will be brought to council for their approval (or disaproval).
We were supposed to be updating this regularly but it seems to have not been updated since 2004.
Tarafina sent an email (from Blatha'nor) she has a youth largess project she has been leading. They want to use the symbol of the orca
for a project, it would be about the size of a dime. She wants to make sure that it will be okay with us/not a conflict.
Ysane wants to make sure that it will be okay, with heralds.
Anna-Jane says we do not have a copyright on it, it would depend on what they want to do with it. As long as they are only
using an Orca and not our full device it should be fine (IE as long as it isn't on an argent and azure field ect)
Insurance certificate is now ordered for Yule, Luxton had not been asking for it, but realizes now that they should have been, so they have now done so.
Alezzandra has reserved and registered for SYG and SST next year.
3rd quarter reports are due by Oct 31. Please have them done on time so that Principality has time to compile the reports.
Seth needs to report for this quarter. Should also CC it to the new MOS.

B&B: Thanks for the event on the weekend, it was a lot of fun! Janet is now our new A&S champion. We did not hand out many awards because people are not writing in
recommendations. Please do so! We love to be able to hand out awards.
Scribe: Kingdom has come up with a new scrible handbook. Morgaine would like to order, because it contains a lot of really cool stuff! Lots of colour pictures for
examples, ideas for teaching ect.
Council approves the cost.
Chatelaine: We had a demo, that was cancelled...but still kind of happened as the weather was better there than expected. They paid 100$ for us. We have up to four newcomers
from this demo which is great! The boys are keen to fight, we are unsure if we have enough iron key. If anyone has anything to loan that would be nice. Would also like
to think about buying some Iron Key for youths for Seagirt.
MOS: Tendered resignation last month, Tristan has now volunteered to take on the position. Council approves.
MOB: Mattheiu has created his own roster/waiver for the fencers, it came out of his budget for MOB he will bring receipt.
Dance: Pass the hat is 143.70$ Post council social pass the hat: 21.95$

Masked Ball of Champions: It was a ball (ha ha) 80 people in attendance. 74 adults, 6 children.
Profit on this event: 486.00$
There was some damage, one of our "non marking hooks" peeled off a half inch of paint from the wall. Hall person will not charge us for this, he will just
touch it up with some paint. Yay!
YULE: Everything good so far! First autocrat team meeting to be held soon.
SEALION: Morgaine says, Sealion has issues....arg. Someone booked our normal date before us. Camp Barnard is booked around when we need so we probably won't be using
that site. We will stick with the original date (the first weekend in June), we are going to try to find a new site. We will ask Mischa about using the site that
they used for Hartwood Birthday bash last year. This is a great site, it has lots of space and showers and is well priced.
James was looking into a Goldstream site, but it is too small for Sealion. Other events however it may be good for.
DAFFODIL: Makayla says Magenta will be the official Autocrat. Her and Magenta will get together and start planning earlier than later. It is at the Saanich
Fair Grounds, with the traditional date. She has some good ideas: IE scheduling things so that Archers could fight in the tourney as well. Sir Liam contacted House Sigis, they have offered to do the feast for Daffodil.
Archery: Had a great time, we rented the RCMP barn. Good turnout! Rashid has some great ideas on things to do with archery.

Jaques wants to run a day tourney for rapier. Feb 12 a valentines tournament. It would be at Vertigo in UVIC. Unfortunately since St. Giles is inactive it is not
free to rent. 400$ for a half day 500$ for the full day. This is very expensive for a rental fee. It is suggested to either get St. Giles active again or to
find another place to rent.
Rosamund wants to have a tavern/revel tentatively Nov 12. No official bid yet, so we will see.
Lenora: Wants to do a Coronet again! Tristan has offered to autocrat, Lenora will co-autocrat. We will bid for September of next year. Lenora has booked camp
Barnard for it. Seagirt approves putting in an official bid for this.
Lenora has camp Barnard Liason business from Alezzandra. There is an event booked for May 28th, this is the possible archery event. She wants to remind people that it
is important to book early as this site can now be booked by other parties it is getting booked faster.
Barnard also wants gate tallies within 3 or 4 days. They have been coming in 3 to 4 weeks instead. This is upseting Barnard, please make sure this is in on time, it
is very important.
Anna-Jane: Has good news about the HST. Tavern licenses start off with a fee of 25$ unless it is a public event, then its 100$. On top of that flat fee, we would
traditionally pay non-refundable PST on whatever alcohol we would sell. Since there is no longer PST and they are unable to split it out of the HST, we no longer
pay any PST. Yay!


Seagirt Council Meeting, November 2nd 2010

Present: Alezzandra, Matheiu, Heather-Anne, Anastasia, Vincent, Isabella, Elina, Lenora, Brigid, Seth, Lanya, Sarra, Reann, James ap Gruffyd, Janet, Tristan, Morgaine, Makayla, Ysane,
James, Anne, Allan, Rashid, Jaques, Glynis, Inga, Emmaline, Athalina (late), Finndabhair (late).

Seneschal: There seems to be confusion as to whether or not Magenta is going to Autocrat Daffodil as per the last minutes. Magenta has been told that she needs to bring a bid to council to do so.
She has not yet done so, if anyone else is to bring a bid, she understands that she would not autocrat as there has been no official bid from her. This is not because she has never autocratted before, simply that she has not brought in the required paperwork. New autocrats are welcome, though Daffodil is a tough first event to choose.
New Baronial customaries made! It is a draft copy. James did much research on what other Baronies have. We have incorporated a lot of stuff from those. As this copy as still a draft everyone needs to look these over. If there are any issues or concerns about these customaries people should bring them up so they can be addressed. This draft copy of the customaries will be posted on the Seagirt website for people to study.
Camp Barnard had a complaint about us drinking on site. All our bookings have been put on hold by them and they are now insisting on a resolution. As we cannot
guarantee that people will not drink on site there is no resolution besides to cancel our bookings. Time to look for new sites people! There are some ideas for new sites that people are looking into, we will find something. Inga has suggested looking into the Girl Guides camp up the Malahat, as well as Jubilee. There are also private sites we could check into, these may work better for us in the end as they will likely be more flexible with their rules/policies.
Yule insurance is paid.
Some reports for the minor offices have not been seen yet. If you are a minor officer and you have sent your report, please make sure to forwar/CC the B&B and the Seneschal.
There is some question about if it is a conflict of interest for the Exchequer to do gate. This is because it is a matter of checks and balances. If the gate does not balance it would go to the exchequer to check. Does this conflict of interest apply to the Seneschal? Verdict is no.
Exchequer: No one is cashing the little 3 and 6 dollar cheques, they will end up stale dating next month. At that point the money will just go back into Baronial
coffers. October interest has come in on our GIC's.
B&B: There is an event coming up in December and there are no award recommendations for anyone. Please recommend folks so that we can hand out awards at this event.
The Chronicler mentions that she still needs the description for the new award "The Torch and Key" so that people know what they are writing in for.
Chatelaine: Alezzandra, March 26, the Cadets are holding an open to the public medivial feast. They do not want us to cook this feast, but would like us to be the entertainment for it. There is also a parade on November 27th that they would like us to be in for this. They would feed us at the feast. This would also be a paid demo.
Rashid: Archery practice has been happening. It has been a struggle to find a place that will have us and that works for us. We have found a place though, the Commonwealth Pool! It is inside a gym, will only be able to do 20yds but it is indoors! The site will cost 32$ an hour and we get 2 hours. Rashid would like to hold practice twice a month, Saturday evenings. He would like to know if council is willing to write two months worth of cheques in advance to Commonwealth Pool, the archers would then pay their dues at each practice, 10$ each. These funds would pay back council. Any profits over the site rental cost would go towards an Archery coffer to cover costs for consumables. The method of tracking and caring for the excess funds will be discussed by Rashid and the exchequer. They will come up with a solution and present it to next council.
The two months of rental fee cheques for Commonwealth are approved.
Reann: Stores, some stuff is not coming back! Please make sure items come back or we will lose track of them. She is missing all but two Marshalling Staffs as well as
some Eric stands and Eric ropes. Allan has the Staffs, stands and ropes. Everything will be brought back to Reann by the end of November. Reann would like to buy
a new calculator, tealights and batteries. Stores has a 50$ budget so this is fine.
Yule: Need an update, want to see a few more meetings before this event. Please schedule them.
Liquor license, the site caretaker says we need need to have a "host liquor liability" on the insurance certificate. This is however included in the commercial liability certificate that we get. We need to assure the caretaker that they are indeed covered in this aspect, the problem lies with explaining this to the caretaker. James will send Isabella this info to pass on.
Tickets are available for sale now, please buy a ticket as they are only available for presale, not at the door.
We will have Royals at this event, the Prince and Princess will be there. It is also possible that the Tanist and Ban-Tanist will come. As this is another opportunity to have awards given, please write in at the Principality and Kingdom level as well.
Tristan asks if there will be fighting at Yule. There is an emphatic no. This event is to focus on Arts and Sciences.
We need to know what the contests are, people cannot prepare for them if they do not know what they are.
Daffodil: Event bid? Makayla has decided to officially put in a bid for Daffodil. She would like to state that Ysane is a bully. :)
People say they would like to have the archery barn longer as now there is the Marksmans Tourney. This should not be an issue, it will just cost us more as the rental is by the hour.
Sealion: Latest update is that people are going to look at the site in Hartwood this Friday for possible use. Lenora has noticed that we are not on the Kingdom calendar yet, though the EIF was in ages ago. Morgaine has emailed to ask why this is.
SST and SYG are still needing autocrats. Anne has said she would like to be a Deputy to learn how to autocrat. Morgaine has instantly snapped her up to help with Sealion. :)


Council Minutes, December 7, 2010

Attendance: Jacques, Sarra, Mathieu, Lenora, Morgaine, Ysane, Inga, Reanne, Vincent, Anastasia, Allan, Thorun, Isabel, Brendan, Rashid, Baron Ming, Baroness Elina, Anne, Hamish, Janet, Dmittri, Amelia, Emma, Tristan
Minutes of last months meeting and Exchquer's report are both accepted.

Baron & Baroness
Yule is coming up.
Only Her Highness will be coming to Yule and she will be bringing Sir Kheron.
Brought up issues of what should be done if Iron Key items go missing.
It was decided that a report be given next council on a solution.
General stores issues
Items are not being returned properly,
Reanne will come up with a set of guidelines for the loaning out and returning of stores for next council.
Exchequer needs requests from officers by Dec 20th for their budgets for the coming year.
Most tickets have sold.
Looking for help for food prep & set up & break down.
EIF was sent in on Nov 2nd and Daffodil is still not on Calender - Ysane is trying to find out why.
House Sigis will be doing the feast.
MIC & Gate are covered.
We have a site - same site as Hartwood uses for their Birthday Bash.
Flush toilets on site, but will need porta potties.
There is an overflow camping area and RV's and dogs are allowed.
Bid is in - just waiting to hear back.
Meeting adjourned
